Патолошката потреба на нетуркиските источнобалкански народи по секоја цена да се идентификувaат како огурски (туркиски) Бугари

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3 септември 2010
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Y-DNA и mtDNA на таканаречените Бугари од денешна Република Бугарија:








Rockscourge Stevahn
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19 декември 2019
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За грциве не сум во опште изненаден.
За швеѓаниве и .....нормално.....љузми....
Изгледа скедер бег сварно бил ьљ 'гари
И потекнуваат од рамзес 3ти...
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3 септември 2010
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Карактеристичен татарски празник е и Јомирка Бајрам.



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3 септември 2010
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Да видиме и кои се Кримските Татари.


Crimean Tatars are indigenous inhabitants of Crimea, the Eastern European Turkic people historically formed in the Crimean Peninsula.


The ethnic history of the Crimean Tatar people over the millennia was formed in Crimea. Under the influence of many factors, specific features of the anthropological type, race, language, character, traditions, religion and everyday life of the indigenous people have appeared. It was a difficult process. It was influenced by many peoples and tribal unions, at different times inhabiting the Northern Black Sea region and the Crimean peninsula. Taurians, Cimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans, Hellenes, Goths, Huns, Khazars, Pechenegs, Kypchaks, Italians, Mongolic and Turkic tribes and many others were direct ancestors of modern Crimean Tatars.

Despite the monolithic nature of the Crimean Tatar nation, today it is divided into three main sub-ethnic groups: mountain and foothill – Tatlar, steppe – Noğaylar and south-coastal – Yalıboylular. Among themselves, representatives of these three groups are distinguished by types, features of the dialect, and some features in customs. An important factor was the habitat of each of the three sub-ethnic groups.

Highlanders – Tatlar

Mountain and foothill Crimean Tatars call themselves Orta Yolak, which literally means the “middle lane” of the Crimean Peninsula. And these are the territories of the Main and Inner Ridges of the Crimean Mountains and the adjacent foothill areas, that is, the transition zone from Steppe to Mountain Crimea. Traditionally, they were settled in the area of Sevastopol, Bakhchisaray, Simferopol, Karasubazar, Old Crimea, Feodosia. Despite the complex ethnogenetic process of this region, we can say for sure: it was attended by Taurians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans, Goths, Hellenes, Bulgars, Khazars, Pechenegs, Kypchaks and locally Circassians. However, the data presented are, to some extent, a generalization, since the population of almost every village in mountain and foothill Crimea had their own characteristics before deportation, in which the influence of one or another people was found. It is believed that the Goths, Hellenes and Kipchaks played an important role in the formation of the subethnos of the inhabitants of the Orta Yolak. Language was inherited from the Kipchaks, material culture and anthropological Caucasoid traits were inherited from the Hellenes and Goths. Gothic influence was mainly manifested among the population of the western part of the Crimean Mountains – this is the Bakhchisaray district.

Steppe inhabitants – Noğaylar

Steppe Crimean Tatars belong to the subethnic group of Noğaylar. Their habitat is Chol Taraf (literally “steppe side”). It includes the steppe, flat part of Crimea and the Kerch Peninsula. It is believed that the main role in the ethnogenesis of the inhabitants of Chol Taraf was played by the Kypchaks and the Horde. This was reflected in the dialect of the region, on the material culture and on the genotype of the Noğaylar, who have Caucasoid features with elements (up to 10%) of Mongoloidity. The Noğaylar dialect belongs to the Kypchak group of Turkic languages and is divided into three main dialects: Tarkhankut-Kezlev (western), Perekop-Dzhankoy (northern) and Kerch (eastern).

South coast inhabitants – Yalıboylular

South-coastal Crimean Tatars belong to a conditional sub-ethnic group known as Yalıboylular – literally “south-coastal” or “coastal”. Accordingly, representatives of Yalıboylular live along the Crimean coast – from Faros in the west to Feodosia in the east. According to the statements of ethnographers, this subethnos formed a little later than the Tatlar and Noğaylar and is considered the youngest. Representatives of the subethnos of Yalıboylular occupy the southern slopes and upland plateau of the Main Ridge of the Crimean Mountains. In different eras, the southern coast was inhabited by Taurians, Scythians, Alans, Goths, Hellenes, Pechenegs, Kypchaks, Italians. The Seljuks partially left their mark here. All of them took part in the formation of the ethnogenesis of the southern coastal Crimeans. The Yalıboylular dialect belongs to the Kypchak group of Turkic languages, however, the Oguz-Seljuk subgroup prevails here, which in turn is divided into three main dialects – Balaklava, Yalta and Sudak. As for the latter, a number of researchers believe that the Sudak dialect formally refers to the southern coastal dialect and differs from it not only phonetically, but also lexically. In racial terms, the anthropological type of Crimeans of the South Coast is Caucasian, there are no signs of Mongoloidity.

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3 септември 2010
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