денес започнуваат првите тренинзи, еве како засега се следи тоа
12.05 - After reaching all the sports center of Milanello, the rossoneri have started to support the first test in the physical structure of the sports center of Carnago.
At 12.30 in the program is the first lunch of the team of the new season.
11.08 - All the invited players have reached the sports center of Milanello. Smiling Filippo Inzaghi, right after crossing the gate on his car: big hugs between him and Daniele Bonera.. The same goes for Marco Storari, reduce the season on loan last year in Florence.
10:38 - Also Jankulovski Kalac and present. Sandro Nesta has already reached Milanello yesterday and has stayed in the Sports Center rossonero. I first supporters rossoneri Milanello reached since 8.30 am. When he arrived in Milanello, also applauded Ronaldinho. A Milanello is also our new coach, Leonardo.
10.27 - Some of our players have already reached Milanello. Among the first to gather Gattuso, Antonini, Oddo and Thiago Silva. Already present, for the Staff, including Mauro Tassotti and Valerio Fiori.