Лига на Шампиони 2012/2013

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Pushing the button
Член од
3 април 2009
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Во групна фаза се гледа гол разлика или меѓусебен скор доколку две екипи имаат ист број на бодови?
In the event of two or more teams tying on the same points at the completion of the group stage, rankings are decided, according to UEFA regulations, by the following complex criteria in descending order:
a) higher number of points obtained in the group matches played among the teams in question;
b) superior goal difference from the group matches played among the teams in question;
c) higher number of goals scored in the group matches played among the teams in question;
d) higher number of goals scored away from home in the group matches played among the teams in question;

e) if, after having applied criteria a) to d), two teams still have an equal ranking, criteria a) to d) are reapplied exclusively to the matches between the two teams in question to determine their final rankings.
'If this procedure does not lead to a decision, criteria f) to h) apply;
f) superior goal difference from all group matches played;
g) higher number of goals scored from all group matches played;
h) higher number of coefficient points accumulated by the club in question, as well as its association, over the previous five seasons.'


добро вече
Член од
28 август 2012
Поени од реакции
Член од
21 мај 2008
Поени од реакции
o_O 22 години, је рајт. :)
Иначе штета што Јуве-Челси не ќе може да се гледа на ТВ утре, меч да се биде или не (и за двете екипи, со тоа што нас ни одговара реми). Ќе си бараме квалитетни стримови. :D Исто Валенсија-Баерн ќе биде доста интересен меч, борба за првото место.
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