Во врска со љубовта: Сакам да ти кажам дека...


unlike any other...
Член од
15 февруари 2007
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Ако мислиш дека една SMS порака можи да ми го расипи денот, се лажиш. Ако мислиш дека SMS од тебе можи да ми го напрај денот повесел, пак се лажиш.

Сакаш ова, сакаш она... кога ќе ти текни да подразмислиш јас шо сакам? Најверојатно јас и не сум толку важен во муабетот, битно е тебе да ти е погодено.

За танго се потребни двајца, нажалост одамна не ја играм твојата игра.
Член од
5 јули 2009
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Многу си ми драга , само глумиш многу важна.


Член од
14 август 2008
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Значи од двете насоки кои можам да ги изберам во врска со тебе, јас избирам сосема трета. Чекањето се исплатело викаат, ама па дали вреди да се чека е веќе прашање на кое најверојатно треба да дадам одговор во однос на тоа кое деновиве ќе го добијам како фидбек од тебе.

Every single day
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I'll be watching you

You can’t touch me now there’s no feeling left
If you think I’m coming back don’t hold your breath
What you did to me girl I can’t forget
If you think I’m coming back don’t hold your breath

Избери си едно од овие две, пошо ја стварно веќе не знам...


Ако одам во Битола..
Член од
11 јули 2007
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Не знам зошто, ми делуваш далечен. :(
Те љубам, и дај потруди се малку, добро? :back:
Член од
27 септември 2007
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He it is, the innermost one,
who awakens my being with his deep hidden touches.

He it is who puts his enchantment upon these eyes
and joyfully plays on the chords of my heart
in varied cadence of pleasure and pain.

He it is who weaves the web of this maya
in evanescent hues of gold and silver, blue and green,
and lets peep out through the folds his feet,
at whose touch I forget myself.

Days come and ages pass,
and it is ever he who moves my heart in many a name,
in many a guise, in many a rapture of joy and of sorrow.


Член од
20 мај 2008
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Не е малку клише да се изнервираш од Angry Birds? :pos2:

Mark Renton

I live by the tune, I die by the book
Член од
12 ноември 2009
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Празно време, а јас помислувам на тебе .


Можеше ли подобро да се опише????

You are scum, you are scum and I hope that you know
That the cracks in your smile are beginning to show
Now the world needs to see that its time you should go
Theres no light in your eyes and your brain is too slow
Cant believe you were once just like anyone else
Then you grew and became like the devil himself
Pray to god I can think of a kind thing to say
But I dont think I can,
so fuck you anyway

Bet you sleep like a child with your thumb in your mouth
I could creep up beside put a gun in your mouth
Makes me sick when I hear all the shit that you say
So much crap coming out it must take you all day
Theres a space kept in hell with your name on the seat
With a spike in the chair just to make it complete
When you look at yourself do you see what I see
If you do why the fuck are you looking at me

Why the fuck, why the fuck are you looking at me??????

Член од
2 август 2008
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what remains are the walls between ourselves..
i miss you... more than ever, and ever, and ever.. and i love you.

M del Mar

if this was a part of a film, we would watch the clip all day, like a portrait of you and I. :back:

We spread luv
Член од
31 мај 2008
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"..Врати се, ме боли колку те нема. Врати се , земи ме и мене. Те нема и ништо не е исто без тебе. Ништо нема да се врати. Не верувам во богови , не верувам во ангели, ама гледам духови и верувам во тебе.
Врати се, ме боли колку те нема..Врати се, земи ме и мене ! На крилја и ветер , однеси ме назад, некаде горе.. Да си играме богови, да си играме љубов. Да заборавиме , дека се изгубивме... "

Mark Renton

I live by the tune, I die by the book
Член од
12 ноември 2009
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Late at night you called on a phone,
We talked about the day,
When you found out he was cheating.
You tell that it hurts to the bone,
To trust someone that way.
To find that he was deceving,
And I know I've always just been your friend,
But if you look my way,
I'll make sure you'll never hurt again.

Do you know I exist, just to promise you this,
Endlessly to be true to you,
And if you answer my prayer,
I cross my heart and I'd swear
Endlessly to be true to you,

And if you'd only see,
How beautiful you and I would be, endlessly.
Ohh, oh yeah.
I remember when you fell in love,
I could not believe..
That it was not with me
I sent a secret prayer up above,
And put my heart away.
So that you could be free.
And I know that right now you're broken in two,
But did you know my heart's been broken since that day I met you.

Do you know I exist, just to promise you this,
Endlessly to be true to you,
And if you answer my prayer,
I cross my heart and I'd swear
Endlessly to be true to you,

And in my sweetest dream,
You've learn to put your faith in me, endlessly,
Sometimes the thing you need,
Is the one thing you can't see
If you put your faith in me,
How beautiful you and I would be.

Do you know I exist, just to promise you this,
Endlessly to be true to you,
And if you answer my prayer,
I cross my heart and I'd swear
Endlessly to be true to you,

And if you'd only see
How beautiful you and I would be, endlessly


Per aspera ad astra
Член од
1 март 2008
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Епа пројде 3-ти Јануари... :) Добро е, у дневна иста атмносфера со Џим Кери, ти и Синалко, и без другите 27 души :). Стандард радијаторот ти беше укључен на (гарант) 45 степени и човек да те фати да се изгори, али буквално -_-. Како и да е убава вечер, проследена со "гушки, бацки, гмечки" :D, глеање духови у спиење и нормално хрчење :pipi: . Чувството од 3-ти јануар е тука :), биди позитивна, м-о-л-и-м т-е :back:


Don't be afraid honey, i wont be there just to can ruin your day, or smth. like that. ahahahhahaha.

What's the problem now? You don't like me being bitchy? Well i've been nice for too long.
I'm not some two faced liar to pretend like i'm kind and nice person, and i like you both, cause i don't
I'm not the old little silly naive girl that you can play around with anymore, so fuck off!

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