Филмови, режисери, актери: Генерална дискусија

Член од
26 јануари 2009
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Дајте некој предлог филм со тензична атмосфера. :)
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2 септември 2010
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Дајте некој предлог филм со тензична атмосфера. :)
Има еден филм кој е постар, со Џони Деп и Кристофер Вокен, Nick of time се вика, тешко се наоѓа торент ама ако успееш да најдеш тогаш потроши саат и пол на него. Исто можеш да го погледнеш и Phone Booth со Колин Фарел, интересно филмче кое се случува на едно место само, нема шетање многу. Сепак најпрв Misery нека ти е, нема ништо потензично од лудата фаца на Кети Бејтс.
Член од
26 јануари 2009
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Ми се свиѓаат некои од коментарите ко сублимат и споредба на работата на двајцата режисери

I believe that Kubrick was always the master of making the subjective seem objective, whereas Tarkovsky was the master of making the objective seem subjective. I think this video captures those traits well.

Very different film worlds: Kubrik is much more masculine and it is more about desire. Tarkowski is softer and more poetic. I love and adore them both

Kubrick kept only significant things in the frame, Tarkovsky made everything in the frame significant.

Tarkovsky is, in a way, better than reality itself, he even idealize the reality in mysterious ways, you could not compare him with anybody else.

I think the biggest differences between the two filmmakers was that Kubricks shots were an emotionless and observational form, whereas Tarkovsky went with more involvement in the scene. Tarkovsky´s views were the most active and expressed a form of emotion, but the cold and cynical standpoint Kubrick used in his pictures expressed a darker form of filmmaking. I think this is why Kubrick gets the darker subjects in his movies so well, because he eradicates the feelings in his way of filming. Even though Kubrick is my favorite filmmaker, they both mastered their own themes in their films.

While Tarkovsky's efforts are decent, his shortcomings are enough to not even warrant a comparison with Kubrick. Tarkovsky's writing is poor, it is a fact that his fans/legion need to grow up and admit. His philosophies are pseudo-science at best. Stalker's core isn't much different from The Secret. It hurts, I know, but it's true. The fact that Kubrick works in Cinema as a medium should not let us be fooled into thinking that he is a filmmaker. Kubrick can only be compared to the likes of Da Vinci if we are to objectively evaluate his output. The stuff Kubrick pulls off and is able to portray in his films are just BEYOND composition, technique, etc... Kubrick manages to reach into the primordial experience of what it is to be a human being.

I watch Stanley Kubrick for his black humor and his perfection, also to get a more realistic depiction of basic human nature and not have to watch some needlessly emotional scene. I watch Tarkovsky to take in the beauty and atmosphere and to really ponder on them.

Kubrick's shots are highly mechanical which is why for a reason he is said to be a perfectionist. Tarkovsky's on the other hand is intuitive and deep therefore we as human beings could highly relate to a particular situation.

Hate to say this, but Tarkovsky is overrated. Watched Solaris the other day, the meaning of the film comes down to some pseudo religious pablum: shame will free man kind...really? Andre Rublev is an interesting meditation on creativity and art, but thats about it. The mirror is pretty to look at, which somewhat redeems it for being painfully self referential. Stalker bastardizes a classic novel, with more religious pablum. Nostalgia is overwhelmingly pretentious (as are all his films but this one really stands out). He's not a good story teller, which could be forgiven if his films had actual insight, but they don't. Not saying the dude is bad, he's got a style, but he's no where near Kubrick.

The main difference... I don't think Tarkovsky had a day of fun in his whole life.

In my opinion Tarkovsky's films lack the depth and charisma of Kubrick's films. Something a little too cold about them. Even a film like "Solaris" while 2001 is often accused of being cold and distant I still find 2001 feels more optimistic and exciting than Solaris. But no doubt both are remarkable visualists.

Kubrick focuses our attention into a certain lens, while Tarkovsky invites us to explore the frame and we often mirror it.

Tarkovsky's composition is ethereal, cant help but be drawn in


The Lobster, Dogtooth и The killing of a sacred deer имаат некаква мрдната жичка у нив, чудна некаква визија, несекојдневна, изопачена на моменти, али држи заинтересираност цело време. И другиве на Јоргос му се вакви? Плус ако имате предлог за слични.
Член од
17 октомври 2011
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Полека почнува сезоната на Оскарите. 25 држави до сега имаат предложено свои кандидати за Оскар за филм од неанглиско говорно подрачје. Нас за сега нѐ нема, зафатени сме со карање дали некој филм изругал некого IRL. Мислам дека годинава имаме 3 eligible филма, Исцелител (премиерата ја имаше по 01.10.2017, чинам), Година на мајмунот и тој нискобуџетниот, Копање. Сведок, на Митко Панов имаше само 1-2 затворени проекции, со што уште официјално немал домашна премиера, а истото е и со овој табу-филмот нов на Бојаџи. И мислам дека нема потреба што да размислуваат, нека му дадат на Исцелител да биде наш кандидат, и да не се праиме улави.

Другите 25, еве ги: https://letterboxd.com/zlatikevichius/list/submissions-to-the-91st-academy-awards-for/
Член од
29 јуни 2014
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која будала овој блек пантер:pos:

What we did was very difficult. We created a world, we created a culture ... we had to create a religion, a spirituality, a politics; we had to create an accent; we had to pull from different cultures to create clothing styles and hair styles. It's very much like a period piece. ... So, as far as that's concerned, I dare any movie to try to compare to the [level of] difficulty of this one. And the fact that so many people liked it — if you just say it's [merely] popular, that's elitist."
Член од
20 ноември 2009
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која будала овој блек пантер:pos:

What we did was very difficult. We created a world, we created a culture ... we had to create a religion, a spirituality, a politics; we had to create an accent; we had to pull from different cultures to create clothing styles and hair styles. It's very much like a period piece. ... So, as far as that's concerned, I dare any movie to try to compare to the [level of] difficulty of this one. And the fact that so many people liked it — if you just say it's [merely] popular, that's elitist."
Баш за тоа се воведи popular oscar тоа или како и да се вика срањето, да не плачат за филмовите како Black Panther, новиот Ocean's и слични такви.

Иначе Ocean's e резултат на ретардираните политики во холивуд во последно време, а филмот е ненормален просек и без Сандра Булок и Бланшет ќе го немаше ни тоа трошка ентертејнинг факторот во филмот.

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