Well what else can a guy do at 05:00 after you made him suffer from insomnia but to write his feelings on some board. Someone who at first i considered pathetic to even consider of this topic, seemed to have pulled a nice move to do so, because as i write i notice that it realy gets a weight off your chest. I know you wont ever visit this page, and even if you do, you wont even understand but what the heck, im slepless, im bored, and im doing this...
You left me without a goodbye, and never gave me a reason for leaving, now all i have left are memories and 2 pictures which i keep sacred. For being a grown man and reasonable i have learned to let go, and i've crossed to the next level, but i guess one thing will always be a burden for me, the reason why. I have never figured out why you left me without even saying a word, but simply chose to disapear from my life after 3 years spent together. If you at least lied....i'd still have a reason to believe as such....but you left me with none...