Фан Клуб: Јувентус

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fino alla fine
Член од
9 август 2008
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шо е со Киелини?ќе се врати за со Удине?
По се изгледа дека ке се врати !

Да кажам нешто незнам дали е точно сум прочитал на sportdenes.com групата на смрта е групата на Јуве,Зенит и Реал :)


...believe in yourself! :)
Член од
2 јули 2007
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Почна веке да тренира џорџо,ама мислам не треба да се ризикува за во недела да ига.
Член од
8 февруари 2008
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По се изгледа дека ке се врати !

Да кажам нешто незнам дали е точно сум прочитал на sportdenes.com групата на смрта е групата на Јуве,Зенит и Реал :)

ej aj da ne otvarame sea pa na taa tema muabet, dosta bese posle izvlekuvanjeto i sea pak, jas mislam deka e dosta ke vidime na 16 ili 17 koga bese, sto e zenit, sea nema potreba da naglasuvame veke za taa tema, cao pozdrav do site uzivajte bez nervoza


1897 Fighter
Член од
29 декември 2007
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Абе сигурен ли си оти ќе дават? Гледам нешто друго почна.
Во програмата пишуваше дека ќе оди во етер емисијата..Ваљда е смената програмскава шема поради празников, така да емисијата можно е да оди после празничнава емисија..


ragazzo pazzo
Член од
17 април 2007
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еве малце да се потсетиме на легендата,Зидааааан,најдобриот фудбалер на светот,не Марадона,не Пеле него Зизу,читајте за колку пари го земале Јуве,за 3 МИЛИОНИ ФУНТИ кога имаше 24 години,најбољи трансфери правиме,многу добар текст за Зизу,прочитајте го,има и неколку клипа

Член од
11 јули 2008
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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, Swiss, SunSans-Regular]Giovanni Spinella[/FONT] - Smeta deka Giovinco bi go dostignal vrvot samo vo Juventus. Sekako potencira deka treba da se napravat dve raboti: Da mu se ovozmozi da igra natprevari(tuka vklucuva promasuvanje sansi, slabi natprevari, nedovolna koordinarnost itn),i normalno da se zakluci so zelezen dogovor...

Tuesday 9 September, 2008 [FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]Blog:[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, Swiss, SunSans-Regular]Seb point[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, Swiss, SunSans-Regular]It’s pretty clear that Sebastian Giovinco’s star is on the rise, but [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, Swiss, SunSans-Regular]Giovanni Spinella[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, Swiss, SunSans-Regular] insists only Juventus have the ability to make him shine[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, Swiss, SunSans-Regular]No one can doubt the talent young Sebastian Giovinco has shown in these early stages of his career. His ability on the ball suggests that Juventus have produced a player who can potentially join the long line of talents that include Roberto Baggio, Gianfranco Zola, Francesco Totti, Antonio Cassano, Gianni Rivera, Giancarlo Antognoni and Sandro Mazzola.

The winger convinced at Empoli last term where he soon became a regular in the starting XI, even though his abilities weren’t enough to prevent the Tuscan side from being relegated. It was enough, however, to convince Juve to recall him to Turin. With the Bianconeri back in Europe, Giovinco is one of the players upon whom both club and supporters’ hopes rest.

But Giovinco’s potential has yet to be fully realised. The youngster still has to deliver that succession of performances and goals that could cement him as one of Italy’s great players. Until he does, all the media and European club attention could distract him, destabilise him. Giovinco’s wouldn’t be the only tale of a boy with too many expectations heaped upon him, who couldn’t cope under the pressure.

Juventus have two obligations. The first is to let the young man play, to give him the room to show his stuff and the opportunity to shine. But the second responsibility is to protect the starlet, to ensure that he achieves his potential unhindered.

This means allowing Giovinco to occasionally make mistakes, disappoint during games and miss chances. It also means ensuring that none of the potential distractions, such as the media or other clubs’ transfer gurus [like Arsenal], prevent this guy from putting in the hard work that is necessary for him to become the star everyone expects him to be.

Giovinco’s nascent celebrity is writing cheques his skill is expected to pay. If the player can keep a steady head, everything suggests he will be delighting club and country for years to come.


1897 Fighter
Член од
29 декември 2007
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Се сложувам потполно со напишаново, Фосиле..Посебно за оној дел, ЖЕЛЕЗНИОТ ДОГОВОР!:)


Avanti Formica atomica!
Член од
14 февруари 2007
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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, Swiss, SunSans-Regular]Giovanni Spinella[/FONT] - Smeta deka Giovinco bi go dostignal vrvot samo vo Juventus. Sekako potencira deka treba da se napravat dve raboti: Da mu se ovozmozi da igra natprevari(tuka vklucuva promasuvanje sansi, slabi natprevari, nedovolna koordinarnost itn),i normalno da se zakluci so zelezen dogovor...

Tuesday 9 September, 2008 [FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]Blog:[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, Swiss, SunSans-Regular]Seb point[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, Swiss, SunSans-Regular]It’s pretty clear that Sebastian Giovinco’s star is on the rise, but [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, Swiss, SunSans-Regular]Giovanni Spinella[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, Swiss, SunSans-Regular] insists only Juventus have the ability to make him shine[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, Swiss, SunSans-Regular]No one can doubt the talent young Sebastian Giovinco has shown in these early stages of his career. His ability on the ball suggests that Juventus have produced a player who can potentially join the long line of talents that include Roberto Baggio, Gianfranco Zola, Francesco Totti, Antonio Cassano, Gianni Rivera, Giancarlo Antognoni and Sandro Mazzola.

The winger convinced at Empoli last term where he soon became a regular in the starting XI, even though his abilities weren’t enough to prevent the Tuscan side from being relegated. It was enough, however, to convince Juve to recall him to Turin. With the Bianconeri back in Europe, Giovinco is one of the players upon whom both club and supporters’ hopes rest.

But Giovinco’s potential has yet to be fully realised. The youngster still has to deliver that succession of performances and goals that could cement him as one of Italy’s great players. Until he does, all the media and European club attention could distract him, destabilise him. Giovinco’s wouldn’t be the only tale of a boy with too many expectations heaped upon him, who couldn’t cope under the pressure.

Juventus have two obligations. The first is to let the young man play, to give him the room to show his stuff and the opportunity to shine. But the second responsibility is to protect the starlet, to ensure that he achieves his potential unhindered.

This means allowing Giovinco to occasionally make mistakes, disappoint during games and miss chances. It also means ensuring that none of the potential distractions, such as the media or other clubs’ transfer gurus [like Arsenal], prevent this guy from putting in the hard work that is necessary for him to become the star everyone expects him to be.

Giovinco’s nascent celebrity is writing cheques his skill is expected to pay. If the player can keep a steady head, everything suggests he will be delighting club and country for years to come.
ДА МУ СЕ ОВОЗМОЖИ НАСТАП за ова највеке сум се надевам дека Раниери ке се вразуми и ке му даде шанса на некој не толку битен натпревар за полека да стекне убаво искуство па макар и лошо да изигра човек е може да напраи некоја грешка сепак мислам дека добро ке се вклопи во тимот и набрзо ке го видиме со неговите магии на терен:vozbud::vozbud::vozbud:
Член од
8 февруари 2008
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ДА МУ СЕ ОВОЗМОЖИ НАСТАП за ова највеке сум се надевам дека Раниери ке се вразуми и ке му даде шанса на некој не толку битен натпревар за полека да стекне убаво искуство па макар и лошо да изигра човек е може да напраи некоја грешка сепак мислам дека добро ке се вклопи во тимот и набрзо ке го видиме со неговите магии на терен:vozbud::vozbud::vozbud:
cekaj malce, prviot natprevar go igravme protiv fiorentina, vtoriot protiv udineze, koi se smetaat za nezgodni ekipi, pa neli treba malce da pomislime deka tie natprevari se od ogromno znacenje i deka na niv trebA da nastapat igraci so najgolemo isklustvo od tie sto se na raspolaganje, ne velam deka ne treba i toj da igra samo rano e ima cup ima poslabi natprevari sea e start ako uste od start ja zagubime bitkata sto posle,
ova go velam zatoa sto pogore procitav da imal promaseni sansi , slabi natprevari itn. mislam deka ne treba da ze zrtvuva celata ekipa na juventus i negovata igra za da moze toj da steknuva zneanje i se osloboduva od pritisokot


cekaj malce, prviot natprevar go igravme protiv fiorentina, vtoriot protiv udineze, koi se smetaat za nezgodni ekipi, pa neli treba malce da pomislime deka tie natprevari se od ogromno znacenje i deka na niv trebA da nastapat igraci so najgolemo isklustvo od tie sto se na raspolaganje, ne velam deka ne treba i toj da igra samo rano e ima cup ima poslabi natprevari sea e start ako uste od start ja zagubime bitkata sto posle,
ova go velam zatoa sto pogore procitav da imal promaseni sansi , slabi natprevari itn. mislam deka ne treba da ze zrtvuva celata ekipa na juventus i negovata igra za da moze toj da steknuva zneanje i se osloboduva od pritisokot
Точно така.Ама тој има играно у серија а веќе 2 години така да не е некој што првпат е у серија а.Детето е добро,башка и Недвед го притискаат веќе годините нема да може цела сезона да ја игра.Почекајте бидете стрпливи ке заигра и Џиовинко.


ragazzo pazzo
Член од
17 април 2007
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го читавте ова?

Lippi To Go For Juventini Against Georgia
Marcello Lippi could field as many as five Juventus players for Italy’s World Cup qualifier against Georgia on Wednesday night, according to reports in Italy.

The Azzurri take on the war-torn Georgians in Udine, hoping for a more positive performance following the shambolic display against Cyprus on Saturday night.

During that game in Larnaca, Italy were outplayed for long periods, with the hosts missing a hatful of clear-cut chances, before Lippi’s men snatched an undeserved 2-1 win in injury time courtesy of Antonio Di Natale.

Lippi has already revealed that he will make a host of changes for the Georgia clash, and it will be Juventus players who mainly benefit from this.

With Gianluigi Buffon the obvious choice in goal, Nicola Legrottaglie is likely to play at centre back, possibly in place of Andrea Barzagli, who had a shocker on Saturday.

Mauro Camoranesi will keep his place in midfield, while Alessandro Del Piero will probably be fielded in a forward trident with Di Natale and Alberto Gilardino.

However, there is still a remote possibility that Gilardino could be dropped for Vincenzo Iaquinta, although this is unlikely, and if the former Udinese man is to play, it will probably be in place of Del Piero.

еве уште нешто ,интервју со Павел на 4 септември,на јуве канал

еве и преводче:
I love this interview from Juventus midfielder Pavel Nedved from September 4, 2008 in the program "A Filo Diretto" from Juventus Channel.

This is a program where fans get to ask questions.

Marco asked when you stop playing will you continue to be a coach for children. Nedved said that indeed he wants to do it and that he even talked to the club about it. He might have the possibility to coach children among other things.

Diana, said that she was every morning at 5 a.m. in front of the hotel while Juventus trained in Malta to see Nedved go out jogging.

Nedved responded that he did not jog at that time because he already was training with the squad and laughed saying he also needed to rest.

Carlo asked when you go home what do you play with your children?

Nedved says he play golf and bring them with him. But that they are lazy. Amazingly, his young son admires Gigi Buffon and he pretend to be Buffon. Nedved has to shoot and his child stops alla Buffon.

Hey, guys, we might have another Buffon soon...

Max asked if he believed that Juventus would have returned in the Champions League in just 2 years and whether he was afraid of any teams in the Champions. Nedved said, of course he believed it. He was even destroyed when Juventus went to the Serie B. It was difficult and I struggled to accept it. It was not easy, we were united players and the club to overcome this period. No, I am not afraid of any club. When we returned to our home "the Serie A" in Champions League, and that nothing would scare us anymore. We are not afraid of any clubs. Nedved said that he even talked about it with Camoranesi before the match with Fiorentina.

е,сакав да ве прашам нешто,дали Ночерино е целосно продаден на Палермо или пола-пола?глеам сеа Липи го викнал како замена со Гатузо,многу ми е криво за Ночерино,супер играч е,сеа на олимпијада беше капитен


Јувентус фан
Член од
5 декември 2007
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И што сакате да кажете, Дека треба Недвед да седи на клупа. Недвед е најдобар во јуве моментално ( според игрите што ги прикажува). Трча и се труди во цел натпревар, со фиорентина даде и гол. Која е причината за да биде заменет?
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