Фан Клуб: Милан

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Ursus domesticus
Член од
27 септември 2007
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Само едно нешто ме загрижува,а тоа е грубата игра врз Кака .Џабе се и црвените картони што ги добиваат противниците кога човекот може да го осакатат :nesum:
Донекаде и сам си е крив....им ги скрши кичмите мораа некако да се куртлат од кичмоболот:pos2:.


Tutta lα miα vitα...
Член од
6 август 2007
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Забележувате ? прв натпревар сезонава да не примиме гол :pos:

Ка-Па-Ро :)



rossonero per sempre
Член од
28 мај 2008
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Abbiati 6.5 - Did not have any real tough saves to make, apart from one from Stankovic, but his decision making was excellent all night, and he also did well on crosses.

Zambrotta 7 - Mancini made no impact whatsoever against the Italian full back, who impressed both as an attacking and defensive force.

Maldini 7.5 - At the age of 40, it is impossible to believe that Maldini can put in a performance like he did tonight. For those who think Milan are carrying Maldini, watch how he marked Ibrahimovic tonight.

Kaladze 7 - Has had a poor season so far, but today he did well. Was dominant in the air, and did well on the floor too.

Jankulovski 6.5 - Was oustanding against Lazio last week, and did not let the side down at all tonight. Quaresma barely had a kick all game, even if that was more down to the Inter man than Jankulovski.

Ambrosini 6.5 - Solid performance in the middle-of-the-park from Ambrosini, even if he gave the ball away a few times in the last 20 minutes as Inter came on strong.

Gattuso 7 - The old Gattuso was back tonight. So fired up that his eyeballs were popping out like a drug addict. His touchline row with Ancelotti proved how much he wanted to win this game.

Seedorf 7.5 - Excellent in midfield, and the dictator behind most of Milan's attacks. His passing tonight was superb, and he also surprisingly did some good defensive work.

Ronaldinho 8 - Not fully fit, but Ronaldinho is certainly on his way back after settling the derby with a perfect header into the top corner. Would have scored before were it not for Julio Cesar. His passing was good and he linked up impressively with Kaka.

Kaka 9 - The best player on the pitch. Went on a string of mesmerising runs, set-up Ronaldinho's winner as well as another chance for his compatriot. Electric all night, and he was also responsible for Burdisso's sending off following a late tackle on him.

Pato 6.5 - Still needs time to grow, but he linked up well with both Kaka and Ronaldinho to form the Ka-Pa-Ro. Decision-making is erratic at times, and this needs improving.


Flamini 6.5

Shevchenko 6.5

Bonera N/A


Julio Cesar 8 - Absolutely miraculous save to deny Ronaldinho on 23 minutes, but could do nothing on his compatriot's header soon after. Also made a fine stop from Shevhcenko late on.

Maicon 7.5 - Outstanding as an attacking force, particularly in the first half where his bombarding runs caused problems. Created Adriano's late chance with a splendid cross. Was skinned once by Kaka though for Ronaldinho's first chance.

Burdisso 5.5 - Surprisingly preferred to Cordoba, and this proved to backfire as the Argentine got himself sent off following a number of rash fouls.

Materazzi 6 - Was reasonably solid, although he was at fault for Ronaldinho's winner, as he carelessly played Kaka onside in the build-up. Got himself sent off on the bench after being substituted.

Chivu 6.5 - Very solid at left back defensively, but was not offered the license to go forward too much, which meant that Mancini was often not given much support.

Cambiasso 6.5 - Competent display from the Argentine, who made a number of interceptions and anchored the Inter midfield well. Could not get as close to Kaka as he would have liked to though, and out-jumped by Ronaldinho for goal.

Vieira 6.5 - Made a dominant start, and was arguably the best player on the pitch in the first 15 minutes, but could not keep this level up for the whole game as Milan's midfield took charge.

Zanetti 6.5 - Solid display from the Argentine legend, who made a number of trademark runs, and never stopped trying until the last second.

Mancini 5 - Very quiet was the Brazilian who got no joy out of Zambrotta . Had a headed chance on 51 minutes but could not make good contact.

Ibrahimovic 6 - Once again Ibrahimovic falls short in a big game. He was by no means poor tonight but he was clearly second best against Maldini. Missed a good chance on 70 minutes, and a heavy first touch also let him down in the first half.

Quaresma 4 - The biggest disappointment on the pitch. Lost the ball almost every time he touched, and it is strange how he managed to last the 90 minutes without being substituted. The question marks over his personality are now getting bigger.


Adriano 6.5 -

Cruz 6.5 -

Stankovic 6.5 -

Carlo Garganese

Според гоал.ком Амборсини 6.5 WTF


Член од
20 април 2008
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почна Кака да добива оценки 9 по рангирањава секој натпревар
се врати во старa форма :vozbud::vozbud:
Член од
30 јануари 2008
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хаха пазите го коментаров на goal.com, го остаел некој типац од шведска

this is the proof of what inter really are god at -losing big games-, you can have murinho, ibra, adriano and 1000 quaresmas you will not win big games, its not in your blood

шо е у праву чекот у праву е.

Само незнам кај е Ибракадабра да се јави на темава со неговата "сегашност"


млад, потентен
Член од
29 јануари 2007
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Што би рекол еден голем мислител од овој век
“Кој губи има право да го пуши’’

““офсај беше њањањања њиињиињ њуњуу’’ ко вагини некои,НЕКА ПАТАТ!!!
Член од
30 јануари 2008
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Што би рекол еден голем мислител од овој век
“Кој губи има право да го пуши’’

““офсај беше њањањања њиињиињ њуњуу’’ ко вагини некои,НЕКА ПАТАТ!!!

ми недостигаше ова НЕКА ПАТАТ :pos2:


Штета што ме банираа од темата МНОГУ ГИ НАПНАВ :pos2::helou:,али ај бар да не им ја гледам патетиката


Tutta lα miα vitα...
Член од
6 август 2007
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Дај најдите ја самбата на Роналдињо кога го даде голот :)
Член од
30 јули 2008
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Многу Убав Аватар имаш бре?? од кај си го купи??:baeh::baeh::baeh:
П.С: Сонот не беше целосно малер де ( јеес ми се исполни(на пола) соноооот)))
Зборот си е збор , ветено сторено.


Ursus domesticus
Член од
27 септември 2007
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Хехе Думан добро ти стои аватарчето....перфектно:wink:.
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