Flood Legends
Samples from six continents and the islands of the sea; hundreds of such legends are known
Australia - Kurnai
Destruction by Water
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
Babylon - Berossus’ account
Destruction by Water
Warning Given
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
Babylon - Gilgamesh epic
Destruction by Water
Divine Cause
Warning Given
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
Bolivia - Chiriguano
Destruction by Water
Divine Cause
Warning Given
Humans Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
Borneo - Sea Dayak
Destruction by Water
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
Burma - Singpho
Destruction by Water
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
Canada - Cree
Destruction by Water
Divine Cause
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
Canada - Montagnais
Destruction by Water
Divine Cause
Warning Given
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
China - Lolo
Destruction by Water
Divine Cause
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
Cuba - original natives
Destruction by Water
Warning Given
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
East Africa - Masai
Destruction by Water
Divine Cause
Warning Given
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
Egypt - Book of the Dead
Destruction by Water
Divine Cause
Warning Given
Humans Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
Fiji - Walavu-levu tradition
Destruction by Water
Divine Cause
Humans Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
French Polynesia
Destruction by Water
Divine Cause
Warning Given
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Greece - Lucian’s account
Destruction by Water
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
Guyana - Macushi
Destruction by Water
Divine Cause
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
Iceland - Eddas
Destruction by Water
Divine Cause
Humans Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
India - Andaman Islands
Destruction by Water
Divine Cause
Humans Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
India - Bhil
Destruction by Water
Warning Given
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
India - Kamar
Destruction by Water
Divine Cause
Warning Given
Humans Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
Iran - Zend-Avesta
Destruction by Water
Warning Given
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Italy - Ovid’s poetry
Destruction by Water
Divine Cause
Humans Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
Malay Peninsula - Jakun
Destruction by Water
Divine Cause
Humans Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
Mexico - Codex Chimalpopoca
Destruction by Water
Warning Given
Humans Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
Mexico - Huichol
Destruction by Water
Warning Given
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
New Zealand - Maori
Destruction by Water
Divine Cause
Humans Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
Peru - Indians of Huarochir
Destruction by Water
Warning Given
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Russia - Vogul
Destruction by Water
Warning Given
Humans Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
U.S.A. (Alaska) - Kolusches
Destruction by Water
Warning Given
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
U.S.A. (Alaska) - Tlingit
Destruction by Water
Divine Cause
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
U.S.A. (Arizona) - Papago
Destruction by Water
Warning Given
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
U.S.A. (Hawaii) - legend of Nu-u
Destruction by Water
Divine Cause
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
Vanuatu - Melanesians
Destruction by Water
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
Vietnam - Bahnar
Destruction by Water
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
Wales - Dwyfan/Dwyfach legend
Destruction by Water
Humans Spared
Animals Spared
Preserved in a Vessel
Овие преку интернет да не се договарале?
Каде отишла водата?
-Уште е тука. Денес има околу 1.4 билион км кубни вода. Просечна длабочина е 4 км, а просечна надморска висина 800 м. Ако Земјата се измазни, тогаш таа би била преплавена со вода со длабочина од 2400 м.
Дали арката била претесна?
-Не. Библијата зборува „по две животни од секој вид“. Некои истражувачи откриле дека само 43 видови цицачи, 74 видови птици и 10 видови рептили можат да ги произведат животните што ги гледаме денес.
Еве уште нешто:
It is of interest that the Chinese character for “ship” is derived from the idea of “eight persons in a vessel.”