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The Balkans from 2024 to 2030
JUL 20, 20
Geopolitically The Balkans are very important for NATO. It is in the Central-South-East Europe and Mediterranean, halfway from Europe to the West Asia and touches the belly of Russia – that’s the most important.
The Balkans. Source: Wikipedia
The US and NATO have far too much invested into their Balkan colonies to simply give them away. Just look at Camp Bondsteel, the largest US Army base in the region, built on stolen land in an unrecognized state. NATO forces flattened a mountain to create a what is essentially the modern day form of a castle, complete with dungeons for the regime’s many enemies.
Camp Bondsteel from the air. Source:
The diabolical black sites at Camp Bondsteel have been described as a “
Little Guantanamo” and it is an open secret that the US holds and routinely tortures dissidents there. Most of these people are held without evidence and without trial. Camp Bondsteel was known as a “
black hole” where dissidents would vanish, never to be seen again. They may whitewash it in all the ways they want but the truth will not evaporate.
Albania is in a similar condition but with much stronger inclination towards the West, so it might be much harder for Albania to break away from their bonds with US and European masters. Macedonia (North Macedonia) is another puppet state devastated with poverty and has been driven to desperation. The criminals in NATO are offering them
money, and Macedonia is too poor to refuse, despite the strings attached. This is NATO’s usual strategy, immiserate nations through economic warfare, then buy their most pliant criminals for pennies on the dollar.
Tony Blinken meeting with Albanian leader and
fascist sympathizer Edi Ram
It has future in economic cooperation with Russia and China and other BRICS countries. CIA and MI6 will try to make civil war between Macedonian Albanians and other Macedonia nations in case the country changes its course. From 1945 onward, Greece has its hands and feet allover in US-EU chains. The country tried to break free unsuccessfully, after the Greek Communists posed one of the most effective resistance organizations in all of Europe during WW2, they were systematically
hunted down and exterminated by Greek fascists backed by British forces in the post-war era.
Greek anti-Nazi protesters murdered by British soldiers in 1944. Source:
The Guardian
The Balkans except for Serbia (and Republika Srpska) are the vassal states of the US through it’s Brussels proxy. It is up to each nation to decide their destiny. However, if they want a future as anything besides the lapdogs of NATO, the future of the Balkans lies in the BRICS. However, The EU and NATO won’t give up it’s influence and power over any of the Balkan state.
Freedom will come through a fight. Not necessarily through war or wars. But through political struggle of the peoples. What keeps peoples tight are mainly three ropes: personal comfort – until there is material abundance, no one is willing to go to the streets, informational blindness – people are kept in ignorance through MSM and they take lies for truth or distance themselves from action, daily survival – people work hard from day to another to make ends meet and have no time or energy for fight.
The power of alternative media is growing and people are inclined to the truth, people want the truth. Therefore there is hope for a fairer, multi-polar world and prosperous Balkans.