НБА сезона 2019/2020

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The Winter is coming
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5 јануари 2014
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Има ликнато инфо од Атланта за можен трејд помеѓу три тима.

Голден Стејт ги добива 10-иот пик, Kevin Huerter и Kelly Oubre Jr.

Атланта ги добива вториот пик и Ty Jerome.

Феникс ги добива Jordan Poole и шестиот пик.

Наводно сите три екипи биле блиску до согласување, ама ова би било во случај ако Минесота не го одберат Едвардс со првиот пик.
Голема кражба би извршиле Вориорс со трејдов.


deus ex machina
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30 мај 2009
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Член од
15 октомври 2013
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Dobri vesti, se izraduvav koga vidov, ciglarot ke si odi od Hjuston.
Ke se gradi skroz nova ekipa okolu bradata, da vidime koj igraci ke mu gi donesat.
Da mozat nekako da mu gi donesat Gobert/Embiid i Griffin ne bi bilo losho :)

Nino Manchester

Oŋce α RED, αlwαys α RED
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4 јуни 2009
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Da moze da forsira do smrt, neka skokaat majmunite. Vo napad sekako ke sluzat za pravenje blokovi i sobiranje skokovi

Sent from my SM-A505FN using Tapatalk

Partizanen banditen

Психијатриски случај
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24 август 2016
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Ако Детроит селуди да го земат цигларот на сметка на претоварен селери кеп ок. Како и да е кој и да го земе ке се заебе гадно, како што се заеба и Хјустон, па сега едвај чека да се ослободи од него.


Член од
15 октомври 2013
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Osven ciglarot sigurno i nekoi drugi igraci ke si odat od Hjuston, ke ima cistenje, trenerot vekje go zamenaa nov trener donesoa... bi trebalo da imaat dosta pari za da mu donesat nesto asalno na bradata...
Inace westbrick koja ekipa i da go zemi, ke napravi katastrofalna greska i od Start neka zaboravi deka ima sansi da osvoi titula. Navistina e teska prevara od igrac.
Член од
1 септември 2014
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Наводно и Хаус и Гордон не биле задоволни од минутажата и улогата, а Такер барал подобар договор.


Член од
15 октомври 2013
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I Austin Rivers e slobodan agent i saka nov dogovor vo druga ekipa ke si odi 100 %.
Автоматски споено мислење:


Austin Rivers said he's planning to opt-out of his contract in order to hit the open market as an unrestricted free agent this offseason.
"I definitely want to be out there on the open market, and just see what else is out there," said Rivers. "But I love Houston. Houston's still one of my main options. That's a team I loved playing for. But there are other teams out there you just want to look at. You owe it to yourself to at least see the best situation." Rivers was on a minimum-level deal with the Rockets, so it sounds like he's looking to secure a bigger paycheck in free agency. Regardless of where he winds up, he won't be a viable fantasy target in most leagues.
Автоматски споено мислење:

Автоматски споено мислење:


    Charlotte has emerged as a potential suitor for Russell Westbrook according to Shams Charania of The Athletic.
    Even with Westbrook's recent perimeter shooting struggles, he would be a clear upgrade over the Hornets' current point guards (Terry Rozier and Devonte' Graham). According to Charania, two reasons why this could potentially be a match are the Hornets having multiple moveable veteran contracts and the connection between Westbrook and team governor Michael Jordan. Westbrook is a signature athlete for Jordan Brand, and that could factor into the team's reported interest. What may also intrigue Houston here is Charlotte's third overall pick, given the draft picks that the Rockets sent to Oklahoma City in exchange for Westbrook last offseason. Should a deal be agreed to, the fantasy values of Rozier and Graham (if they weren't moved) would plummet.
Последно уредено:
Член од
4 февруари 2012
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Хаус,Такер,Ковингтон и Гордон имаат повеќе годшни договори а за Рус да не правиме моабет колку тежок договор има,во Хјустон ако сакаат да направат ребилд на ростерот ќе мора да го направат тоа преку трејдови.


King of Norway
Член од
12 јули 2009
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Наводно и Хаус и Гордон не биле задоволни од минутажата и улогата, а Такер барал подобар договор.
koj im qr na haus i gordon so minutazite?
gordon bese povreden pola sezona. house neka najde asalen tim kaj kje ima povekje minutaza, jas digam race od kosarka.
za taker, nezz so tocno dogovor ima sega, ama bi go stavil vo top 3 igraci na hjuston od prethodnata sezona i ima golem doprinos za timot, drze voda da bara nesto


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Едно интересно размислување, втората половина е конкретно за Лејкерс ама првиот дел е општ:

Free Agency:

This is a very odd year. Only 6 teams have cap space. Maybe, 14 can make cap space, but no one wants to. So for free agents they are being told, "Only 6 bad teams can pay more than the MLE."
An additional wrinkle is that nearly 25 teams are expected to have massive cap space in 1 season, and that over 1/2 of the league’s players are set to be free agents. So at this point, the league, the agents, and players are in "Just hunker down and get through this season" mode.

Another odd wrinkle is that the draft is uncharacteristically weak. Equal or worse than the DLo year. This isn’t to say that it’s 60 bad players, it’s more to stay that 55 of the 60 will be nothing more than NBA non-all stars. And beyond the top 3, the rest are much closer in skill and talent than normal, and it’s a crap shoot. This means, the draft could have a lot of trades as there isn’t any immediate upgrade potential, and what is found, might be 2-3 years away…. A lot of Josh Harts, but 1-2 DLo level guys, and no Zions.

What this means:
First, it means that the trade market should (could?) be very active. Think, 19 teams only have trades and MLE to improve or retool. And only 6 have the cap space above the MLE ($9m) to pay anyone, all of which are bad. Teams are going to try to use their MLE and Bi-Annual to lure the best talent available. And most of the top guys, who are talking paycuts for 1 year with the MLE will ring chase.

Literally, agents are telling their players, "Take the first offer on the table. If we counter offer, the entire free agency pool of money could be gone. So accept whatever the best offer is, and let me negotiate on number of years. We need to kick the can down the road until next year."

Translated: Free Agency will be over in 4-6 hours. By the time we wake up at 8am, the only think left for talent will be veteran minimums. Any player that wants to "negotiate" and chew up time is going to get passed up and the 30 mid levels and 30 bi-annuals will be gone. Unless of course they want to take a mega deal to play for Cleveland or Charlotte or some other bad team.

How this impacts Rob.
He has to have all his cards (and deals) on the table ready to play in a very fast market and in a period of 2 days between the draft and free agency. He won’t know what cards to play until the last minute when his phone rings. The entire market and trade pool is so fluid that it will change in a matter of 30 minutes, AND, oddly enough, to some extent the Lakers are in the drivers seat as Kuzma is in the center of a lot of possible deals, and may be one of the first dominos to fall. Once Kuzma moves, a lot of backup deals may be executed within minutes. And ironically, given all the past nonsense about "Tampering", this is one year that it is ABSOLUTELY happening, and it would be child like foolishness to think that agents aren’t already lining up deals for their players in this 4 hour market.
In this year, DeRozan might be the best option. Or D.Rose. But the team is in NO position to wait, haggle, or fuss. And things will move so fast that this might be the best option going-in.
I hope / expect:
Bradley – Opt In.
KCP – $15M /3 years (Traded to team of choice next season).
  • Derozan – Rumors make a lot of sense.
  • D.Rose – This seems to be the backup plan.
    Cousins (Most of MLE $4M?)
    T.Thompson (1/2 of MLE)
    Howard – Vet Minimum ($3M!)
    McGee – Opt Out or Traded.
The best 2 or 3 sharpshooter 3pt guys available in the draft. Watch for a low 2nd round trade. (Philly? Charlotte?) <- This solves the 3pt issue the team can’t fix in free agency.
Posted by LakerDieHard on Nov 12, 2020 | 3:00 PM

Partizanen banditen

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24 август 2016
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Aко не се степа со Ленард после месец дена, ја ке се пријавам да ми прават сунет.
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