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- 15 декември 2008
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Изгледа ти си тој што тресе глупости (или се грееш на дрва па сакаш да си ја избркаш мувата на капата):
What is wood smoke?
Wood smoke is a complex mix of chemicals and particles, including:
Where does wood smoke come from?
- fine and course particulate matter
- carbon monoxide
- sulphur dioxide
- Nitrogen oxides and
- volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) and
- particulate matter
Residential wood smoke is produced from wood heaters, open fire places and back yard burning. Chimineas and pizza ovens often found in many backyards can also be a source of smoke.
Up to 70% of wood smoke can be retained in your home and may affect your health if your indoor wood burning appliance is poorly maintained.
Wood smoke and your health
Wood smoke affects the quality of both indoor and outdoor air. The influence on human health comes from the fine and coarse particulate matter. Fine particles in particular are linked with the most harmful affects. Wood smoke is composed mostly of fine particles.
Particulate matter
The effect that particulate matter will have on your health depends on the size of the particles as well as any underlying health conditions.
Particles with a diameter of 10 micrometres (PM10) or less are a mixture of coarse and fine particles.
Coarse particles have a diameter between 2.5 and 10 micrometres (PM2.5-10) for example soot, dust and pollen. When breathed in these particles settle in the lungs and narrow airways.
Fine particles have a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometres (PM2.5), for example smoke. These particles penetrate deep into the lungs and smaller airways
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