Цензура на интернетот - SOPA/PIPA/ACTA/PCIP (Генерална дискусија)



Па муабетот со Србите ми беше дека сигурно не си баш до толку за да сфатиш дека некаде е објективно да се зборува за изолирани инциденти, а некаде не.
Ме интересира, дали ова што се случува со интернетот во последно време, еден куп предложени легислативи како СОПА, ПИПА, ПЦИП, АКТА, затворањето на шеринг вебсајтови... се изолирани случаи или колективен обид да се заузда интернетот и показател на што ќе стане секојдневие ако не се побуниме?


Does Your Mother Know?
Член од
14 август 2006
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Ме интересира, дали ова што се случува со интернетот во последно време, еден куп предложени легислативи како СОПА, ПИПА, ПЦИП, АКТА, затворањето на шеринг вебсајтови... се изолирани случаи или колективен обид да се заузда интернетот и показател на што ќе стане секојдневие ако не се побуниме?
Со текот на годините (последниве десет-дваесет) така оди работата. Контрола, рестрикција и уште повеќе контрола.
Да се буниш е ок, но сметам дека не е практично.
Јас решението го гледам во самоизолација во природа, на сопствен имот. Општеството кој го ебе.

Знам дека ви звучи смешно, али ја тоа ќе го направам.
Член од
24 април 2008
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На американските власти им се брза за 24/7 набљудување, односно шпионажа на граѓаните на САД.

Ако SOPA, PIPA, ACTA и TPP, па дури и од неодамна најавениот PCFIPA предлог закон против Интернет педофилијата се однесуваа во главно на цензурирање на Интернетот и шпионирање на Интернет корисниците, оваа недела американскиот Конгрес усвои закон со кој се зголемуваат надлежностите на Федералната Авијациска Администрација или ФАА, така што ФАА ќе може да ги шпионира граѓаните на САД на целата територија на САД со дронови.

Законот предвидува до 2015 да се почне со производство на цивилни дронови од страна на приватни компании, така што не само државата, туку и приватните компании ќе имаат право да ги шпионираат граѓаните на САД.

Со други зборови кажано, со ваквиот закон се губи и приватноста на јавно место, а кој знае, можеби тие дронови ќе имаат и инфрацрвени камери со кои ќе можат да шпионираат и низ ѕидови.

Полека но сигурно, американците во целост ја губат својата приватност, Интернетот барем можеш да престанеш да го користиш и да го баталиш, но не можеш цел живот да живееш затворен по дома за да избегнеш шпионажа.

И сеуште се прашувам дали е ова кошмар, филм или навистина е реалност, не ми се верува дека американците молчат пред ваквото укинување на нивната приватност.


Drones over U.S. get OK by Congress

By Shaun Waterman

The Washington Times

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Look! Up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It’s … a drone, and it’s watching you. That’s what privacy advocates fear from a bill Congress passed this week to make it easier for the government to fly unmanned spy planes in U.S. airspace.

The FAA Reauthorization Act, which President Obama is expected to sign, also orders the Federal Aviation Administration to develop regulations for the testing and licensing of commercial drones by 2015.

Privacy advocates say the measure will lead to widespread use of drones for electronic surveillance by police agencies across the country and eventually by private companies as well.

“There are serious policy questions on the horizon about privacy and surveillance, by both government agencies and commercial entities,” said Steven Aftergood, who heads the Project on Government Secrecy at the Federation of American Scientists.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation also is “concerned about the implications for surveillance by government agencies,” said attorney Jennifer Lynch.

The provision in the legislation is the fruit of “a huge push by lawmakers and the defense sector to expand the use of drones” in American airspace, she added.

According to some estimates, the commercial drone market in the United States could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars once the FAA clears their use.

The agency projects that 30,000 drones could be in the nation’s skies by 2020.

The highest-profile use of drones by the United States has been in the CIA’s armed Predator-drone program, which targets al Qaeda terrorist leaders. But the vast majority of U.S. drone missions, even in war zones, are flown for surveillance. Some drones are as small as model aircraft, while others have the wingspan of a full-size jet.

In Afghanistan, the U.S. use of drone surveillance has grown so rapidly that it has created a glut of video material to be analyzed.

The legislation would order the FAA, before the end of the year, to expedite the process through which it authorizes the use of drones by federal, state and local police and other agencies. The FAA currently issues certificates, which can cover multiple flights by more than one aircraft in a particular area, on a case-by-case basis.

The Department of Homeland Security is the only federal agency to discuss openly its use of drones in domestic airspace.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection, an agency within the department, operates nine drones, variants of the CIA’s feared Predator. The aircraft, which are flown remotely by a team of 80 fully qualified pilots, are used principally for border and counternarcotics surveillance under four long-term FAA certificates.

Officials say they can be used on a short-term basis for a variety of other public-safety and emergency-management missions if a separate certificate is issued for that mission.

“It’s not all about surveillance,” Mr. Aftergood said.

Homeland Security has deployed drones to support disaster relief operations. Unmanned aircraft also could be useful for fighting fires or finding missing climbers or hikers, he added.

The FAA has issued hundreds of certificates to police and other government agencies, and a handful to research institutions to allow them to fly drones of various kinds over the United States for particular missions.

The agency said it issued 313 certificates in 2011 and 295 of them were still active at the end of the year, but the FAA refuses to disclose which agencies have the certificates and what their purposes are.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is suing the FAA to obtain records of the certifications.

“We need a list so we can ask [each agency], ‘What are your policies on drone use? How do you protect privacy? How do you ensure compliance with the Fourth Amendment?’ ” Ms. Lynch said.

“Currently, the only barrier to the routine use of drones for persistent surveillance are the procedural requirements imposed by the FAA for the issuance of certificates,” said Amie Stepanovich, national security counsel for the Electronic Privacy Information Center, a research center in Washington.

The Department of Transportation, the parent agency of the FAA, has announced plans to streamline the certification process for government drone flights this year, she said.
“We are looking at our options” to oppose that, she added.

Section 332 of the new FAA legislation also orders the agency to develop a system for licensing commercial drone flights as part of the nation’s air traffic control system by 2015.

The agency must establish six flight ranges across the country where drones can be test-flown to determine whether they are safe for travel in congested skies.

Representatives of the fast-growing unmanned aircraft systems industry say they worked hard to get the provisions into law.

“It sets deadlines for the integration of [the drones] into the national airspace,” said Gretchen West, executive vice president of the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, an industry group.

She said drone technology is new to the FAA.

The legislation, which provides several deadlines for the FAA to report progress to Congress, “will move the [drones] issue up their list of priorities,” Ms. West said.
Член од
23 ноември 2011
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И после они ќе бомбардирале држави оти биле диктаторски, во каква автократија живеат американците ни самите не се сеуште свесни (барем не поголем дел од нив).


Fork & spoon operator
Член од
1 октомври 2007
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Еее BTJunkie... од никаде, неочекувано се појави и не толку неочекувано си замина. :unsure:
Сега им останува уште eztv.it да ја килнат и го мавам компјутерот од џам!

Туку ја сум да се формираат пиратски партии во што е можно повеќе држави и да се дејствува официјално. Ова анонимус бла бла ми е накако дечко. :icon_mrgr:
Член од
24 април 2008
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Тоа не е новост, од сите држави членки на ЕУ, само Германија, Холандија, Словачка, Естонија и Кипар не го имаат потпишано ACTA.

Европската Социјалистичка Партија, која е втора најголема партија по број на пратеници во Европскиот Парламент, отворено го изразува својот став против ACTA.


Socialists say 'Stop ACTA'

The leader of the Party of European Socialists, Sergei Stanishev, told EurActiv he was "proud" that his European political family was the first to come up with a clear position on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), which he says is against the interests of European citizens.

The Socialists yesterday (9 February) issued a strongly worded declaration, calling the ACTA agreement - recently signed by the Commission and 22 EU states (see background) - "wrong in both content and process".

Stanishev told journalists that the Party of European Socialists has found a new war horse to mark its identity before the European electorate.

The PES leader blasted the secrecy under which the anti-counterfeiting agreement was drafted, saying that gradually, even countries that signed ACTA will realise they should not ratify the agreement. The ratification process takes place both at the national level and in the European Parliament, where a vote is expected in June.

"Many of the governments were not aware of the dangers which are implicit in ACTA. I'm thinking of Poland, I'm thinking of the Czech Republic. There will be more to come," he said [more on the positions of individual countries].

"For me ACTA is dead the way it is. This process should start from the beginning and it should be a transparent process," Stanishev said, adding he fully supported the resignation of the European Parliament’s rapporteur for ACTA.

French MEP Kader Arif (Socialists & Democrats) resigned in protest after the 22 members signed ACTA on 26 January. Arif said he had "never before seen manoeuvres" by officials preparing the treaty.

'Taking it personal'

Asked by EurActiv if he took the battle to stop ACTA from being ratified as a matter of personal commitment, Stanishev said, "Yes, I am taking it personal".

He didn't deny that he was planning to campaign against ACTA with the purpose of making himself better known ahead of the PES congress in Bucharest on 28-29 September, when he will stand for the job of PES leader for a two-and-a-half year term.

Stanishev, 45, a former prime minister under whom Bulgaria became an EU member in 2007, was elected as PES interim leader last November, replacing Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, a former Danish prime minister who left due to illness.

Stanishev said he would do his utmost to communicate the clear PES position on ACTA to the European citizens.

'Pirates' as competitors?

Sources from the Socialist circles told EurActiv that the European centre-left had "learned lessons" from the past and didn't want to let an important political cause to be monopolised by another political force.

In the 1970s, the Green parties came up with ideas which the Socialists could have brought on board as their own.

A decade ago, Die Linke in Germany took over social justice ideas and took part of the Socialists' electorate. This time, PES was taking early steps not to let to the Pirate party grab the limelight in the fight for a free internet, a source said.

The Pirate party is a label adopted in several countries, inspired by the Swedish Piratparti, founded on 1 January 2006 under the leadership of Rickard Falkvinge. Just ahead of the last European elections, thePiratparti was considered the fourth political force in Sweden.

Asked to comment on the Pirate parties, Stanishev said that they had no other agenda except the freedom of internet, not alternatives on how to govern European societies.

"We are not a one-issue political party. We are more complex, because we have a policy of jobs, employment, on financial issues, on social rights, on everything," he said.

No anti-US feelings

Asked by EurActiv if the strong anti-ACTA position would not be perceived as anti-American, as Washington is the main promoter of the agreement, Stanishev said that he had nothing against the US, that opposition to ACTA was a matter of principle.

"When I was elected as PES president I said one of my major priorities will be to work for a democratic Europe. Because democracy is not granted once and forever. And human rights are not granted once and forever. There will always be attempts to limit them, often with the most noble intention, or wording," he said.

"Intellectual property rights should be defended. Creativity should be defended. The United States is a democratic country as well. They should also fight for democracy and civil rights. In every country there are attempts to limit the human rights. But we don't want to live in a society of Big Brothers, right? We don't want to live in 1984, as George Orwell depicted such a society in his powerful novel," he said.

Updated | If European Parliament votes against ACTA the act will be 'dead'

Anti-ACTA demonstrators will protest against the government's support of ACTA on Saturday.

Jurgen Balzan

At a debate organised by the University Student Council (KSU) this afternoon, IT Expert, Lawyer and Lecturer at the University of Malta, Antonio Ghio and Nationalist MEP Simon Busuttil aligned themselves with the pro-ACTA camp and Labour MEP Edward Scicluna took a more sceptic approach and declared he would be marching alongside the public protest organised by the Malta Anti-ACTA Group this Saturday in Valletta.

During the debate which was attended by around 100 students, Simon Busuttil rebutted claims by the anti-ACTA camp that the process which led to the drafting of the act was not transparent and democratic. Whilst admitting that the process could have been more open, Busuttil said "There is no secrecy at all and the text is available for all to read and discuss. Today's debate is a sign of transparency and I am ready to listen to civil society about this matter."

Busuttil added that if the anti-ACTA campaigners convince him that he should vote against the act he will have no qualms to do so. However he said that "I will vote for the protection of hundreds of jobs which are currently threatened by counterfeit products." Busuttil added that he "does not owe anything to big businesses but he will vote to ensure that jobs are protected". The MEP said that if the European Parliament will vote against ACTA, the act will be "dead".

On the other hand Labour MEP Edward Scicluna said agreements "should never be signed behind closed doors" and added that it is not yet clear what affect the act will have on the acquis communautaire. Scicluna said that people "should not accept agreements that are the result of underhand dealings of big corporations". He said citizens have ecery right to be suspicious and sceptical and that is why he will join the anti-ACTA protest on Saturday.

Scicluna said big businesses were right in affirming their rights and profits however this should not come "at the expense of interfering with civil liberties." He added that at present national law already covers illegal counterfeit products which infiltrate the market. Scicluna said that he will "never vote for something which intrudes on personal liberties".

Antonio Ghio, who came under fire from anti-ACTA students present at the debate, spent most of the debate defending the act and explaining that ACTA "does not change any existing national laws on piracy and counterfeit products". He argued that many people are confusing ACTA with another legislation, SOPA, which has now been put on the backburner by the US Congress after a huge public outcry against this legislation.

Ghio explained that with ACTA the citizens' online experience will not be altered in any way. "Whoever downloads a file is already infringing national law and ACTA will not change it. It will not turn infringers into criminals but it will strengthen legislation against commercial counterfeit products". Ghio said anti-ACTA campaigns on Facebook and other social networks are misinformed as they were "probably confusing ACTA with SOPA or referring to the original version of ACTA which has been softened and amended by the European Commission".

Other points of contention at the University debate were the language used in the act's text which anti-ACTA activists said was "vague" and the role of the ACTA committee which activists claim will have powers to amend the act, bypassing democratic processes. Busuttil and Ghio refuted these accusations and said that the ACTA committee, which will be comprise all signatory countries, will have no power at all to amend the act.

Io Sono Interista

The original, one and only IoSono.
Член од
21 декември 2007
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Новост е промената на ставот на Германија, затоа што важеа за поддржувачи на ACTA. Уште поважно е што се работи за „крупна риба“, едно е кога помали држави не потпишуваат а сосема друго е кога Германија ќе каже не, во смисла што тоа ќе охрабри многу други да размислат што прават.
Член од
24 април 2008
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Новост е промената на ставот на Германија, затоа што важеа за поддржувачи на ACTA. Уште поважно е што се работи за „крупна риба“, едно е кога помали држави не потпишуваат а сосема друго е кога Германија ќе каже не, во смисла што тоа ќе охрабри многу други да размислат што прават.
Општо познато беше уште на 27 јануари 2012 дека 22 држави членки на ЕУ го потпишаа ACTA, со исклучок на Германија, Холандија, Естонија, Словачка и Кипар.

Но читнав дека германците не се повлекле во целост, наводно сеуште биле на преговарачка маса, па можеби во иднина ќе го потпишат, не дај Боже тоа да се случи.



ACTA договорот потпишан од 22 ЕУ земји
27 јануари 2012

На вчерашната церемонија во Токио, 22 земји од Европската унија го потпишаа ACTA договорот кој е сличен на американските закони SOPA и PIPA со кои се ограничува интернетот, поради наводна регулација на авторските права.

Реакција во полскиот парламент против ACTA

Според објаснување на меѓународната непрофитна организација Electronic Frontier Foundation која ја застапува заштитата на корисничките дигитални права, ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) примарно ќе се бори против фалсификување на физичките добра, како лековите. Но, вистинската примена на овој закон ќе биде за надгледување на „дистрибуцијата на податоци на интернет како и информационите технологии“, пишува Washington Post.


Меѓу земјите кои одбија да го потпишат ACTA договорот се најдоа Германија, Кипар, Естонија, Словачка и Холандија.


Но, без разлика на потпишувањето на договорот, за истиот да стапи на сила, потребно е да биде ратификуван од Европскиот парламент, а тоа се очекува да се случи ова лето.

Од друга страна, американските еквиваленти на овој договор, SOPA и PIPA се одложени на неодредено време, поради протестите на големиот број интернет корисници и големите компании. Anonymous веќе се активираа на ова прашање, а нивното објаснување за договорот можете да го погледнете во видеото.


Рудници и

ООЗТ Рудници и железарница - Скопје
Член од
9 декември 2009
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BREAKING NEWS: Confirmed, Anonymous has taken down the CIA website

Anonymous has ended a rather busy week with a hack of the CIA website, which is currently offline.

"CIA TANGO DOWN: https://www.cia.gov/ #Anonymous," the @YourAnonNews feed tweeted around 3:30pm Eastern.

The CIA.gov website has been unresponsive for about an hour. Anonymous did not release details about the attack, but the group usually uses distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks to take down its targets.

Last month, in the wake of the Megaupload shutdown, Anonymous also took down the websites for the Department of Justice, the Copyright Office, and the FBI.

Anonymous Takes Down CIA Web Site
Anonymous has ended a rather busy week with a hack of the CIA website, which is currently offline.

Io Sono Interista

The original, one and only IoSono.
Член од
21 декември 2007
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BREAKING NEWS: Confirmed, Anonymous has taken down the CIA website

Anonymous has ended a rather busy week with a hack of the CIA website, which is currently offline.

"CIA TANGO DOWN: https://www.cia.gov/ #Anonymous," the @YourAnonNews feed tweeted around 3:30pm Eastern.

The CIA.gov website has been unresponsive for about an hour. Anonymous did not release details about the attack, but the group usually uses distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks to take down its targets.

Last month, in the wake of the Megaupload shutdown, Anonymous also took down the websites for the Department of Justice, the Copyright Office, and the FBI.

Anonymous has ended a rather busy week with a hack of the CIA website, which is currently offline.
Сакам да верувам во ова но искрено во моментов ми доаѓаат на ум неколку верзии за настанот...
Член од
24 април 2008
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25 октомври 2011
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Листи и мапи на организирани протести и местата во кои се планира да се одржат.


Немојте да се збуните, тој извесен Dexter кој ги одбележал локациите на протестите на Google Maps не сум јас.
Кај нас, Албанија, Црна Гора и Босна нема вакви протести.
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