Случајно наидов,а и убаво што наидов на темава.
Имам неколку книжни банкноти од време југославија.
Дали вреди да се однесат на некој колекционер,и колку би можело цена да биде.
Мене ми е да ги шитнам да некој да ми дае добра пара за нив. Ако не вредат у опште и да не се замарам.
(Ќе ги побарам, и ќе пишам вредност колку се севкупно,и што има).
Оваа монета е изработена од сребро и има две верзии. Едниот е малку почест и има пониска чистота на сребро .750, а другиот е ако се сетам точно, чистота .900. или .925 разликата се гледа во начинот на ковање, поскапа верзија је полирана плоча. За жал, монетите не се голема реткост, поскапа верзија околу 15 евра, 20 ако имаш среќа, ова друга околу 10е, Практично малку повеќе од вредноста на среброто. Поздрав!
Da bea vo perfektna - (unc) sostojba znaci bez tocka na niv cenata im e nekade 20tina americki dolari, 1100 den. Kako sto se (vf) bi rekol maks do kaj 400-500 den.
Има некој некаква информација за монетава? И вредност се разбира.
Автоматски споено мислење:
[QUOTE = "bub00, post: 8031813, member: 85728"]
If you have not even produced a large number of them, then there is nothing for them on the net, there is no official song on the net, but there is no way it has even been released. On Wikipedia, the first coins and medallions of the Macedonians were found, and only I, the Serb Goce Delcev, could not go anywhere.
Bi bilgodaren za sekoja informacija za nea
This is a medallion that was issued in 1978 as a 75 year commemoration of the Ilinden uprising. It's NOT a coin. It was issued by one of the biggest jewellery makers in Macedonia - Rubin Karmin from what I can remember. It was a "limited edition" but I dont know the exact mintage. The medallion features Goce Delcev who is one of Macedonia's heroes and one of his famous lines...Overall yes it is rare but the demand for things like this in Macedonia and the world is fairly negligible unfortunately.
There were silver and gold edition of it. For some reason (could be political) even though they were minted for the 1978 commemoration I remember seeing them first time in the shops around 1992... I would not be supprised if they were forbiden by the ex YU governmnet at the time.
I thought you said it was a unofficial test for weather or not you can produce the same currency. And is it valuable? I believe it's real gold. And with mintage is it in the thousands or millions? Rough estimate. Thankyou
Автоматски споено мислење:
Also one more thing, were there different gold ones made with the same back and a different front ? Just seen one gold one online but it's just had his face and not the writing and it was a different size
I thought you said it was a unofficial test for weather or not you can produce the same currency. And is it valuable? I believe it's real gold. And with mintage is it in the thousands or millions? Rough estimate. Thankyou
Автоматски споено мислење:
Also one more thing, were there different gold ones made with the same back and a different front ? Just seen one gold one online but it's just had his face and not the writing and it was a different size
The test was if something similar will be excepted as Macedonian coinage once independence is achieved. Again, this is not official, but based on the timing as the medallions and the makedonki (paper money) were made available few months before the vote for independence happened. In the end they decided to go with indigenous animals and fish on the coins rather than notable Macedonians.
Yes its actually real gold and real silver and its top quality as well.
Yes, it is valuable, but I would not be placing premium based on collectability as there is no market for it, rather go with raw metal value. You will find it hard to find someone that wants to pay a fair value based on its rarity. If you had the equivalent of that as a British, US, Chinese, French, Russian, German coin/medallion we would be talking hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars in value as they have a large pool of collectors that are prepared to pay the premium.
Mintage estimate for silver approx. 30K for the gold I would say around 3K... There is simply no demand for larger quantities its something that people buy as a gift for a special day. Yugoslavia minted lot of commemorative coins at the time the “titovki” with similar numbers so I am basing this as a fraction of those numbers.
Also the silver coins were minted in various sizes, smaller and bigger. As for the gold i have only seen the large size, not sure if there is size variation on them as well.
Оваа страница користи колачиња за персонализирање на содржината. Со продолжување на користењето, се согласувате со нашата политика за користење колачиња.