Нормално дека не е докажана, затоа е теорија - исто како и релативноста.
~ приближно
абе ајде хахаха , не сум знаел
првпат ја гледам равенкава поставена со приближно
што така ти текна ?
--- надополнето: Sep 25, 2011 10:17 PM ---
btw теоријата на релативноста е докажана и не е само теорија
Да не беше теоријата за релативност немаше да има GPS во автомобилите
Доста интересен текст најдов на википедија.
како е можно патување во иднината, мислам дека тие добро што ја знаат теоријата на релативност добро ќе го разберат
How far can one travel from the Earth?
Since one can not travel faster than light, one might conclude that a human can never travel further from Earth than 40 light years, if the traveler is active between the age of 20 and 60. One would easily think that a traveller would never be able to reach more than the very few solar systems which exist within the limit of 20-40 light years from the earth. But that would be a mistaken conclusion. Because of time dilation, he can travel thousands of light years during his 40 active years. If the spaceship accelerates at a constant 1G, he will after a little less than a year (mathematically) reach almost the speed of light, but time dilation will increase his life span to thousands of years, seen from the reference system of the Solar System, but his subjective lifespan will not thereby change. If he returns to Earth he will land thousands of years into its future. Even if he should accelerate for a longer period, his speed will not be seen as higher than the speed of light by observers on Earth, and he will not measure his speed as being higher than the speed of light. This is because he will see a length contraction of the universe in his direction of travel. And during the journey, people on Earth will experience much more time than he does. So, although his (ordinary) speed cannot exceed
c, his
four-velocity (distance as seen by Earth divided by his proper (i.e. subjective) time) can be much greater than
c. This is similar to the fact that a muon can travel much further than
c times its
half-life (when at rest), if it is traveling close to