Најважното е тоа дека покажавме дека имаме квалитет и талент да се носиме со сите светски репрезентации. Мислам дека имаше 3 причини поради кои не успеавме да направиме нешто повеќе.
1. Кондиционо мислам дека не сме на нивото на Германија, Данска и останатите велесили. Нашата лига е многу слаба, и играчите не се навикнати на вакви напорни средби. Тоа се гледа според играта. До 40та минута игравме рамноправно со Данска и Германија а после тоа паднавме.
2. Психички не сме на ниво да можеме да се соземеме кога не оди нај нај. Ова се работи кои се учат со искуство. Кога треба да се биде смирен и со ладна глава да се влегува во дуели. Тоа се моменти кога не ни оди, да се соземе и да продолжиме со исто темпо. А нас ако не ни оди и почнеме да губиме со 4-5 гола можеме многу лесно да се распаднеме. Оваа карактеристика се учи само со искуство.
3. Не сакам многу да критикувам но мислам дека тренерот не беше најдобар. Требаше да проба да ротира голмани кога гледа дека не оди, да промени малце тактика во одбрана, итн. Ние едноставно имаме една игра, со Кире во главна улога и немаме разновидност ако тоа не ни оди. Напротив нашата игра треба да се прилагоди спрема противникот.
Се надевам дека ќе имаат можност да одат на следното европско и светско првенство со што ќе можат да ни приредат уште убави моменти како овие.
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Norway beat Macedonia in a thrilling match, which was decided on by those who should be righteous – the referees. The International Handball Federation (IHF) changed the referees just before the start of the match, which is not allowed, thus, questioning the regularity of the match and the entire championship.
Macedonian reporters severely reacted to this fact and came down on the IHF, especially its
president Hassan Moustafa, who has changed 60 percent of the referees at the Olympic Games, just before the start of certain matches. Furthermore, they stated that the same referees from Portugal headed their match against Poland, but they did not succeed in crushing them that time, while they did against Norway.
- When Norway was in the attack, they were given the freedom to commit offensive and defensive fouls and were never called on it. Macedonia, of course, the opposite. Mirkulovski was twice in a row in a counter attack, both times obviously fouled, both times not given a foul. This was in a situation when the scoreboard showed 20-21, giving a foul (pk), meant Macedonia would have tied the score, a big No-No for the IHF –
Macedoniaonline writes, adding the referees did a good job, because Macedonia has now lost its chances of passing through to the next round.
German sponsors bought the inclination of the IHF
They fully came down on the IHF, accusing them of two governors – Hassan Moustafa and secretary Miguel Roca Mas. They were both accused of running the IHF as if it was their private organisation.
Macedoniaonline replied to the question as to why the Germans were so privileged at the champions in the past three years. In 2007, the IHF did not succeed in attaining 500,000 euros necessary for matches in Asia, which was a clear sign of poverty in the organisation. Two German companies offered to become sponsors and the rest is history. Who does not understand should watch the footage of the matches between Germany and Russia, Tunisia and Macedonia.
Hassan Moustafa is taken aback with the support of Croats because of his presence. He is not applauded anywhere else, but Croats don`t understand handball and he seemed like a nice little man to them. The truth is, unfortunately, a completely different matter.