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Битие, Зен и квантна физика и најдов интересен текст:
Во Битие 2:23 And man said, "This time, it is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This one shall be called ishah (woman) because this one was taken from ish (man)."
The adam is called ish for the first time here. Again we may ask
ourselves, why is man and woman referred to with a word whose root
is ‘fire’? In the ancient world, man saw the earth as being composed of
four elements: earth, water, wind and fire. Man had been formed of
these things with the exception of one. He was formed of the dust of
the ground, the earth; much of his body, and specifically his blood, is
made of water (chaos); and he received the breath, or wind, from
YHVH. From whence comes the fire? Woman. The fire is the fire of
passion, not just sexual passion but the whole bundle of emotions that
will only exist in the presence of other people. Joy, anger, love,
frustration, and all our other emotions need other people with whom
to share them. As we said before, a man alone cannot sin. On the
positive side, a man also needs someone to share his story with. Our
fire, both good and bad, is revealed through others. Land without
water is barren, breath without fire is cold and harsh, and a man
without passion or emotion is really lifeless. Eastern cultures
understand this; they are a passionate and emotional people. We in
the west would do well to learn not to ‘bottle it up,’ but to release our
fire before it goes out.
@Хептаграм XI те прашувам овде, бидејќи не знам зошто ја изгони Кабалата од темата за Телема (зарем не ја проучувате), дали врз основа на горниот текст е напишано Кредото на Гностичката миса?