The new big thing on the web is all these sites with names like "I Hate France," with supposed datelines of French military history, supposedly proving how the French are total cowards.
Well, I'm going to tell you guys something you probably don't want to hear: these sites are total bullshit, the notion that the French are cowards is total bullshit, and anybody who knows anything about European military history knows damn well that over the past thousand years, the French have the most glorious military history in Europe, maybe the world.
Мираж...па не знам дали е видлив ама испратил многу пилоти кои летале на продуктите на МиГ и Сухој...на оној свет...посебно Израел но и Еквадор против Перу 1995...Мираж Ф-1 и Јагуар вс. МиГ-29,23,21 и Су-22,25...