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Без намера да навредам некого (муслиманите) ви го пренесувам Божјиот Збор (даден преку Рејмонд Агилера) во врска со исламот- на англиски:
287. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 February 1993 at 846 PM. in English and Non-understandable tongues.
Islam, Islam will be the way of the future. The antichrist, the false prophet will eat Islam, will digest it, adore it, will live it. Remember My Words. Islam will be the way of the devil, will be the way of the antichrist. Islam. Remember the Words. So saith Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, the way, the manner of the future, of the devil. Islam, and the star capital of the devil. Islam. So saith Jehovah, so saith Jesus Christ, so saith the Holy Spirit.
My Children, My Saints, My Sheep, My Lambs, be careful. Be wise. Be strong. For Islam is there. For Islam will try to destroy My Sheep, My Lambs. Do not worry. Do not fear. For the Power and Glory of Jehovah is there, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Like a thief in the night. Beware of Islam. (Non-understandable tongues?)
Remember the Star of David. The Star of David will appear, when the false prophet becomes the head of the church of Islam. The Flames from the sky, the Star will appear, with the Power of Jehovah, with the Power of the Holy Spirit, with the Power of Heaven, the Star of David. For it started in Bethlehem, for it will begin in Bethlehem, the Star of David. The Star of Everlasting Peace, Peace and Tranquility in My Sheep.
This is your Father Jehovah with the Power, and the Glory for everything that is righteous, everything that is clean, with the Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit. Remember the Star of David. Remember the symbol for Egypt. Remember the false prophet. Islam will be the way of the future. For the false prophet, the antichrist, the devil, and everything that is evil. So saith Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
Peace, Honor, and Glory go to the Father. Peace, Honor, and Glory go the Father. Thank you Father. Glory to you Father. All Praise, and Glory go to the Father. For the Father is the Maker, the Breaker of the Universe. I Worship you Father. I give you Glory. I give you everything, My Heavenly Father. This is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, All Peace, Honor, and Glory go to the Father. Thank you Father, My Heavenly Father. Thank you.
For the stage has been set, the players have their roles. My Heavenly Angels are ready. For the last big War, will be the end of everything that is evil, once and for all. Thank you My Heavenly Father. Thank you. Protect My Sheep. Protect My Lambs. Protect all that is mine. I will not lose ONE.
For all the Power, and the Glory go to Jehovah. For all the Power, and the Glory go to Jehovah. For all the Power, and the Glory go to Jehovah. Thank you Father. Glory and Honor be to the Father. Glory and Honor be to the Father. I Worship you Father. I Obey you Father. Your Heavenly Son will do whatever you ask in Loving Obedience, for you are My Father, and you deserve all the Power, Glory, and Authority. Thank you Father. Thank you Father.
--- надополнето: Sep 15, 2011 1:23 PM ---
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1625. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 14 May 2001 at 9:10 AM.
The meaning of Love is the deep inter peace within yourself.
The meaning of Love is Loving your God with all of your heart, mind and soul.
The meaning of Love is being at peace with your neighbor.
The meaning of Love is Loving your wife.
The meaning of Love is Loving your mother and father.
The meaning of Love is the Love of the neighbor's friends' friends, friend with the Love of Jesus in your heart.
Open all that is good within your spirit.
Seek the Kingdom of God as a little child.
Harm no one - Love everyone.
Remember the Holy Spirit within you is the giver of Love, with the Father Jehovah, with Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
All that is good comes from the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
All Truth, all wisdom, all righteousness, all that is of the faith, of the Spirit, of the Father, of the Holy Spirit, of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Starts with that Word, "Love", and ends with that Word, "Love".
Remember the Words of Jehovah within your heart.
Remember the Words of Jesus Christ within your heart.
Remember the Love of the Holy Spirit within your heart.
It is not hard to understand.
It is not hard to apply.
You just have to give yourself completely to God, the giver of Life, the Creator of the Universe, the Implementor of the Law.
When your knee comes down and touches the floor, and the Lord looks into your heart, He will see, He will know. How you applied that meaning of that Word, "Love".
Be at peace with each other.
Take care of each other.
Nurture each other.
For the Love of God is for all time.
For all the days that there are days.
For all there is out there, the Hands of God are there - HOLDING the universe, your heart, your mind, your spirit. Everything is in His Hands.
Remember everything will come to an end, with the Power of the Word of Jesus, with the Power of the Word of Jehovah, with the Power of the Word of the Holy Spirit.
Be wise! Be smart!
Love thy neighbor.
Love thy fellow man with the Heart of Jesus, with the Heart of the Father, with the Heart of the Holy Spirit.
All that is Good, all that is Righteous comes from the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Walk away from evil.
Stay away from evil people.
Think good things.
Think - things of Christ.
Think - things of the Father.
Think - things of the Holy Spirit.
Keep these (things) in your inner spirit, in your heart, in your mind.
For what value is evil to a righteous person?
Things of sin will be eliminated.
Remember that!
The Lambs of the field know the Voice of Jesus.
They follow Jesus.
They obey Jesus.
They worship Jesus.
The Flock will be gathered.
The Flock will be saved!
Remember My Words, this is your Father Jehovah with the Love of the World, with the Love of the Universe, everything is in His Hands. Peace and Farewell - A Loving message from Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. (over)