"I will have to probably sell him," the Italian Prime Minister told La Stampa.
"City have made a really big offer to him, more than €15m after tax per year in wages.
"If i don't sell him then the balance of the team will go up in smoke. I risk losing him without earning anything from the deal. I just need to consider the fans and find a transfer hit...we'll see."
Ова се реченици извадени од контекст она што го објавија сите весници е како Берли вели дека е тешко да се задржи Кака поради големата финасиска понуда.
“Nothing is decided yet, but it is very difficult to keep hold of someone who would earn a lot more and asks you to respect the contract, as a club cannot suddenly double wages,” said the Milan owner and Prime Minister of Italy.
“Of course it would be disappointing if he left, but at the moment I do not know how negotiations are going.
“He is a lad whose career does not last forever, so if he has the chance to pick up a lot more than he has now, it is difficult to say no.
“We cannot increase his wages, as they are already at the top level. We would have to bump up everybody’s in the squad and frankly that is not possible.
“Having said all that, I do hope Kaka stays.”