9/11 Терористи или сепак не?

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  • Терористи

    Гласови: 130 20,8%
  • Американски владини структури

    Гласови: 409 65,3%
  • Појма немам

    Гласови: 87 13,9%

  • Вкупно гласачи



The 757-200

ајде малце ке се пмачам ама во интерес на вистината немам намера да ве убедам АМА ПРЕСУДЕТЕ ВИЕ ВАШЕ Е!!!!

тие што велат беспилотно летало нека објаснат чуму остатоци од седишта баш од боинг.
а сега еве јас кои ФАКТИ ГИ ИМАМ за разлика од тие што одговараат со прашања!!!!!

As we can see from the freely available information for the 757(from the Boeing website). The 757 is a midsized commercial airliner designed for short haul and medium haul routes (Medium Range Transport (MR-TR)), although since its release, and the subsequent discovery of the Wake Vortex it leaves behind the FAA has classified the 757 as a "Heavy" aircraft; the FAA places the 757 in the Geometric Design Classification IV, and an ATC Operation Class C.

The 757-200 dimensions:
Tail Height: 44 ft 6 in (13.6m)
Length: 155 ft 3 in (47.32m)
Wingspan: 124 ft 10 in (38.05m)
Body Exterior Width: 12 ft 4 in (3.7m)
Fuel Capacity: 11,489 us gal (43,490l / 43,490kg)
Maximum Takeoff weight: 255,000lb (115,680kg)
Typical Cruise Speed: 0.80 Mach (573.6mph / 956kmh)
Engines used on a 757: Two 166.4kN (37,400lb) Rolls-Royce RB211-535C turbofans, or 178.8kN (40,200lb) RB211-535E4s, or 193.5kN (43,500lb) RB211-535E4-Bs, or 162.8kN (36,600lb) Pratt & Whitney PW2037s, or two 178.4kN (40,100lb) PW2040s, or 189.5kN (42,600lb) PW2043s. (source2)
Auxiliary Power Unit: Honeywell GTCP331-200

The Pentagon was designed in the early 40's and was completed in only 16 months on Jan 14, 1943. The shortages of materials required for war production raised many design and construction problems. The use of reinforced concrete in lieu of formed steel for the building made possible a saving of 43,000 tons of steel, more than enough to build a battleship. The use of concrete ramps rather than elevators further reduced steel requirements. Drainage pipes were concrete; ducts were fiber, interior doors were wood. An unusual wall design - concrete spandrels carried to window sill level - eliminated many miles of through-wall copper flashing

пентагон граден 43!!!!!!

The length of the outside wall on any side of the pentagon is 921 feet.
The wingspan of a 757 is 124 feet 10 inches.
Now, everyone can agree that 921/125= roughly 7.4 right?

Given the size of the 757, and the size of the Pentagon, the damaged area fits in peftectly with the dimensions of both the aircraft and the building.

Look at the hole in the building

Here is the hole in the building - it's been reported by at least a dozen different sources (including conspiracy theory sites) to be a 16 to 20 foot hole. That is really interesting when you take into account the fact that the 757 body is 12 ft 4in wide and 13 ft 6in high. (Here is where I was mistaken in the past, like so very many others I was led astray by the HEIGHT of the aircraft, which is actually the measurement from the wheels-down to the tip of the tail. That measurement is for aircraft hangar clearance, not the SIZE of the aircraft.) The 757 is basically a cylinder that is 13 feet across. It then should not be surprising that it would create something around a thirteen foot hole in the side of the building.

Look at the nose-on view of a 757 - you can see the body is slightly less than 1/3 the size of the height of the aircraft. The tail certainly isn't going to punch a hole through a reinforced concrete wall; that is why there is no 40 foot hole in the front of the Pentagon in any photos. A 40 foot object didn't hit it, a 13 foot object did.

Here is an L1011 (it's a larger plane than a 757 - but the basic design of how a plane body is built is the same) being scrapped, you can see that almost ALL of the support structure is in the bottom 2/5 of the plane. This is the part that punched the hole in the Pentagon, the rest of the thin, hollow, top of the plane just shredded into chunks, some of which are laying on the lawn and around the rescue vehicles. Most of a commercial airliner is just a thin aluminum shell, insulation, a thin plastic inner liner, some carpet and seats. They're designed to be as light as possible so they can carry more cargo and more people while using less fuel and at the same time remain "safe".

It is a given that the majority of mass is going to be in the bottom half of the aircraft - the primary structure and heaviest parts are all located there, as is the luggage and any freight.

Landing Gear Evidence

Rim photographed in the Pentagon wreckage. You can clearly see it is a double bead design as required by the NTSB, and you can also see it has had 90% of the rim edge smashed off in the crash.

Landing gear strut - appears to be from the nose gear - note how charred the area around it is.

Below, another photo of a tire with the same pattern as ones used on a 757, found in the Pentagon wreckage.

Here is are photos of some apparent engine parts from the Pentagon crash site.

Below is a significant portion of a badly smashed RB211 engine in the Pentagon wreckage - what appears to be the diffusor section of the compressor, one of the pumps remains partially attached, some hoses and the familiar webbed wire wraps (to the right of the main ring) and some of the Boeing yellow primed support structure is lying beside it (left, with rivets - again: note the yellow primer, we'll cover that further down).
Reference: Image of the engine used on the 757 (it's the rightmost one, top row)

Another engine part, bottom right.


Here is another angle of the exact same piece in question - notice the people standing off to the right of it. More importantly, notice all the other small bits of the aircraft skin laying around.

Both (larger) Photos by Journalist 1st Class Mark D. Faram.

Even the black boxes тоа во превод е црна кутија(не викајте како не изгореле тие се правени да издржат катастрофа) have been recovered, the reason given for not playing the flight voice recorder for the media was that it wouldn't serve any use other than to cause more emotional pain to family members (се сложувам...или демократите ја фрлија тезата имајки на ум дека има ретардоси во САД па републиканците да изгубат)


Area of fence to the right of the impact area partially flattened by the right engine of the plane. Note how a couple of the poles are bent right over, some are sheered off at the top, yet the pole and fence portion on the left is untouched (obviously the right engine took out the fence to the right of those poles) and the entire back side of the fence has been torn away. The generator was hit by the right wing and engine before the 757 hit the building - the damage is evidenced by many photos of the crash area.

Closeup of generator smashed in the front and gouged on the top - hard to image a missile accomplishing both of these. But if the right engine of a 757 hit the front of the generator, part of the wing could gouge the top. At the very least, something very large, and very heavy smashed into this extremely heavy desil generator.

if this was a missile or a bomb, the explosion could ONLY have spun it away from the building.

како може беспилотно летало кое е лесно да го да го помрднат тешкиот генератор...хммммм БОИНГ Е

malce fizika

Purdue slikava ja dobiv od Purdue univerzitetot.


"Omar Campo, a Salvadorean, was cutting the grass on the other side of the road when the plane flew over his head. 'It was a passenger plane. I think an American Airways plane,' Mr Campo said. 'I was cutting the grass and it came in screaming over my head. I felt the impact. The whole ground shook and the whole area was full of fire. I could never imagine I would see anything like that here.'" извор ке баратеThe Guardian, 12 Sep 2001

"Afework Hagos, a computer programmer, was on his way to work but stuck in a traffic jam near the Pentagon when the plane flew over. 'There was a huge screaming noise and I got out of the car as the plane came over. Everybody was running away in different directions. It was tilting its wings up and down like it was trying to balance. It hit some lampposts on the way in.'"

Henry Ticknor, intern minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, Virginia, was driving to church that Tuesday morning when American Airlines Flight 77 came in fast and low over his car and struck the Pentagon. 'There was a puff of white smoke and then a huge billowing black cloud,' he said."
за овој од црквата UU World, Jan/Feb 20

големината на 757 се совпага со дупката на зградата
Rims found in building match those of a 757
Small turbine engine outside is an APU
Same engine has been clearly stated to not match a Global Hawk engine
Blue seats from 757 laying on ground in photos
Part of "American" fuselage logo visible in more than 1 photo
Engine parts photographed inside match a Rolls-Royce RB211
Structural components photographed in wreckage match Boeing paint primer schemes
Large deisel generator in front of building hit by a large heavy object
Large deisel engine outside is spun towards the building - could not be result of bomb blast or missile explosion
Multiple eye witnesses say they saw an airliner
Multiple eye witnesses say they saw an airliner hit the Pentagon
60+ bodies, matching the passenger list and flight crew roster identified and returned to families from Pentagon wreckage

ајде бидете ми поздравени:helou:

во интерес на вистината!!!!

ама пак не ми одговори :toe:
читај мило погоре....не прашуј МИСЛИ...ЛОГИКА!!!!
Член од
1 ноември 2008
Поени од реакции
глеј сега секој обичен можеби ќе го убедиш со овие што ги поставуваш
ама некој што малку повеќе се разбира во градежништво и физика, а и малку повеќе се заинтересирал за настанов и знае како е што е изградено неможеш да го убедиш

изгледа ти си тој што не мисли
жими логикава


Член од
1 ноември 2008
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за тебе ретардиран е физичар и градежен инженер
а ти што си?


The 757-200

ајде малце ке се пмачам ама во интерес на вистината немам намера да ве убедам АМА ПРЕСУДЕТЕ ВИЕ ВАШЕ Е!!!!

тие што велат беспилотно летало нека објаснат чуму остатоци од седишта баш од боинг.
а сега еве јас кои ФАКТИ ГИ ИМАМ за разлика од тие што одговараат со прашања!!!!!

As we can see from the freely available information for the 757(from the Boeing website). The 757 is a midsized commercial airliner designed for short haul and medium haul routes (Medium Range Transport (MR-TR)), although since its release, and the subsequent discovery of the Wake Vortex it leaves behind the FAA has classified the 757 as a "Heavy" aircraft; the FAA places the 757 in the Geometric Design Classification IV, and an ATC Operation Class C.

The 757-200 dimensions:
Tail Height: 44 ft 6 in (13.6m)
Length: 155 ft 3 in (47.32m)
Wingspan: 124 ft 10 in (38.05m)
Body Exterior Width: 12 ft 4 in (3.7m)
Fuel Capacity: 11,489 us gal (43,490l / 43,490kg)
Maximum Takeoff weight: 255,000lb (115,680kg)
Typical Cruise Speed: 0.80 Mach (573.6mph / 956kmh)
Engines used on a 757: Two 166.4kN (37,400lb) Rolls-Royce RB211-535C turbofans, or 178.8kN (40,200lb) RB211-535E4s, or 193.5kN (43,500lb) RB211-535E4-Bs, or 162.8kN (36,600lb) Pratt & Whitney PW2037s, or two 178.4kN (40,100lb) PW2040s, or 189.5kN (42,600lb) PW2043s. (source2)
Auxiliary Power Unit: Honeywell GTCP331-200

The Pentagon was designed in the early 40's and was completed in only 16 months on Jan 14, 1943. The shortages of materials required for war production raised many design and construction problems. The use of reinforced concrete in lieu of formed steel for the building made possible a saving of 43,000 tons of steel, more than enough to build a battleship. The use of concrete ramps rather than elevators further reduced steel requirements. Drainage pipes were concrete; ducts were fiber, interior doors were wood. An unusual wall design - concrete spandrels carried to window sill level - eliminated many miles of through-wall copper flashing

пентагон граден 43!!!!!!

The length of the outside wall on any side of the pentagon is 921 feet.
The wingspan of a 757 is 124 feet 10 inches.
Now, everyone can agree that 921/125= roughly 7.4 right?

Given the size of the 757, and the size of the Pentagon, the damaged area fits in peftectly with the dimensions of both the aircraft and the building.

Look at the hole in the building

Here is the hole in the building - it's been reported by at least a dozen different sources (including conspiracy theory sites) to be a 16 to 20 foot hole. That is really interesting when you take into account the fact that the 757 body is 12 ft 4in wide and 13 ft 6in high. (Here is where I was mistaken in the past, like so very many others I was led astray by the HEIGHT of the aircraft, which is actually the measurement from the wheels-down to the tip of the tail. That measurement is for aircraft hangar clearance, not the SIZE of the aircraft.) The 757 is basically a cylinder that is 13 feet across. It then should not be surprising that it would create something around a thirteen foot hole in the side of the building.

Look at the nose-on view of a 757 - you can see the body is slightly less than 1/3 the size of the height of the aircraft. The tail certainly isn't going to punch a hole through a reinforced concrete wall; that is why there is no 40 foot hole in the front of the Pentagon in any photos. A 40 foot object didn't hit it, a 13 foot object did.

Here is an L1011 (it's a larger plane than a 757 - but the basic design of how a plane body is built is the same) being scrapped, you can see that almost ALL of the support structure is in the bottom 2/5 of the plane. This is the part that punched the hole in the Pentagon, the rest of the thin, hollow, top of the plane just shredded into chunks, some of which are laying on the lawn and around the rescue vehicles. Most of a commercial airliner is just a thin aluminum shell, insulation, a thin plastic inner liner, some carpet and seats. They're designed to be as light as possible so they can carry more cargo and more people while using less fuel and at the same time remain "safe".

It is a given that the majority of mass is going to be in the bottom half of the aircraft - the primary structure and heaviest parts are all located there, as is the luggage and any freight.

Landing Gear Evidence

Rim photographed in the Pentagon wreckage. You can clearly see it is a double bead design as required by the NTSB, and you can also see it has had 90% of the rim edge smashed off in the crash.

Landing gear strut - appears to be from the nose gear - note how charred the area around it is.

Below, another photo of a tire with the same pattern as ones used on a 757, found in the Pentagon wreckage.

Here is are photos of some apparent engine parts from the Pentagon crash site.

Below is a significant portion of a badly smashed RB211 engine in the Pentagon wreckage - what appears to be the diffusor section of the compressor, one of the pumps remains partially attached, some hoses and the familiar webbed wire wraps (to the right of the main ring) and some of the Boeing yellow primed support structure is lying beside it (left, with rivets - again: note the yellow primer, we'll cover that further down).
Reference: Image of the engine used on the 757 (it's the rightmost one, top row)

Another engine part, bottom right.


Here is another angle of the exact same piece in question - notice the people standing off to the right of it. More importantly, notice all the other small bits of the aircraft skin laying around.

Both (larger) Photos by Journalist 1st Class Mark D. Faram.

Even the black boxes тоа во превод е црна кутија(не викајте како не изгореле тие се правени да издржат катастрофа) have been recovered, the reason given for not playing the flight voice recorder for the media was that it wouldn't serve any use other than to cause more emotional pain to family members (се сложувам...или демократите ја фрлија тезата имајки на ум дека има ретардоси во САД па републиканците да изгубат)


Area of fence to the right of the impact area partially flattened by the right engine of the plane. Note how a couple of the poles are bent right over, some are sheered off at the top, yet the pole and fence portion on the left is untouched (obviously the right engine took out the fence to the right of those poles) and the entire back side of the fence has been torn away. The generator was hit by the right wing and engine before the 757 hit the building - the damage is evidenced by many photos of the crash area.

Closeup of generator smashed in the front and gouged on the top - hard to image a missile accomplishing both of these. But if the right engine of a 757 hit the front of the generator, part of the wing could gouge the top. At the very least, something very large, and very heavy smashed into this extremely heavy desil generator.

if this was a missile or a bomb, the explosion could ONLY have spun it away from the building.

како може беспилотно летало кое е лесно да го да го помрднат тешкиот генератор...хммммм БОИНГ Е

malce fizika

Purdue slikava ja dobiv od Purdue univerzitetot.


"Omar Campo, a Salvadorean, was cutting the grass on the other side of the road when the plane flew over his head. 'It was a passenger plane. I think an American Airways plane,' Mr Campo said. 'I was cutting the grass and it came in screaming over my head. I felt the impact. The whole ground shook and the whole area was full of fire. I could never imagine I would see anything like that here.'" извор ке баратеThe Guardian, 12 Sep 2001

"Afework Hagos, a computer programmer, was on his way to work but stuck in a traffic jam near the Pentagon when the plane flew over. 'There was a huge screaming noise and I got out of the car as the plane came over. Everybody was running away in different directions. It was tilting its wings up and down like it was trying to balance. It hit some lampposts on the way in.'"

Henry Ticknor, intern minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, Virginia, was driving to church that Tuesday morning when American Airlines Flight 77 came in fast and low over his car and struck the Pentagon. 'There was a puff of white smoke and then a huge billowing black cloud,' he said."
за овој од црквата UU World, Jan/Feb 20

големината на 757 се совпага со дупката на зградата
Rims found in building match those of a 757
Small turbine engine outside is an APU
Same engine has been clearly stated to not match a Global Hawk engine
Blue seats from 757 laying on ground in photos
Part of "American" fuselage logo visible in more than 1 photo
Engine parts photographed inside match a Rolls-Royce RB211
Structural components photographed in wreckage match Boeing paint primer schemes
Large deisel generator in front of building hit by a large heavy object
Large deisel engine outside is spun towards the building - could not be result of bomb blast or missile explosion
Multiple eye witnesses say they saw an airliner
Multiple eye witnesses say they saw an airliner hit the Pentagon
60+ bodies, matching the passenger list and flight crew roster identified and returned to families from Pentagon wreckage

ајде бидете ми поздравени:helou:

во интерес на вистината!!!!

читај мило погоре....не прашуј МИСЛИ...ЛОГИКА!!!!
ОК не навредувам од кај ке знам колку се разбираш само ФАКТИ ПРИЛОЖИВ барем прочитај па кажи каде не се согласуваш инаку ке добиеме опомена за офтопик/муабет

а јас имам само две:nesum:
Член од
1 ноември 2008
Поени од реакции
не се согласувам во ништо
ти кажав штетата врз Пентагон е мала, затоа што излезе и проектот како е изграден ами мораше комисијата да го покаже
тука се заебаа
околу авионот доволно расправав
за пилотот бетер
Член од
19 август 2007
Поени од реакции
Daeni se grafiki za Cessna-172 i English Electric Lightning (klasicen lovec presretnuvac od 1960 godina). Pokretlivosta na Lightning i B-757 e mnogu razlicna.
Vrie od pretpostavki.
Ако веќе тврдиш дека врие од претпоставки можеше да го прочиташ текстот. Не се збори ни за Цесна ни за EEL туку разработена е основната аеродинамиката со објаснување што значат тие принципи кај 757.

Да има една генерична скица на авион што не е 757 и на таа скица се означени делови што ги има на секој авион. Според тебе тоа е доволно за останатиот дел да не важи? Уствари доволно е да не го ни читаш? А ако беше на телевизија во емисија на Миленко? Тогаш важи?


Biafran Baby
Член од
12 мај 2009
Поени од реакции
Gledaj si vesti i ne gi vregjaj lugeto. I Discovery gledaj si tamu ima fini dokumentarci od tipot deka Britanskata imperija vo osnova bila metod za civiliziranje na 'divite' luge a ne za aramilak i eksploatacija...

Да има една генерична скица на авион што не е 757 и на таа скица се означени делови што ги има на секој авион. Според тебе тоа е доволно за останатиот дел да не важи? Уствари доволно е да не го ни читаш? А ако беше на телевизија во емисија на Миленко? Тогаш важи?
Silite koi se dovolni za cessna ne se dovolni za B-757 bez razlika sto imaat isti delovi. Kako sto ne e isto Zastava-750 i Ferrari 430. Iako rabotat na isti princip (benz.motor,4 trkala...)
Ne sum gledal nisto na televizija za avijacija, dva-tri pati ama toa e epten za laici.
Manevarskite moznosti na B-757 se skromni vo sporedba so onie na lovec.
Zaklucok se donesuva na princip na najmalku 2 informacii,logika i zdrav razum.

Inaku ke treba da odime do atomskata sub-struktura na delovite na avionot i filozofsko-socijalnite prasanja, i pak ke ostanat praznini.

Ako mislis deka vojna se otvara taka eden politicar resil da udri nekade... ne e bas taka. Mora da ima validna 'pricina' koja ke deluva ubedlivo pred domasnata i svetskata javnost. Razlikata e sto nekoi pravat poelaborirani planovi koi ke im ostavat prostor za dejstva vo razlicen pravec (agresija,menuvanje zakoni,profit,kontrola...) a nekoi pravat ednostavni planovi kako 'zastita na vekovnite ognista na X narodot' i slicni koi se poednostavni za izvedba.

Vidi 'Project for a new american century' i tamu ti e se objasneto. I vidi koi se ucesnici vo toj proekt. Ke ti se razjasni.


И кога јас би бил шадоу мастер и би превзел ваков потег, за таканаречени терористички напади, сигурно нема да застанам само до нападите, туку ќе организирам и една добра позадинска кампања за поделба на мислењата. Ќе им дам на будалите дел од вистината измешана со СциФи, додека добро платени универзитетски професори и стручњаци ќе лажат за мене.

Само едно ми е јасно, дека многу работи се сменаа во корист на америчката влада после 9/11 посебно во областа на контролата и ограничувањата на слободата на обичниот граѓанин


И кога јас би бил шадоу мастер и би превзел ваков потег, за таканаречени терористички напади, сигурно нема да застанам само до нападите, туку ќе организирам и една добра позадинска кампања за поделба на мислењата. Ќе им дам на будалите дел од вистината измешана со СциФи, додека добро платени универзитетски професори и стручњаци ќе лажат за мене.

Само едно ми е јасно, дека многу работи се сменаа во корист на америчката влада после 9/11 посебно во областа на контролата и ограничувањата на слободата на обичниот граѓанин
ништо ако си чист чист си..ама ако не гвантанамо...и доста интересна е политиката на preemptive strike(podobro spre;i nego leci)e toa ne mi se dopaga...ba[ so taa legislativa irak be[e napadnat.....само имаа економска загуба од 500 трилиони долари а реалната е 1000 а потоа и изгубија многу жртви во војниве кои патем евреите ги направија а јас гледам арапи секој ден палат и газат амерички знамиња
Член од
1 ноември 2008
Поени од реакции
не се согласувам во ништо
ти кажав штетата врз Пентагон е мала, затоа што излезе и проектот како е изграден ами мораше комисијата да го покаже
тука се заебаа
околу авионот доволно расправав
за пилотот бетер
што е со неусогласените приказни и извешати на Американските лидери, нивните "експерти", ами и комисијата различна приказна имаше :tapp:
како и за бруката на CNN со зградата која одпосле падна, а тие веќе ја имаа прогласено за срушена :uvo:
Член од
19 август 2007
Поени од реакции
Silite koi se dovolni za cessna ne se dovolni za B-757 bez razlika sto imaat isti delovi. Kako sto ne e isto Zastava-750 i Ferrari 430. Iako rabotat na isti princip (benz.motor,4 trkala...)
Ne sum gledal nisto na televizija za avijacija, dva-tri pati ama toa e epten za laici.
Manevarskite moznosti na B-757 se skromni vo sporedba so onie na lovec.
Zaklucok se donesuva na princip na najmalku 2 informacii,logika i zdrav razum.
Да знаеше само да читаш, ќе можеше да се дискутира и со тебе.
Прашањето беше до проф. за тоа дали теоретскиот дел е добро покриен. Реши ти да го одговориш? Повели посочи ми што е грешно во дискусијата за аеродинамика. Тебе не ти е до текст туку до сликички? Во ред забављај се со други теми.

BTW ако објаснувам основни принципи на кола како: има четири тркала, волан, мотор, оди напред-назад, врти лево-десно, забрзува, кочи и сл., сеедно ќе биде дали ставам слика од Фиќо или Ферари.


Biafran Baby
Член од
12 мај 2009
Поени од реакции
Да знаеше само да читаш, ќе можеше да се дискутира и со тебе.
Прашањето беше до проф. за тоа дали теоретскиот дел е добро покриен. Реши ти да го одговориш? Повели посочи ми што е грешно во дискусијата за аеродинамика. Тебе не ти е до текст туку до сликички? Во ред забављај се со други теми.
Nepismen sum, ne razbrav deka prasanjeto e za prof, aerodinamikata e misterija za mene, bez sliki e tesko da se vidi razlikata, se izvinuvam sto bev prisuten na temava.
ke odam da se ispovedam.


Величието е едноставно..
Член од
12 април 2009
Поени од реакции
Во принцип сите воздухоплови (мислам на високо-крилци , среднокрилци или нискокрилци) функционираат исто. Важна е ускладеноста на потисната сила што се добива од моторот , со распонот на крилјата и тежината (нето-бруто). итн.итн.
Теоретскиот дел (повеќе или помалку) е ок................


Biafran Baby
Член од
12 мај 2009
Поени од реакции
Во принцип сите воздухоплови (мислам на високо-крилци , среднокрилци или нискокрилци) функционираат исто. Важна е ускладеноста на потисната сила што се добива од моторот , со распонот на крилјата и тежината (нето-бруто). итн.итн.
Теоретскиот дел (повеќе или помалку) е ок................
Ete taka!

No dinamikata e razlicna pr. kaj visokokrilec so klipen motor (C-172) i niskokrilec so mlazen motor (B-757)... a rabotata e vo nacinot na upravuvanje i tranzicijata od C-172 na B-757 za koja nekoj pogore tvrdi deka mozela da se napravi so flajt-simulator na pc. Ima flajt simulatori so kokpit vo prirodna golemina i za 757 koi gi repliciraat uslovite no kako toj arapot nasol takov simulator ne e jasno.
I tie arapi se samo osomniceni deka ucestvuvale za koi ne e dokazano deka bile vo avionite a 7 od niv se zivi i gi otfrlaat obvinuvanjata kako idiotski, familijarni luge koi nemaat nisto so 9-11.
Osven pasosot koj ja preziveal eksplozijata i ognot (!?).

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