Exactly two hundred and fifty days have passed since I told you how I feel about you. How you make my world shine, how you make me smile, how you make my life worth living. Soon we will be separated for some time. Some time. A time I wish it never came. A time I do not wish to live. A time because of which, I would gladly die, if you would just ask it of me. But no, I choose to hold on. I will find the strength. The strength to hope, the strength to live. Because there is nothing better in the world, than living for you...
I promise you, for you're the only one I can make promises and always make them come true. I will be strong. I will survive that time, time that could be only few days, few weeks, few months, few years. A time that could be a whole eternity. Eternity, without you. It is so long, a never ending time, yet it feels so short, as I will be waiting. Waiting. Holding strong. Smiling excitedly for the end of that eternity. My imaginary end. An end that will never happen, but I do not care. An end where when it is all said and done, I will end up with my love. With my girl. I will end up, with you...
My girl, you. You are all that matters. The driving force of my existence. Me. I, I just...
I give you my sweet surrender. My innocent cry. My hollowed soul. My pure heart. Take them. Break them. Use them, for they will not resist your command. I...
I surrender to you.... :back: