Најдобар производител на матични плочи?

Најдобар производител на матични плочи?

  • ASUS

    Гласови: 109 36,5%
  • ABIT

    Гласови: 21 7,0%
  • MSI

    Гласови: 48 16,1%

    Гласови: 7 2,3%

    Гласови: 50 16,7%

    Гласови: 64 21,4%

  • Вкупно гласачи


of Northern Mirkwood
Член од
31 јануари 2008
Поени од реакции
Abit умре......дефинитивно.....

и доста со муабети ова она....:baeh:

Abit to Close Its Doors Forever on the Last Day of the Year
[12/17/2008 05:16 AM]

Abit, once leading-edge maker of computer mainboards and other components, will cease to exist starting the first of January, 2009, as the owner of the legendary brand – Universal Scientific Industrial – is in the process of restructuring and cutting down the costs.
Abit was once known as a supplier of the world’s best motherboards. The company’s products were praised by enthusiasts and overclockers due to their excellent quality as well as precise tweaking capabilities. Due to the dramatic popularity rise of high-end hardware early this decade, Abit became a very serious player on the motherboard market; however, questionable management practices have caused the company to leave graphics cards business first and then to sell the vast majority of assets as well as Abit brand name to Universal Scientific Industrial in 2006.
USI, which originally specialized on mainboard manufacturing for branded PC makers, could not eventually resurrect Abit brand that began to lose popularity back in 2004 – 2005 and this year Universal Scientific decided to shut down the legendary Abit motherboard business.
Earlier this year a web-site reported that expectations of Universal Scientific Industrial (USI) for Abit’s business had not been met and the holding was mulling to pull out Abit brand from the motherboard business and refocus the company on other devices. It was claimed that Abit sold from two to three million mainboards last year and this year the company’s sales dropped even further. The company denied the information back then.
At Computex Taipei 2008 trade show Abit demonstrated FunFab digital photo frame with integrated printer as well as a mobile Internet device (MID). In addition, the company also demonstrated a series of new mainboards and put a lot of hopes on platforms based on Intel P45 core-logic.
.......web-site, USI decided to close down Abit on the 31st of December, 2008.
Член од
4 јули 2008
Поени од реакции
Имам солетк колку пати е оверклокирана по 12 саати кога венев и по 1 ден даунлоуд не попуштила.И графичка нвидиа од лоша серија некоа грешка имале тогаш издржа 3 години и тоа 1/500 од времето користенио беше оверклокирана.
Член од
27 октомври 2008
Поени од реакции
Abit постои до 01.01.2009g :baeh:
- Ама јас сум за MSI :baeh:


\m/ Master of Puppets \m/
Член од
21 јуни 2008
Поени од реакции
jas glasam za asus inace i msi se dobri
Член од
18 ноември 2008
Поени од реакции
Spored mene najdobri i naj izdrzlivi se MSI i Gygabite, MSI imam ploca stara okolu 6 godini kupena od Riversoft raboti 20h na den so overclock i nema otkazano do sega osven coolerot sto e na chipsetot mu izgorea diodiote (orginalniot cooler), za razlika od mn. drugari koj zemaa pc pred 6 god. od drugi firmi, pogolemiot del skoro site smenija ploci. MSI plocite imaat i overclock-abilen BIOS. Istotaka sum gledal benchmark testovi na ploci i MSI vo sporedba so drugi ploci vadat za max: 15% podobri performansi. Za ASUS spored mene ne se loshi no znaat da bidat i problematicni znaat da otkazat od nisto, isto taka kako sto imam citano i mi imaat kazuvano serviseri vo firmi i lugje sto probale, asus plocite podobro rabotat so ati graficki.
Gygabite spored mene isto taka se kvaltetni ploci i predvideni za overclock kako sto se sekavam moze i denes, na gygabite plocite pisuvashe "From overclockers to overclockers"
Soltek plocite vo Skopje gi ima od damna, no pred 3-4 god. gi prekinaa so uvoz sega neznam dali uste gi ima, gi prekinaa poradi toa sto se slucuvashe 2 isti ploci so ist cipset i model na ploca da ne rabotat isto, t.e. sekoja serija im beshe razlicna vo performansi, a isti modeli bea, a dodeka poskapite Soltek ploci razocaraa mn. korisnici koj sto se razbiraa vo PC. Dali kaj nas pristignuvaa ploci od 2 raka (kopija na Soltek-ot) ili kojznae sto beshe problemot. Ima i drugi ploci koj isto taka ne se loshi vo svojot kvalitet/performansi (sry za latinicata):wink:

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