Европска Унија

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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После ќе биле зависни од РФ. Епа ќе бидат. Тек па што ќе биде за 3 години кога Силата на Сибир ќе го достигне максималниот капацитет и за ~10 години кога ќе се изгради Силата на Сибир 2 кој ќе ја снабдува Кина со Јамал (истото наоѓалишто кое сега ја снабдува само ЕУ). Цената на гас ќе расте и расте а зелениве од Брисел ќе загубат голема предност над НРК - ефтин гас. И наместо да преговараат со РФ, тераат антагонизам не сфаќајки дека секоја нивна нова закана дополнително го тресе маркетот и ги качува цените.

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Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Колумна за надворешната политика на Шулц.
Friends of China

It has been interesting to watch the defenders of close relations between Germany and China mobilize over the past months to try to head off a more critical approach from the new government in Berlin. It started with a handful of discreet post-election meetings between Angela Merkel and senior European decision-makers, including her successor Olaf Scholz, in which the outgoing chancellor conveyed her concerns about a tougher line. It continued in late November with a below-the-radar visit from a group of Chinese officials with deep ties to Germany. Led by former ambassador Shi Mingde, they spent over a week in Berlin, Munich, and Stuttgart meeting with Germany’s political and corporate elite—including people close to Scholz. Their message: let’s work together to ensure that the special relationship between Berlin and Beijing does not go off the rails.

In recent weeks, we have seen a more public campaign from some of Germany’s top CEOs. Volkswagen’s Herbert Diess took to LinkedIn shortly before Christmas to warn that any push by Germany or Europe to decouple from China (a push that, by the way, does not exist) would be “very damaging.” “We need more cooperation and presence in China, not less!” he wrote. Siemens CEO Roland Busch added his voice last week, telling the Süddeutsche Zeitung that China deserved respect and that banning the import of products from the Xinjiang region would endanger Germany’s green transition.

Coalition Tension

What to make of all this? First, it is clear that new Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, who has promised a tougher approach to China, has unsettled a lot of important people. Although she has been measured in her statements since assuming her new post—making clear, for instance, that Germany cannot decouple from China—she has become the target of a campaign that is portraying her approach as naïve and dangerous. Baerbock has allies in Berlin and other capitals, most notably in Washington, but she will need to keep her nerve in the face of resistance from powerful interests in German industry and politics. Her ministry will be taking the lead in writing the new China strategy that was promised in the government’s coalition treaty. If this process forces a real debate between the different China camps in Berlin, then it will be constructive.

Second, one month into the new government, one has to ask whether Scholz may himself be a member of the aforementioned resistance. No one who watched his political rise in recent years expected him to shake up German policy toward China once he landed in the Chancellery. As finance minister under Merkel and as the lead candidate for the Social Democrats (SPD) in the elections, he stood out mainly for his refusal to take clear positions on the big geopolitical questions involving Beijing. Scholz came into office promising continuity in foreign policy—a Merkel approach with SPD characteristics. Still, the signals he has sent on China in his first weeks running Germany’s new coalition government have been surprisingly soft in tone and content. In a very short time, Scholz has managed to undercut the main messages on China policy that were set out in its governing blueprint.


The coalition agreement promises a more united European approach to China, and yet Scholz has remained silent in the face of Beijing’s campaign of economic coercion against Lithuania. People briefed on his conversation with President Xi Jinping in late December told me that he did not raise the case of Lithuania, even though some German officials had urged him to do so. After all, a dozen German companies have been swept up in China’s unofficial ban on Lithuanian imports. For several smaller Mittelstand companies, the impact on business has been serious. “We have been really surprised by the silence coming from Berlin,” one senior EU official told me. “This is a government that was promising to take a more European approach, to push back against China’s bullying. We haven’t seen any of that so far.”

I have spoken with nearly a dozen officials in Berlin, Brussels, and other European capitals about the Lithuania case in recent weeks, and it is clear that several member states are deeply unhappy with the way Vilnius tackled the Taiwan issue. Although the EU’s High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Josep Borrell and Trade Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis issued a strong statement of solidarity with Lithuania in early December, EU leaders meeting in Brussels a week later said nothing about the case. There is a widespread suspicion in Berlin—though no proof to back it up—that the United States helped trigger this crisis by pushing Lithuania to green-light the opening of a representative office in Vilnius that carries the name Taiwan.

Some European diplomats have noted that Lithuania asked the United States to watch over its diplomatic complex in Beijing after withdrawing its embassy staff in late December. “This is not about China. It’s about the US and Russia,” one German diplomat told me. “The Eastern Europeans are seriously concerned about America’s commitment to the region and China is the chip to play.” But China’s decision to “Europeanize” the matter by blocking the imports of German, French, and other European companies that operate in, or source products from, Lithuania should be a wake-up call. In Brussels, it is seen as a direct attack on the integrity of the single market, requiring a strong, united response. That may still come. But it will require leadership, not silence, from Scholz and other European leaders.

Return of the CAI?

Another message from the coalition government’s agreement was that the conditions for finalizing the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) agreement have not been met. And yet Scholz, according to the Chinese readout of his conversation with Xi, expressed hope that it would be implemented at an “early date.” At the moment, it is very hard to imagine the CAI being resuscitated without the removal of China’s sanctions against European lawmakers, which is highly unlikely. But don’t be surprised to see China try to chip away at European resistance in the months ahead with a series of cosmetic steps. What might these include?

First, Chinese officials have signaled to their European counterparts that they plan to address one of the main criticisms of the CAI by signing up to the International Labor Organization’s fundamental conventions on forced labor (numbers 29 and 105) in early 2022. Second, they have sent messages recently that they are open to allowing a delegation of European officials to visit Xinjiang later this year. And third, they have made clear that, although their sanctions against European entities will not be removed, neither will they be strictly enforced. During his visit to Berlin in late November, former ambassador Shi Mingde met with sanctioned member of the European Parliament Reinhard Bütikofer and with Mikko Huotari, director of the sanctioned Mercator Institute for China Studies. His message was that Beijing was prepared to gradually step up engagement with them despite the sanctions. Could Scholz and others in Europe seize on these moves to mount a new push for the ratification of the CAI? Or might they work with their Chinese counterparts to ensure its implementation without formal ratification? It is a concern that some critics of the deal now have.

Bypassing the EU

As EU officials in Brussels try to make sense of the conflicting signals being sent by the new government in Berlin, they are preparing to re-engage with Beijing themselves. An EU-China summit that had been tentatively scheduled to take place on January 14 has now been pushed back until late March, I was told. The Chinese side requested the delay in order to prepare a summit with “real deliverables,” according to one EU official. But if there is one clear message as 2022 begins, it is that China would prefer to sidestep Brussels and focus its diplomatic energy on the more malleable EU member states. One sign of this: Beijing’s ambassador to the EU, Zhang Ming, left his post last month and a replacement has still not been named. Why engage with EU officials who have become ever more strident in their criticism of China’s behavior when capitals like Berlin and Paris are striking more dulcet tones? Only the member states can put an end to this damaging dynamic but it is unclear whether they want to.

Biden Ultimatum

In Washington, officials are watching on nervously. I was told that senior members of the National Security Council had recently conveyed the message to German officials that they would see a return of bare-knuckles US unilateralism if they did not send clear signals about their readiness to work with Washington on China by the US midterm elections in November. Scholz has said all the right things about the transatlantic relationship since becoming chancellor, highlighting the importance of German-US ties in his first speech to the Bundestag and in his new year’s address. But expressing in his first call with Xi his desire to deepen the “bilateral partnership” and economic relationship with China sent a different message. As a German diplomat told me, “Scholz does not want to align with Washington on China. He is going to try to wiggle his way through, kick the can, and plead for time.” Sounds familiar?
ТЛ/ДР: Шулц сака да води независна политика, не сака да избере страна помеѓу САД и Кина, тоа го покажува со директните и индиректните средби во кинески бизнисмени и дипломати, неподржувањето на Литванија во нејзиниот спор со Кина итн. Тоа би значено водење на политиката на Меркел, но Шулц ја има за надоворешен министер Баербок која е од Зелените и е тврдокорен атлантист.

Друга работа што мене ми фати око, Кина ја игра руската игра со ЕУ, поточно ја игнорира ЕУ и води дијалог со важните членови како Франција и Германија или пак со оние кои немаат предрасуди кон нив како Унгарија. Ќе видиме колку ќе биде успешна оваа стратегија, за сега мислам дека делува.
Член од
13 јули 2006
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Интересни промени, што сигурно ќе преточат во политички репркусии на избори.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Прилог за состојбата на полската армија кој вели дека е во лоша состијба и цитирам: "Не постои борбена и мобилизациска готовност на полските вооружени сили. Нашите вооружени сили не се способни да изведат ниту мала одбранбена операција". Авторот е поранешниот министер за одбрана Мациеревиц.

Druzgocący raport o polskim wojsku. "Gotowość bojowa nie istnieje"

A devastating report on the Polish army. "Combat readiness does not exist"

The Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland are not capable of carrying out even a small defense operation, according to the report "Preparing the Polish State to Fight Military Threats". Its author is a former high official of the Ministry of National Defense from the times of Antoni Macierewicz, and now a military expert. The investigative journalist of Radio ZET, Mariusz Gierszewski, got to the report. The document was to be delivered to the desk of the PiS president, Jarosław Kaczyński. However, it was blocked by the military.

According to unofficial information from Radio ZET, the document went to Law and Justice politicians from Jarosław Kaczyński's closest circle. However, as a result of informal military actions, the PiS chief did not read the report in the end.

The author based his report on the open and secret results of NIK audits carried out from 2012 to 2020. He claims that "the combat and mobilization readiness of the Polish Armed Forces does not exist. Our armed forces are not capable of carrying out even a small defense operation".

A devastating report on the Polish army. Stock up on 7 days of combat

A former high-ranking official of the Ministry of National Defense writes that out of the thirteen operational brigades of the army, only one is able to complete over 90 percent. staff. The next two brigades a little over 70 percent, while the remaining ones average around 40 percent, which is beyond any NATO standards and makes them completely unable to fight.

The basic type of equipment in our armed forces is that coming directly from the former USSR. It is about over 70 percent. tanks, about 70 percent. infantry fighting vehicles, over 80 percent artillery, about 90 percent. anti-aircraft weapons and 70 percent. helicopters.

According to the author, the average period of use of this equipment is about 35 years and sometimes even over 40 years. This causes problems with maintaining the efficiency of the equipment and with spare parts. A former high official of the Ministry of National Defense writes that "the equipment is already largely worn out and only artificially kept in the records of military units".

Another problem is stocks for the purposes of war. According to the instructions, each sub-unit should have them for 30 days of combat. Unfortunately, the stocks currently accumulated may be sufficient for 7 days.

Next, the author writes about the terrible state of the army's personnel reserves. "There is a generation gap between reserve soldiers aged 20-30 and soldiers aged 30-40, which means that the average age of a reservist today is 45 years," reads the report.

Local governments are the weakest link in the country's defense plan

Another problem of the Polish army is the poor training of reservists. The average reserve soldier completed his military service about 20 years ago, and during this period was only trained once. In the years 2016-2019, on average, about 6% of students trained each year. reservists, which shows that it would take more than 15 years to train everyone at least once.

An important problem is the deficit of military specialties: the lack of mechanics, technicians, communications officers, sappers, chemists, doctors, machine gun operators and grenade launchers.

"Strategic decisions on the directions of development of our defense system and the spending of billions of zlotys are made without appropriate strategic competences, probably most often intuitively or under the influence of short-term political or business interests" - we read in the document.

The author of the report also describes the weakness of the defense preparation of the Polish state. Enterprises of key importance for the economy, included in the Economy Mobilization Program, are not able to ensure the appropriate level of supply of means of combat for the armed forces engaged in military operations. He also agrees with the thesis of the 2015 NIK report that the accumulated strategic reserves are not sufficient to counteract threats to state security. The management of the defense system at the level of local government administration also leaves much to be desired, which, according to the author of the document, remains the weakest element of public administration in the event of war.

The Ministry of National Defense has not answered Radio ZET's questions on this matter since Friday.
Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Нешто што ме изненади, Германија се движи кон рецесија.



Драган Богдановски
Член од
17 јануари 2008
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Колумна за надворешната политика на Шулц.

ТЛ/ДР: Шулц сака да води независна политика, не сака да избере страна помеѓу САД и Кина, тоа го покажува со директните и индиректните средби во кинески бизнисмени и дипломати, неподржувањето на Литванија во нејзиниот спор со Кина итн. Тоа би значено водење на политиката на Меркел, но Шулц ја има за надоворешен министер Баербок која е од Зелените и е тврдокорен атлантист.

Друга работа што мене ми фати око, Кина ја игра руската игра со ЕУ, поточно ја игнорира ЕУ и води дијалог со важните членови како Франција и Германија или пак со оние кои немаат предрасуди кон нив како Унгарија. Ќе видиме колку ќе биде успешна оваа стратегија, за сега мислам дека делува.
Константа на Германската надворешна политика последниве три децени е залагање на стабилни врски со сите со кои може да има добри економски односи. Е сега секако дека ЕУ и САД им се најблиски ама исто така успеваат или успеваа со Русија и Кина да држат добри релации односно подобри, од други позначајни држави. Не беа спремни да преземат повеќе одговорност од што треба (напади на Ирак или Афганистан) и спремни се да прифатат во држави како Кина да се кршат човекови права. Изгледа првично иритирачки ни угоре ни удолу ама на крај така добро си го бркаа нивниот интерес. Шолц во принцип е со слични позиции како Меркел но ќе има кај него порешителни мерки ако треба, пример сега со стопирање на цертификација на НС2 иако во принцип е цврсто за тој гасовод. Од друга страна сепак има коалиционен партнер (зелените) кои ќе сакаат некоја моралистичка политика да тераат. Реално тешко повеќе да направат него вербални осуди преку нивната министерка за надворешни работи. Интересно е што министерот за надворешно работи порано беше многу влијателен и секојпат јуниор партнерот го имаше тоа министерство и беше вице-канцелар. Но во времето на Меркел канцеларот целосно ја презеде надворешната политика така да не треба да се дава многу значење на тоа што кажуве Бербок.

Тоа што Кина и Русија не дават значење на ЕУ туку поединечни земји е логично, затоа што тие земји ја водат ЕУ односно без нив ништо не бидува ама и ЕУ како конструкција целосно зависи од владите така да тоа е прагматичен пристап.
Автоматски споено мислење:

Нешто што ме изненади, Германија се движи кон рецесија.

Тоа е привремен ефект со оглед на пандемијата. Без големо значење со оглед што последните квартали имаше добар раст и се очекува оваа година да има солиден раст. Како да кажам, има многу недостиг на работници односно фирмите работат со полна пареа. Ефекти како немање чипови или работници може да доведат до поспор раст него што би било можно.
Член од
30 октомври 2021
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Opening of the Tesla gigafactory in Berlin....





Абе не е како руска Lada , која за месец-два ќе усвои целиот свет....
Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Europe’s workers face bigger squeeze from real wage cuts
This was supposed to be the year European wages started to catch up with inflation, but the economic fallout of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine leaves many EU workers facing even bigger pay cuts in real terms, according to union officials and executives.

Consumers across the region have been grappling with soaring prices for electricity, fuel, food and other goods for over six months. But a strong eurozone jobs market — the unemployment rate hit a record low of 6.8 per cent in February — and reports of labour shortages for many EU companies prompted economists at the start of the year to predict strong wage growth.

Now many companies, including key employers such as car manufacturers, chemical companies, food producers and steelmakers that depend on Russia and Ukraine for imports, could be plunged into crisis mode. The growing risks of energy rationing and production shutdowns are undermining the case for big pay increases, despite the booming job market and need to protect workers from higher inflation.

“In the context of mounting growth headwinds — including fresh supply-side disruptions and record-high commodity prices fuelled by Russia’s war with Ukraine but also China’s zero-Covid strategy — unions are likely to scale back their wage demands as corporate margins are bound to take a notable hit,” said Katharina Utermöhl, senior economist at Allianz.
Член од
4 октомври 2010
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Не знам дали има попригодна тема...

Во Унгарија води Орбан и повеќе од очекувањата.

Целта ми беше да забележам уште една одлична прогноза на Васе Ефтов.

Две години не убедува дека Орбан ќе изгуби.
Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Не знам дали има попригодна тема...

Во Унгарија води Орбан и повеќе од очекувањата.

Целта ми беше да забележам уште една одлична прогноза на Васе Ефтов.

Две години не убедува дека Орбан ќе изгуби.
Аууу да, да. Орбан планирал да бара азил во Македонија зошто ќе изгубел на избори. Не знам зошто има толкава гледаност, уште па во Канал 5 го викаат. :popce:
Автоматски споено мислење:

Последно уредено:
Член од
19 ноември 2020
Поени од реакции
Не знам дали има попригодна тема...

Во Унгарија води Орбан и повеќе од очекувањата.

Целта ми беше да забележам уште една одлична прогноза на Васе Ефтов.

Две години не убедува дека Орбан ќе изгуби.

Кај смее да изгуби кога војводите се таму.


Lord Inquisitor
Член од
6 мај 2009
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Е па друштво, кој си нема роднини на село нека почне да се навикнува.


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