Македонци во грчки документи, енциклопедии, атласи и сл. литература


Член од
18 мај 2005
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А бе дечки оти ова не се користи од нашата дипломатија како оружје во борбава за докажување на идентитетов наш МАКЕДОНСКИ????
Нема што да докажуваме, ние имаме идентитет многу пред сите останати да си го изградат(крадејќи од нашиот).

Таквата ниска работа им ја оставаме на другите....кои очајно пробуваат да докажат дека не украле од нас.

Ама прљава рака...си е прљава рака...лоповска.


Член од
7 декември 2007
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Во право си брату ама работава дојде таткото да докажува потекло пред синот.

Пример е МПЦ. Треба да бараме афтокефалност а МАКЕДОНСКАТА ЦРКВА (Охридската Архиепископија) е мајка на српската и бугарската.
Член од
26 јануари 2007
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Еве што изјавува Комунистичката Партија на Грција во 1932 г.:

"...Овде работата е јасна. Грчката,бугарската и србската буржоазија секоја посебно настојувале да ја придобијат и да ја угнетуваат и ограбуваат македонската нација. Во Македонија под бугарска, српска или грчка власт не постојат ниту Бугари, ниту Срби, ниту Грци. Постојат (се разбира дека не зборуваме за оние што се населија во последно време во Македонија) само Македонци. Доволна е денес само една прошетка по полињата и планините (на Костур и Лерин) и да се види тоа. Одговорот се добива од наравите и обичаите кои никако не се грчки, ниту бугарски, ниту српски...Македонците имаат нешто посебно, што е исто и кај нивниот јазик. Нивниот словенски јазик е сличен со бугарскиот но не е ист. Човек ако го знае македонскиот јазик може да се разбере и со Србите и со Бугарите. На тој јазик и денес тие зборуваат, тој им е мајчин јазик друг јазик немаат."

(Од дописникот од Македонија објавен во в. "Ризоспастис" од ноември 1932 г.)
Член од
17 март 2005
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1. Δευτέρα 31 Οκτωβρίου 1905 (είδηση) • Στο χωριό Λεμπετίνα: Λιουμπέτινο / Ljubetino (Πεδινόν) του καζά Φλώρινας • Εισβολή της ομάδας του καπετάν Οδυσσέα. Σύλληψη πέντε προκρίτων Μακεδόνων. Μεταφορά τους στο βουνό και εκτέλεση αυτών [ΕΜΠΡΟΣ, 31/10/1905, σ. 3].

Monday, 31 October 1905 (news) • In the village Lempetina: Lioumpetino / Ljubetino (Pedinon) kaza Florina • Invasion of the group of Captain Ulysses. Conception five prokriton Macedonians. Transfer of the mountain and run these [FRONT, 31/10/1905, p. 3].

2. Τετάρτη 19 Οκτωβρίου 1905 (είδηση) • Κοντά στο χωριό Λόσνιτσα / Lošnica (Γέρμας) του καζά Καστοριάς • Πέντε νεκροί και πέντε τραυματίες Μακεδόνες σε επίθεση ελληνικής ομάδας [ΣΚΡΙΠ, 19/10/1905, σ. 3].

Wednesday October 19, 1905 (news) • Near the village Losnitsa / Lošnica (Germany) kaza Kastoria • Five people are killed and five injured in an attack Macedonians from Greek group [SKRIP, 19/10/1905, p. 3].

3. Σάββατο 15 Οκτωβρίου 1905 (είδηση) • Στο χωριό Μπίτουσα / Bituša (Παρόρειον) του καζά Μοναστηρίου • Δεκατρείς νεκροί και πέντε «αιχμάλωτοι» Μακεδόνες, μετά από επίθεση της ομάδας Τσολάκη [ΕΜΠΡΟΣ, 15/10/1905, σ. 3].

Saturday 15 October 1905 (news) • In the village Bitousa / Bituša (Paroreion) of the monastery's kaza • Thirteen people died and five prisoners «» Macedonians, after attack by the group Tsolaki [FRONT, 15/10/1905, p. 3].

4. Πέμπτη 6 Οκτωβρίου 1905 (είδηση) • «Είναι βέβαιον ότι κατά τας τελευταίας εβδομάδας πολλοί Μακεδόνες από Σχισματικών επανήλθον εις την Ορθοδοξίαν. Επί του όρους Περιστέρι :) Πέλιστερ / Pelister) εν διαστήματι δύο εβδομάδων πλέον των δέκα χωρίων εγένοντο πάλιν ελληνικά» [ΕΜΠΡΟΣ, 6/10/1905, σ. 1].

Thursday, 6 October 1905 (news) • «It is certain that during the last few weeks many Macedonians from Schismatikon epanilthon in the Orthodoxian. The conditions Peristeri :) Pelister / Pelister) in diastimati two weeks more than ten villages egenonto Again Greek »[FRONT, 6/10/1905, p. 1].

5. Τετάρτη 5 Οκτωβρίου 1905 (είδηση) • Στο δρόμο Βοδενών – Θεσσαλονίκης • Είκοσι τέσσερις νεκροί Μακεδόνες συνολικά, σε τρεις ενέδρες που έστησαν τα ελληνικά σώματα [ΣΚΡΙΠ, 5/10/1905, σ. 2].

Wednesday, 5 October 1905 (news) • On the road Vodenon - Thessaloniki • Twenty-four dead Macedonians total, in three ambushes that had set up the Greek bands [SKRIP, 5/10/1905, p. 2].


Член од
17 март 2005
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6. Τα κακουργηματα ομως των δολοφονων τουτων εν μερει εκδικουν ομαδες ενοπλων Μακεδονων γενναιος αμυνομενων κατα των κακουργων. Σημερον εγνωμη ασφαλως ενταυθα προχθες Μακεδονων ενοπλων, ανωθεν του χωριου Τσεγκου της περιφεριας Βοδενων κατεδιωξε Βουλγαρικη συμμοριαν

The crimes of the killers, however, result in part armed groups Macedonians gallant defence against criminals. Now of course Inter before yesterday armed Macedonians, above the village of Tsegkou region Vodenon pursued Bulgarian crimanal gropup.

Злосторстава на убијците резултираше со формирање на групи од храбри Македонци во одбрана против злосторниците. Сигурно денес пред вчерашните вооружени Македонци од над с. Чеган, воденска каза, ја протераа бугарската разбојничка банда (13 сптември 1904, стр.3, Весник "Емброс")

7. Κυριακή 8 Μαΐου 1905 (είδηση) • Στο χωριό Στρέμπενο: Σρέμπρενο / Srebreno (Ασπρόγεια) του καζά Φλώρινας • Την 3η Μαΐου ελληνικό σώμα επιτέθηκε σε αυτονομιστές. Η συμπλοκή κράτησε ώρες. Οι Έλληνες έφυγαν λίγο πριν φτάσει ο στρατός. Σκοτώθηκαν τρεις Μακεδόνες και τραυματίστηκε ένας [ΕΜΠΡΟΣ 8/5/1905, σ. 4 � ΣΚΡΙΠ, 14/5/1905, σ. 1 και 23/5/1905, σ. 3].

Sunday, May 8, 1905 (news) • In the village Strempeno: Srempreno / Srebreno (Asprogeia) kaza Florina • On 3 May Greek body attacked separatists. The scuffle lasted for hours. He fled shortly before the army arrived. Three Macedonians were killed and one was injured [FRONT 8/5/1905, p. 4 SKRIP, 14/5/1905, p. 1 and 23/5/1905, p. 3].

Недела, 8 мај, 1905 (вести)* Во селото Стребено леринска каза.* На 3 мај грчка чета ги нападна автономистите. Судирот траеше часови. Грците побегнаа пред на дојде војската. Тројца Македонци беа убиени и еден повреден. (Весник ЕМБРОС 8/5/1905 стр.4 СКРИП 14/5/1905 стр.1 и 23/5/1905 стр.3)

8. Σάββατο 3 Σεπτεμβρίου 1905 (είδηση) • Κοντά στην Καστοριά • Οκτώ νεκροί και δεκαεπτά τραυματίες Μακεδόνες, μετά από επίθεση ελληνικής ομάδας [ΣΚΡΙΠ, 3/9/1905, σ. 3].

Saturday, September 3, 1905 (news) • Close Kastoria • Eight people died and seventeen wounded Macedonians, after attack of greek grups [SKRIP, 3/9/1905, p. 3].

Сабота, 3 септември 1905 (вести) * Близу Костур * 8 убиени и 17 ранети МАКЕДОНЦИ, после напад на грчка чета. (Весник СКРИП, 3/9/1905, стр.3)

9. Πέμπτη 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 1904 (είδηση) · Έξω από το χωριό Όστιμα: Όστσιμα / Osčima, (Τρίγωνον) του καζά Καστοριάς · Σύγκρουση της αποτελούμενης εκ δεκατριών μελών ομάδας του Θύμιου Καούδη με την τσέτα του Μήτρου Βλάχου · Εννέα νεκροί και είκοσι τραυματίες Μακεδόνες. Από τους Έλληνες πληγώθηκαν οι Μανόλης Σκουντρής και Γιάννης Σεϊμένης [εμπρος, 30/9/1904, σ. 4 και 1/10/1904, σ. 1].

Thursday, September 30, 1904 (news) Outside the village Ostima: Ostsima / Osčima, (Triangulum) kaza Kastoria Conflict, consisting of thirteen members of the team sports Kaoudis with tseta Mitrou Vlachou Nine of the dead and injured twenty Macedonians. Of those pligothikan the Manolis Skountris and John Seimenis [Front, 30/9/1904, p. 4 and 1/10/1904, p. 1].

Четврток, септември 30, 1904 (вести). Надвор од селото Оштима костурска каза, судир на 30 члена грчкa чета на чело со Тимјос Каудис со четата на Митре Влашето. 9 убиени и 20 повредени Македонци. Од Грците ранети се Манолис Скутрис и Јанис Сејменис (весник Емброс, 30/9/1904 стр.4 и 1/10/1904 стр.1)

10. Σάββατο 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 1904 (είδηση) · Σύγκρουση ελληνικού σώματος και τσέτας, κοντά στη Νιζόπολι: Νιζέπολε / Nižepole του καζά Μοναστηρίου. Σκοτώθηκαν δέκα επτά Μακεδόνες και τέσσερις Έλληνες [σκριπ, 18/9/1904, σ. 3].

Saturday, September 18, 1904 (news) Conflict Greek body and tsetas, near Nizopoli: Nizepole / Nižepole the monastery's kaza. Seventeen were killed 7 Macedonians and 4 Greeks [Skrip, 18/9/1904, p. 3].

Cабота, сeптември 18, 1904 (вести) судир меѓу грчка група и чета (тморо), близу Нижополе во битолската каза. Убиени се 7 Mакедонци и 4 Грци (весник Скрип, 18,9,1904, стр.3)

11. Δευτέρα 30 Αυγούστου 1904 (είδηση) · Στο χωριό Ντέμπενη: Ντέμπενι / D’mbeni (Δενδροχώριον) του καζά Καστοριάς · Από επίθεση ελληνικής ομάδας, πέντε νεκροί Μακεδόνες, μεταξύ των οποίων και ο εξαρχικός δάσκαλος · «Το χωρίον Ντέμπενη είναι ολόκληρον σχισματικόν, τούτο δε αναδεικνύει έτι μάλλον το θάρρος του ελληνικού σώματος, του οποίου το κατόρθωμα επτόησε τον σχισματικόν πληθυσμόν και ενεθάρρυνε τον ορθόδοξον» [σκριπ, 30/8/1904, σ. 3].

Monday, August 30, 1904 (news) In the village Ntempeni: Ntempeni / D'mbeni (Dendrochorion) kaza Kastoria From Greek team attack, five dead Macedonians, including the teacher exarchikos «The chorion is Ntempeni overtake schismatikon, this it illustrates once more the courage of the Greek corps, which deserves credit for the eptoise schismatikon plithysmon and encouraged the Orthodox »[skrip, 30/8/1904, p. 3].

Понеделник, Август 30, 1904 (вести) Cелото Дмбени, Костурска каза, е нападнато од грчка чета, петорица убиени МАКЕДОНЦИ меѓу кои и егзархискиот учетел.... (весник Скрип, 30/8/1904, стр.3)


Стоик и Машкртник!
Член од
27 јануари 2007
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Sekoja cest uste ednas Misirkov!


Член од
2 март 2007
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super...fala mn!!

ova ne e bas enciklopedija ili slicno....ali....samo na grcki e, ali ja ne sum fit za prevod
Еве го текстов на англиски
1. The Committee for Rehabilitation of Refugees

The Greek government, faced with the enormous task of the care and rehabilitation of refugees who had to be undertaken with the help of the League of Nations (IPR). At the initiative of the ECB, in September 1923 established an autonomous body with full legal status, the Commission for Rehabilitation of Refugees (CRD), based in Athens. The main task was to guarantee their productive employment and permanent housing.
The Greek Government has made an EAP in the following:
• the property of exchangeable Turks and Bulgarians who have left Greece, estates government, parcels of land expropriated by the agrarian reform and monastic land (totaling over 8,000,000 acres), the amount
• two loans (1924, 1928) concluded by the Greek government abroad
• plots in or around cities for the construction of municipal groups,
• the technical and administrative personnel from the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Welfare and Antilipseos.
First settlement of refugees in the White Kavala
For the rehabilitation of refugees or EAP taking into account the following parameters: The distinction in bourgeois «» and «» farmers. There has been concern to the refugees gain employment same or similar to the one that had been in their homeland. Thus, an attempt was made by the ADF to settle farmers in places where refugees could continue the crops they already knew. Kalliergites cereal settled in lowland parts of Macedonia and western Thrace, tobacco farmers to appropriate land in eastern Macedonia and Western Thrace, winegrowers in Crete and silkworm rearers in Soufli, Edessa and elsewhere. In place of origin. The ADF sought to ensure that refugees who had come from the same village or even a larger area to install themselves in the Greek territory. This partly due to geographical names in New Smyrna, New Philadelphia, Nea Moudania, New Alikarnasos etc. In a few communities, however, made this possible. Most installations include refugees from different backgrounds. The objective conditions. The ADF distinguish its rehabilitation of refugees in rural (accommodation and clergy in rural areas) and urban (provision of housing in cities).
Although most refugees performed their homeland »« urban practitioners (on trade, craft-industry, etc), given the burden on agriculture, because: • existed Islamic parcels of land (particularly in Macedonia, but also in Crete, the island of Lesvos, Limnos and elsewhere),
• rural rehabilitation was faster and require less costly,
• The Greek economy has always been based on agricultural production, • the political desirability of avoiding civil strife by the creation of smallholders farmers instead workforce proletariat.
In addition, priority was given to the settlement of the refugees in Macedonia and Western Thrace as:
• could be used Islamic land and the land of Bulgarian immigrants (according to the Treaty of Neuilly-sur-Seine). That would make the refugees self-sufficient in the short term would help to increase agricultural production
• would offset the demographic gap that was created with the departure of Muslims and Bulgarians and the losses caused by continuous wars (1912-1922). Certainly, the settlement of the refugees was not always based on the above logic, nor followed in all cases the State perception and cheque. The mobility of refugees there has been great, especially in the first few years. The refugees have turned around from region to region to find a place in the best conditions for installation. Many refugees, though it was not farmers, had received the request to restore the farmers to benefit from its loans and the benefits of the ADF. Others have moved to urban centres aiming to present as «» breasts and take this way the compensation attached to the breast exchangeable.
Table 2 Distribution of refugees at geographical district (1928) APARTMENT NUMBER PERCENTAGE Macedonia Solid 638253 52.2% 306193 25.1% Greece Western. Thrace 107607 8.8% Islands Cen. Aegean Thessaly 56613 4.6% 34659 2.8% 33900 2.8% Crete Peloponnese Epirus 28362 2.3% 8179 0.7% 4782 0.4% Cyclades Ionians 3301 0.3% Total 1221849 100%
Testimonials Mikrasiates refugees to their arrival in Greece When we arrived on the island of Chios were more than the locals. They suffer us, but the island had suffered too much. Neither sticking points had not left. Another went by for wood, but for koukoynares… We are pursuing very rural and the whole world. But zitianefe, but went by in the gardens. Everything we saw everyone got to live. At Chios stayed a year. After I went Patras, Corinth and eventually to Velo. There, I made some years, I have had back home. Since Velo arrived in Athens and then went to Alexandroupolis, my sister, and I opened a restaurant. Soon, my shop was burned and turned another holiday. Meanwhile been ill and returned to Velo. There kalliergousa gardens. But I left again and came to Athens better. (Testimony from Nicholas Papanicolaou Sazaki village on the peninsula from Eritrea, in the face of Chios). The Exodus (edition of the Centre for Asia Minor Studies), vol.
Α', σ.​
A, p. 76-77.
In addition to the ADF, with the restoration of Appeal dealt the Fund Perithalpseos Refugees (19221925), the Ministry of Welfare and Antilipseos (since 1925) and the Department of Agriculture. The ADF operation until the end of 1930. With a special convention transferred to the Greek State property, and the commitments made towards refugees.

уф :)


Инаку ова е говорот на водачот на ДАГ, Николас Захаридаис...

Во неколку реченици не нарекува македонски словени, а во повеќето не нарекува МАКЕДОНЦИ....но не е битно тоа, битно е дека со тоа се докажува дека ИМАЛО МАКЕДОНЦИ во Егејска Македонија(Во тоа време де...:))

П.С. Говорот е така малку тажен, кажува за жртвите што ги дале македонците во Граѓанската Војна...и запазете го последниот дел од страната.



Член од
2 март 2007
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Имам дома карти од СХС уште, кај што веќе е Македонија поделена но, НО! имињата не се сменети. Еве прво за пример печатот на една од нив (а после него на нови поста ќе ги ставам картите зошто се прилично големи):

Kajgana Shop

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