некој од лименки пиво направил куќа. Едно нешто не земаш предвид. Непланското градење, легализација на дивоградбите и слично кои мама му плакаа на воздушните струења во градовите. Значи сите активности на властите одеа во правец на влошување на состојбите, пишани во еколошките планови од претходната деценија.
Чисто информативно-во
Европскиот извештај за енергија за европскиот пазар на греење има анализа на пазарот на греење. Текстот не се однесува на -најефтино или најегзотично греење туку на сумирање на греењето во земјите каде воздухот е многу скалила почист од нашиот воздух. Не што е поромантично или поефтино туку што е пофункционално и почисто за околината.
The space heat market evolved then from using coal and firewood in
simple inefficient fireplaces to efficient boilers and central heating in buildings. The first institutional European district heating systems were built in the late 19th century and the first city-based European commercial district heating system was started in Hamburg in 1921.
District heating networks are more common in high density urban areas with multi-family, public, and commercial buildings. District heat is also competitive in suburban areas if the district heat source is cheap and the alternative heat supply is expensive.
Natural gas, for local heat generation in boilers or stoves, is mainly distributed in urban and suburban areas. If the national population density is high enough, natural gas is also distributed to small towns and villages in semi-rural areas.
Individual solutions as boilers for fuel oil, LPG, coal, and firewood are normally used in rural areas. Other individual solutions are electricity use in boilers, panel radiators, hot water storage tanks, or heat pumps. These solutions can also be used in urban areas,
but the use of firewood is normally only allocated to rural areas due to the close supply.
With respect to competition among the various possibilities for heating, the following patterns appear:
•District heat competes with natural gas and other fossil-based energy supply in high heat density urban areas.
• Natural gas competes with various individual solutions in suburban and semi-rural areas. District heat can also compete if its heat source is very cheap.
• Various individual heating solutions compete with each other in rural areas.
Firewood is a common rural primary energy supply in all countries.
. The overall market shares for the whole target area was: 33 % natural gas, 31 % electricity, 20 % fuel oil, 7,5 % heat, 5,7 % combustible renewables, 1,8 % coal and coal products, 0,4 % geothermal heat, and 0,2 % solar heat. Hence,
natural gas has a leading position on the European other sector heat market, supplying 4,2 times more heat than the supply of district heat.
Или накратко за Британија
Only a small fraction of UK homes are without central heating today. In the last comprehensive survey, in 2004, it was 7% of households, and that has probably dropped further since.