1. Можеш ли да ни кажеш нешто повеќе за себе?
Well I am currently a student at Loyola University Chicago, and I study biology hoping to get into medical school here any maybe practice in Europe. However my true passions are literature, history, and philosophy. Also for the record I am half Greek and half Polish/French.
2. Си ја посетил ли Република Македонија? Имаш ли можеби пријатели Македонци?
Oh yes, I have been to Macedonia twice. I met many people there, and the Greco-EU stereotypes really aren’t true, I told many on my stance and Greek ethnicity and they were very nice to it, I have been to wonderful places like Lake Ohrid and many other small villages which hold preserved history. Also, yes I do have Macedonia friends.
3. Каков е твојот став во врска со спорот за името?
Macedonia is Macedonia. Calling Macedonia the Former Yugo Republic, is like calling Greece the Former Ottoman Republic, or Poland the former Soviet Republic, or Northern Italy the former French republic and vice versa. It is simply not logical as to why you would want to add that to a name. As for the history of it, it is quite clear that Greeks and Macedonians were distinct groups. Now before someone harrows me with a biased history lesson from “Macedonian propaganda” I assure you that as a history major I only study the finest history from Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard, and other publications and they all treat Macedonians distinct from Greeks. I believe this confusion rose with the ancient Macedonians (whom were allied with Greeks under Alexander’s reign) having so much being shared. The devotion of Aristotle to Alexander, Alexander reading Greek literature by Homer and speaking it as a secondary language, and Hellenism being a culture in Alexander’s empire. However, did the Romans not do this? Also the Egyptians to a certain point? In fact the Romans could have well done it much more than the Macedonians did, but why isn’t the Roman Empire and modern Italy called Greek? The language was simply an intellectual barrier of the time. Just like we are speaking English now, does not mean we are British.
4. Повеќето Македонци немаат ништо против името на грчкиот регион Македонија. Зошто грчката влада е против името на Република Македонија
I think Northern Greece is northern Greece, and that’s what most people in Greece call it. I never hear them saying Sparta, or Thrace, or Cretans, simply the geopolitical areas and directions in Greece. The whole “glamour” of the Greek north being called Macedonia was emphasized when this issue arose quite honestly. But for me a name is a name, even though I personally believe Macedonia deserves the name. But this naming controversy has happened in many places: Belgium, France, Ireland, Poland, Ukraine, etc. It is nothing new.
5. Некои грчки владини претставници имаат изјавено дека Република Македонија треба да си го промени името за да нема забуна со грчкиот регион Македонија. Дали “Република” пред Македонија не е доволно за да се направи разлика?
I’m trying to brush up on my history, would Republic of Macedonia and Macedonia not be the same thing? Adding Republic is simply the technicality after the government is formed just like there was a Republic of Greece after the Ottoman rule. For me Macedonia is Macedonia, and adding Republic would just be the same thing I guess. As for confusion, I think that’s a silly reason provided by the Greek government, there would be no confusion unless someone has no knowledge of common geography whatsoever.
6. Според тебе какво е генералното мислење во Грција за Македонија и спорот за името?
In Greece, there were the nationalists and the commoners. The nationalists thought that Macedonians stole their history. The commoners didn’t really care, they cared more about the economic crisis. The modern Greece reminds me too much of France, the people are picky of their rights, income, benefits, labour opportunities, they could care less about defending a name, if they did then there wouldn’t be mass protests where Greeks themselves burn the flag of Greece. I have seen many Macedonian tourists in Greece and they just went about with the rest of the tourists there, not too many people cared unless you ran into some nationalists. It’s sort of like being German or Russian and visiting Poland, some will care, others won’t.
7. Каде ти го гледаш решението за спород за името?
I think eventually Macedonia will gain its name, Greece has made the issue over-rated, I don’t think that a few Greek politicians are going to win over, especially when they’re losing overall support from the public every day.
8. Како Грците и Македонците од непријатели да станат пријатели?
Well what every country does, globalize I suppose. Greece and Macedonia share many cultures and struggles being in the area that they are, from ancient times to modern. Religion has also been a strong factor in the issue which has seemed to ease matters. I personally don’t see Macedonians and Greeks as enemies though, in this world nationalism has caused many more severe violence and even in Europe where many people are dying, I would consider those people true enemies. I think Greece and Macedonia just have some hassles to sort out. Basically, Greeks should stop being so nationalistic and Macedonians should seek beyond the words of the Greek government which cannot always be trusted.
9. Наместо да биде причина за расправа и ѕид кој ќе не дели, може ли античката историја да биде мост кој ќе ги спојува и двете земји, и Грција и Македонија?
Oh yes, ancient Macedonia is a true reason why Ancient Greek culture survives. Alexander did a swell job in spreading Hellenism and influencing Greco-Macedonia thought throughout the Arab world and even to the point of the Roman Empire. It was ancient Macedonia that has so much esteem to ancient Greece and there are many ancient writings that show this. The ancient history has many ties, I always imagined what people like Plato or Alexander would say if they were alive today, they would probably be surprised at the modern states.
10. Имаш ли некаква порака до Македонците?
Hm, not really. I guess it’s not to get angry over what few idiots might say on a forum or YouTube video. Life is short and you should enjoy it, there will always be ignorant people to get in your way of it, even your culture. Truth is no one can erase your identity if you truly want it, and this is especially true for Macedonia after having been through so much in history.