Поентата ни е дека е ретардирано да му се препишва 100% етничка припадност на средовековните феудални владетели бидеќти,она шо ние го подразбираме под термините македонец србин и бугарин,тие сигурно не го подразбирале.
Да имаш можност да прашаш некој владеел од то време „Шта си ти бре“ ?Ќе ти речи христијански цар,владетел на тие и тие земји.
Така да Србија нема апсолутно право 100% да го присвои Душан.
Тоа може важи за македонците бидејќи и ден денес не се на чисто со етничката припадност. Но затоа Србите името си го носат од Север и територијата која ја населуваат се вика Србија бидејќи е населена со Срби. Што се тиче Краља Душана:
Bio je sin kralja
Stefana Dečanskog i otac cara
Uroša Nejakog, poslednjeg vladara iz
dinastije Nemanjića.
Дали можеби и Немањичи се македонци ?
STEFAN NEMANJA (1170-1196)
STEFAN UROS I (1243-1276)
DRAGUTIN (1276-1282)
MILUTIN (1282-1321)
STEFAN DUSAN (1331-1345; 1346-1355)
UROS I NEJAKI (1355-1371)
Стефан Душан
Ова од Британика, да не речете нешто.
Stefan Dušan was the son of Stefan Uroš III, who was the eldest son of the reigning king, Stefan Uroš II
Milutin. While Dušan was still a boy, his father, who governed the
maritime provinces of the Serbian state, rebelled against his own father. Milutin took him prisoner, blinded him in order to make him unfit to claim the throne, and about 1314 exiled him to Constantinople. With his father and mother,
Stefan Dušan therefore spent several years in the
Byzantine capital. Life in Constantinople as an exile, without any prospect of occupying the throne, had a lasting influence on the formation of his character. In addition to a basic education, he acquired a familiarity with the ways of government of the Byzantine world by which he was later to be guided.
The exile in Constantinople ended with the reconciliation of Dušan’s father and grandfather and the family’s return to Serbia about 1320. After Milutin’s death in 1321, Dušan’s father greatly increased his chances in the contention for the crown by demonstrating that he was not blind, claiming a miraculous cure. With the support of a great majority of the nobility, he succeeded in defeating his enemies and was crowned king early in 1322. Dušan, still a youth, was crowned “young king,” or
heir apparent.
Too young to be able to pursue more active policies, Dušan as “young king” governed the maritime provinces of the state. He had to reconcile himself to the loss of Hum (Herzegovina), the most westerly region of Serbia, which the ruler of neighbouring Bosnia conquered in 1326. He gained valuable military experience, however, and the reputation of an able commander in the campaigns against the Bosnians; he particularly distinguished himself in the great battle against the Bulgarians of Velbužd in 1330. Although this victory freed Serbia of the great danger of an allied attack by both the Bulgarian and the Byzantine emperors, dissension soon arose between Dušan and his father. War broke out between them in the fall of 1330. Peace was concluded in the spring of 1331, but soon afterward Dušan rose again against his father and deposed him.
Dušan’s reign began peacefully in September 1331. He subdued the sporadic revolts of the nobility, who had become more powerful during the period of civil wars, and strengthened his alliance with the new Bulgarian emperor,
John Alexander, by marrying his sister Helen in 1332. Relations with Bulgaria remained untroubled to the end of Dušan’s reign.
In 1334, however, he began his war of conquest against Byzantium. After taking the border fortresses, Dušan penetrated deep into Byzantine territory to the gates of Salonica, although he did not achieve lasting success in subduing the cities. He made peace with Emperor
Andronicus III Palaeologus in August 1334, having extended the territories of his state close to what is today the northern border of Greece. The next year he secured his northern borders against the Hungarians. During the course of his entire reign, Dušan remained on the defensive in the north, although he succeeded in preventing Hungary from extending its boundaries south of the fortresses on the Save and Danube rivers.
Во средина и горе го гледате двоглавиот белоглав орел плус круна, ви текиња чив е .
Уште во тоа време Српската мисла била стварање на силна Балканска држава во која би била цела територија на Бивша Југославија, Бугарија и Грција. Не за џабе се мешаните бракови со кралските фамилии во Бугарија и Грција. Тоа би била респектабилна сила, Турска тогаш можела само да го попуши. Но за жал не успеало и никогаш нема да успеа и покрај тоа што се обидовме во неколку наврати. Јас, Србин, по дефаулт сум униониста, и покрај омразата која сум ја имал према бугарите чувстувам промена, ако ништо друго барем имале муда да излезат на бој со нас, а многумина ги немале.