Па видиш иако ова ти беше очаен начин за правење на фраер, во Кина има луѓе кои го поминаа вирусот пред 100 дена и сеуште имаат последици.
Инаку за сите што се просераваа за маските, и зошто мислам дека Шведска ќе има проблем, еве ви линк да прочитате на Корејски.
Во кратки црти, искуство од Кореа од почетокот на епидемијата, единствена земја без карантин и полициски час.
Татко и ќерка и двајцата инфицирани и со симптоми на Корона, десет дена работеле нормално и имале контакт со 1000 луѓе. Од нив заразиле само 1, и тоа кога пијале чај без маска со него.
Од друга страна мајка и син, инфицирани со Корона и 7 дена со симптоми, се шетале без маска, и заразиле 41 од 64 луѓе со кои биле во контакт.
1 vs 41 ... Busan father and daughter vs Yecheon mother and son, 'masks' were key difference
About 1,100 contacts with Busan father and daughter… So far, only one confirmed person
'Busan father and daughter wore a mask, Gyeongbuk Yecheon mother and son did not'
On the 18th, the 128th confirmed person (age 58) and 129th confirmed person (age 25) in Busan, who were positively diagnosed with the novel coronavirus infection (covid-19) lived for 10 days without knowing the fact of infection. There were more than 1,100 people in contact with the two. However, only one of them was infected by the father.
The mother and son of Yecheon, Gyeongbuk, who had been positively diagnosed on the 9th, also lived for more than a week without knowing the infection, and transmitted the virus to 41 out of 64 people who had contact.
Why did these two families have different results even though they were in almost the same situation? The decisive reason was whether they wore a mask. The Busan father and daughter went to the community wearing a mask, but Yecheon mother and son did not.
The health authority in Busan announced on the 22nd that 1,130 out of 1,165 contacts related to Busan father and daughter were tested for covid-19, and only one was positive. The father, confirmed 128th, was an employee of the Dongin High School's administrative office in Dongnae-gu, Busan, and the daughter, confirmed 129th, was a nurse at the Busan Medical Center, a dedicated hospital for covid-19.
They had their first symptoms on the 8th, including high fever and respiratory symptoms, but were confirmed after 10 days. Without recognizing the infection of covid-19, the father went to the high school as an office worker, New Day Church in Gangseo-gu, Busan, a teahouse in Gimhae, South Gyeongsang Province, a pre-voting office in Buk-gu, and his mother's home in Haman, Gyeongnam, and the daughter continued to go to the hospital by public transportation.
The novel coronavirus is notorious for being more infectious than any virus, but only one person has been infected from them. Ahn Byeong-seon, director of the Health Policy Division of Busan City, said, "It was found that the two wore masks even when using a multi-use facility, worshiping at a church, boarding a bus, and working in a hospital." "Because they have followed the precautions properly."
All 961 employees of Busan Medical Center who had contact with the daughter, patient #129, were tested, but all were negative. Nevertheless, the hospital ordered 131 close contacts a sef-quarantine. 147 members of the church who had worshiped with their father, patient #128, were also diagnosed negative. Ahn said, "As a result of checking the CCTV of the church, all members of the church worshiped thoroughly with the prevention of infection."
The only confirmed person is a DongIn High School's cleaning worker, where the father works, and is believed to be infected when the father took off his mask temporarily while drinking tea or talking together in a separate space.
Earlier on the 9th, the case of covid-19 confirmed by a mother in her 40s and a son in her 20s in Yecheon, Gyeongbuk is the opposite of the Busan cases. The mother and son visited a local bath, pub, restaurant, etc. without wearing a mask, and produced a total of 41 covid-19 patients, as well as those who had direct contact, as well as the 5th and 6th indirect infections. According to Yecheon-gun, epidemiological investigations confirmed that the only occasions that the mother or son was identified wearing a mask are when the mother visited hospitals and pharmacies.
An official from the health authority said, "It is these two cases that clearly showed the power of the mask." Although the number of confirmed patients decreases noticeably, it is necessary to follow the infection prevention regulations thoroughly in the future.
И последно од мене за вечерва, се разбира од кој друг ако не од Трамп.
Откако им направи протести на повеќето демократски гувернери, за да ги отворат државите, сега го советува републиканскиот гувернер од Џорџија дека било рано
"Would I do that? No. But I respect him and I will let him make his decision," Trump said. "But I told him, I totally disagree."