Woke и cancel култура, SJW, safe spaces, политичка коректност...


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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^^ Билмез, пар постови поназад го имаш ова долу... И кажи ми пак дека не си еднонасочен како билборд, и линкај damage control парчиња од меинстрим медиумите. Дефокусирај на 0.1 % од проблемот. Ништо помалку и не очекувам од такви како тебе..

Boeing "Overwrote" Camera Footage Of Work On MAX Jet Door That Blew Out, Can Not Identify Employee Who Worked On It

Just when you thought it couldn't get any more bizarre or surreal, the Boeing story did just that.

As previously reported, the aerospace giant has been under regulatory scrutiny following a string of safety-related incidents since the beginning of the year (really, since 2019 when two of its 737 MAXes fell out of the sky like overpriced deadly paperweight, but let's just skip to the latest snafu), starting with a door blowing off a flight and continuing with multiple other incidents, including a cracked cockpit window, bolts missing on a wing, various wheels falling off during takeoff in at least two incidents and several engine fires/failures.

And as the pressure ratchets up on Boeing, it's becoming increasingly obvious that management is running the same type of interference it did during the infamous MCAS scandal and ensuing cover-up attempt which cost former CEO Muilenburg his job. Sure enough, on Wednesday we learned that Boeing - in a pure coincidence that Jeffrey Epstein would approve of - "overwrote", i.e. deleted, security camera footage showing work being done on a door that blew out on the Alaska Airlines MAX jet in January.

It's not just the footage however: NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy said it is unclear "who performed the work to open, reinstall, and close the door plug on the accident aircraft," as Boeing is "unable to find the records documenting this work." In Homendy's letter, she writes that despite requests to Boeing and interviews at the Renton, Washington factory where the panel was removed, the identity of the crew member that worked on the panel remains unknown and has would be unable to "provide a statement or interview to NTSB due to medical issues."

It gets crazier: in her letter, NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy said she directly appealed to Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun for information on who worked on the faulty door plug, expressing frustration over Boeing's claim of missing records and security footage. Even then, Boeing merely stonewalled and said it was "unable to provide that information and maintained that Boeing has no records of the work being performed."

Finally, the epic culmination - at least so far - of the shitstorm that has engulfed Boeing, we noted yesterday that a key whistleblower, a former quality control manager at the company who raised concerns about the firm's production standards, was found dead from an apparent suicide.
John Barnett, a former veteran Boeing employee of 32 years, passed away from a self-inflicted wound on March 9, the BBC reported on Monday evening. Barnett was involved in a whistleblower lawsuit against Boeing, alleging serious safety concerns at the North Charleston plant, where he managed quality for the 787 Dreamliner production. Boeing was in Charleston for legal interviews related to the lawsuit when he was found dead.

He claimed the push for speed compromised safety, with sub-standard parts being used and a significant failure rate in emergency oxygen systems. Despite raising these issues, he felt his concerns were disregarded, leading to legal action against Boeing, alleging career damage due to his whistleblowing.
Meanwhile, what would a catastrophe in a company near and dear to the government - and of course, the deep state - be without questionable trading surrounding the incident in Congress? In filings reported on Wednesday, it was revealed that Congressman William R. Keating sold somewhere between $1,001 and $15,000 worth of Boeing shares on February 28.

He's the latest Congress critter to have "excellent timing" when it comes to stock trades: while it isn't Fed Governor Raphael Bostic selling massive S&P futures lots ahead of Fed minutes dropping, the sale took place the day before it was announced that the DOJ was investigating Boeing. Recall, on February 29, Bloomberg wrote that the DOJ was "looking into" the Boeing door plug blowout that took place earlier that month. Since his sale, Boeing's stock value has tumbled by about 11%.

In any case, between Barnett who "suicided" himself, and now the video footage which also also apparently was "accidentally" snuffed out, we wonder just who is next on the Epstein escalator of "not suiciding themselves" at Boeing?


Need moar drugs
Член од
25 јули 2015
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^^ Билмез, пар постови поназад го имаш ова долу... И кажи ми пак дека не си еднонасочен како билборд, ништо помалку и не очекувам.

Boeing "Overwrote" Camera Footage Of Work On MAX Jet Door That Blew Out, Can Not Identify Employee Who Worked On It

Just when you thought it couldn't get any more bizarre or surreal, the Boeing story did just that.

As previously reported, the aerospace giant has been under regulatory scrutiny following a string of safety-related incidents since the beginning of the year (really, since 2019 when two of its 737 MAXes fell out of the sky like overpriced deadly paperweight, but let's just skip to the latest snafu), starting with a door blowing off a flight and continuing with multiple other incidents, including a cracked cockpit window, bolts missing on a wing, various wheels falling off during takeoff in at least two incidents and several engine fires/failures.

And as the pressure ratchets up on Boeing, it's becoming increasingly obvious that management is running the same type of interference it did during the infamous MCAS scandal and ensuing cover-up attempt which cost former CEO Muilenburg his job. Sure enough, on Wednesday we learned that Boeing - in a pure coincidence that Jeffrey Epstein would approve of - "overwrote", i.e. deleted, security camera footage showing work being done on a door that blew out on the Alaska Airlines MAX jet in January.

It's not just the footage however: NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy said it is unclear "who performed the work to open, reinstall, and close the door plug on the accident aircraft," as Boeing is "unable to find the records documenting this work." In Homendy's letter, she writes that despite requests to Boeing and interviews at the Renton, Washington factory where the panel was removed, the identity of the crew member that worked on the panel remains unknown and has would be unable to "provide a statement or interview to NTSB due to medical issues."

It gets crazier: in her letter, NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy said she directly appealed to Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun for information on who worked on the faulty door plug, expressing frustration over Boeing's claim of missing records and security footage. Even then, Boeing merely stonewalled and said it was "unable to provide that information and maintained that Boeing has no records of the work being performed."

Finally, the epic culmination - at least so far - of the shitstorm that has engulfed Boeing, we noted yesterday that a key whistleblower, a former quality control manager at the company who raised concerns about the firm's production standards, was found dead from an apparent suicide.
John Barnett, a former veteran Boeing employee of 32 years, passed away from a self-inflicted wound on March 9, the BBC reported on Monday evening. Barnett was involved in a whistleblower lawsuit against Boeing, alleging serious safety concerns at the North Charleston plant, where he managed quality for the 787 Dreamliner production. Boeing was in Charleston for legal interviews related to the lawsuit when he was found dead.

He claimed the push for speed compromised safety, with sub-standard parts being used and a significant failure rate in emergency oxygen systems. Despite raising these issues, he felt his concerns were disregarded, leading to legal action against Boeing, alleging career damage due to his whistleblowing.
Meanwhile, what would a catastrophe in a company near and dear to the government - and of course, the deep state - be without questionable trading surrounding the incident in Congress? In filings reported on Wednesday, it was revealed that Congressman William R. Keating sold somewhere between $1,001 and $15,000 worth of Boeing shares on February 28.

He's the latest Congress critter to have "excellent timing" when it comes to stock trades: while it isn't Fed Governor Raphael Bostic selling massive S&P futures lots ahead of Fed minutes dropping, the sale took place the day before it was announced that the DOJ was investigating Boeing. Recall, on February 29, Bloomberg wrote that the DOJ was "looking into" the Boeing door plug blowout that took place earlier that month. Since his sale, Boeing's stock value has tumbled by about 11%.

In any case, between Barnett who "suicided" himself, and now the video footage which also also apparently was "accidentally" snuffed out, we wonder just who is next on the Epstein escalator of "not suiciding themselves" at Boeing?
И? Што има врска ова?
Автоматски споено мислење:

Потпаѓате на најпознатиот трик што го користат корумпирани компании и им ја ширите нивната пропаганда. Компаниите сакаат да обвинат некој вработен на ниско ниво бидејќи така имаат најмала одговорност кон проблемите. Тоа што сакаат да го сокријат е одлуки од високо ниво што ги прават подлежни на поголема одговорност.

Некој неправилно да ги поставил кислородните маски или направил грешка со инсталација на вратата? Одма ќе го фрлат тој човек на волците. Ама компанијата свесно да купувала дефективни производи за на поевтино, истото нешто за кое whistleblowerot ги обвинува? Е тогаш ќе почнат манипулации и криење на докази.
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Does Your Mother Know?
Член од
14 август 2006
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Не викам дека ДЕИ не е woke, туку твоето неосновано тврдење дека проблемите со Боинг се од некој вработен поради ДЕИ е само тоа: неосновано тврдење.
Боинг не се ниту единсвтените авионски компании со ДЕИ.
Апослутно ради DEI вработуваат црнци, педери, кинескињи... не вработуваат квалификувани работници

не може да биде друг резултат, освен проблеми и несреќи, како што не може ништо друго на благајните у Холивуд да има, освен губитоци
и тоа е поради истата причина - не вработуваат сценаристи и писатели, камермани и тонци, режисери и сл., туку вработуваат педери, црнци, жени...

Исто е и тука, во Илиридава, кај што не вработуваат лекари, менаџери, квалификуван кадар... туку вработуваат Албанци, Роми и сл. И погоди што, резултатот е ист.

Многу е просто.


Need moar drugs
Член од
25 јули 2015
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не може да биде друг резултат, освен проблеми и несреќи, како што не може ништо друго на благајните у Холивуд да има, освен губитоци
и тоа е поради истата причина - не вработуваат сценаристи и писатели, камермани и тонци, режисери и сл., туку вработуваат педери, црнци, жени...
Хм, а што е со многубројните филмови што не се губитоци? За нив чудно како не ги спомнувате никогаш.


Does Your Mother Know?
Член од
14 август 2006
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многубројните woke филмови што не се у зијан...

си измислува податоци, значења на зборови, а истовремено не може да склопи реченица
perfect storm
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Does Your Mother Know?
Член од
14 август 2006
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Ska Maniac

Член од
2 октомври 2013
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Јас само ќе прашам дали тој на сликата на опашот од Боингот е Марадона ?


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Transgender - The Inability To Distinguish Facts From Wishes
Matt Taibbi opines on the latest piece of transgender nonsense:

The Dumbest Cover Story Ever - Racket News, Mar 13 2024
New York Magazine's "Freedom of Sex" is the ultimate example of the lunatic nihilism that's consumed America's intellectual class

New York Magazine has a new cover story, by the trans writer Andrea Long Chu: “The moral case for letting trans kids change their bodies.” A jeremiad in support of the idea that children must have absolute political agency, it makes the Unabomber manifesto read like a Shakespeare sonnet. The money passage:
We must be prepared to defend the idea that, in principle, everyone should have access to sex-changing medical care, regardless of age, gender identity, social environment, or psychiatric history.
A lot of the piece is standard-issue woe-is-me fuck-everything cartoon nihilism you’d hear from any laptop-class liberal arts product, arguing for a generalized smashing of the patriarchy, among other things by attacking the biological conspiracy to produce those units of material labor value known as babies. Complete abolition of norms would be an “impossible task,” Chu notes sadly, but that doesn’t preclude their “collective reimagining” by an alliance of intersectional victims working toward a Marxian paradise free of “oppressive systems,” which of course include the nuclear family.
The nihilism Taibbi points to is also the major theme the French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd takes on in his book "The Defeat of the West".

From its New York Times review:

This Prophetic Academic Now Foresees the West’s Defeat (archived) - New York Times, Mar 9 2024

American leadership is failing: That is the argument of an eccentric new book that since January has stood near the top of France’s best-seller lists. It is called “La Défaite de l’Occident” (“The Defeat of the West”). Its author, Emmanuel Todd, is a celebrated historian and anthropologist who in 1976, in a book called “The Final Fall,” used infant-mortality statistics to predict that the Soviet Union was headed for collapse.
Mr. Todd is not a moralizer. But he insists that traditional cultures have a lot to fear from the West’s various progressive leanings and may resist allying themselves on foreign policy with those who espouse them. In a similar way, during the Cold War, the Soviet Union’s official atheism was a deal-breaker for many people who might otherwise have been well disposed toward Communism.
Mr. Todd does believe that certain of our values are “deeply negative.” He presents evidence that the West does not value the lives of its young. Infant mortality, the telltale metric that led him to predict the Soviet collapse half a century ago, is higher in Mr. Biden’s America (5.4 per thousand) than in Mr. Putin’s Russia — and three times higher than in the Japan of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.
While Mr. Todd is, again, not judgmental on sexual matters, he is judgmental on intellectual ones. The inability to distinguish facts from wishes astounds him at every turn of the Ukraine war. The American hope early in the war that China might cooperate in a sanctions regime against Russia, thereby helping the United States refine a weapon that would one day be aimed at China itself, is, for Mr. Todd, a “delirium.”
Back in January Todd expanded on the inability of distinguishing facts from fiction, which is also the basis of trans-genderism, during an interview with Le Figaro. From its English translation:

Q: Over time, haven't you become a bit of a reactionary?
I was brought up by a grandmother who told me that, sexually speaking, all tastes are part of nature, and I'm faithful to my ancestors. So, LGB, welcome. For T, the trans issue is something else. The individuals concerned must of course be protected. But the fixation of the Western middle classes on this ultra-minority issue raises a sociological and historical question. To establish as a social horizon the idea that a man can really become a woman and a woman a man is to assert something that is biologically impossible, it is to deny the reality of the world, it is to assert the false.
Trans ideology is therefore, in my opinion, one of the flags of this nihilism that now defines the West, this drive to destroy not just things and people but reality.
But, once again, I am in no way overwhelmed here by indignation or emotion. This ideology exists and I have to integrate it into a historical model. In the age of the metaverse, I can't say whether my attachment to reality makes me a reactionary.
The intentional denial of reality, as it is currently practiced in the West, is not a new phenomenon. It is the basis of neo-conservatism from where it has crept over to the progressive side.

As Ron Susskind wrote in his portrait of the first years of the Bush junior presidency:

Faith, Certainty And The Presidency Of George W. Bush (archived) - Ron Susskind / New York Times, Oct 17 2004

The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. "That's not the way the world really works anymore." He continued "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
Karl Rove, the Bush advisor Susskind had quoted, displayed the same lunatic nihilism that is represented by those who argue that children, teenagers or people generally should can freely chose their gender. It is an attempt of "creating other new realities". It represents a total denial of actual reality and of the common values derived from it. The Bush administration failed in its endeavor to create new realities in Iraq. The current regime in the West will fail likewise with regime change in Russia. So will others who deny realities.

The author of the Todd book review, Christopher Caldwell, adds:

Fighting a war based on values requires good values. At a bare minimum it requires an agreement on the values being spread, and the United States is further from such agreement than it has ever been in its history — further, even, than it was on the eve of the Civil War. At times it seems there are no national principles, only partisan ones, with each side convinced that the other is trying not just to run the government but also to capture the state.
I see a very similar denial of reality, followed by nihilism and a lack of values, at the top of the current European leadership. The loss of the common view of things is splitting societies on both sides of the Atlantic.

However, with regards to transgenderism, some sense of reality is still trying to survive:

National Health Service England stops prescribing puberty blockers, citing 'not enough evidence' - USA Today. Mar 13 2024

"We have concluded that there is not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness of (puberty suppressing hormones) to make the treatment routinely available at this time," the publication by NHS England stated.
Puberty is a natural process which often includes a temporary confusion about ones identity. Blocking a kids puberty to further some ephemeral confusion some may have during those time is in my view criminal.

I even agree with Rishi Sunack on this:

U.K. prime minister on gender: ‘A man is a man and a woman is a woman’ - Washington Post, Oct 5 2023

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak asserted his stance on gender identity in a speech Wednesday, stating it was “common sense” that “a man is a man and a woman is a woman” — a remark that sparked criticism from transgender rights activists and elicited fervent applause from attendees of the Conservative Party Conference.
I see myself, just like Matt Taibbi seems to see himself, as a progressive striving for a society based on some form of socialism and justice.

To then find myself on the same side of an issue as some staunch conservatives, and getting attacked for it, is mildly disturbing.

Is it really impossible to be reality based and on the left side of things?
Автоматски споено мислење:

Некој неправилно да ги поставил кислородните маски или направил грешка со инсталација на вратата? Одма ќе го фрлат тој човек на волците.
Вака сега, нормален човек со функционален мозок што не испран со пропаганда би резонирал отприлика вака: Ќе се праша, што е овој текст што ми го линкаат ДВА ПАТИ. И ќе го прочита текстот. Притоа ќе види дека текстот кажува дека Боинг БУКВАЛНО ГО КРИЕ РАБОТНИКОТ ШТО ДИЛЕТАТНСКИ ЛОШО ЈА ЗАШТРАФИЛ ВРАТАТА (која отпаднала во лет и чиста среќа е што никој не погинал). Буквално се избришани видео снимките (да имаат обврска да чуваат видео снимки од целото производоство).

Тука нормален човек колку и да е инает, би престанал да јаде гoмнa. Но ти не си нормален човек и ти продужаваш да јадеш гoмнa, и пошто не си го прочитал еден краток текст што ти се посочува - ТИ ЛУПАШ ГЛУПОСТИ ДЕКА „БОИНГ ФРЛАЛ ВРАБОТЕН НА ВОЛЦИТЕ“... Ете дотолку си билборд, неспособен за процесирање на факти и аргументи.

Прашање и ова со големите букви ќе го прочиташ.
Јас се разбирам ова одамна го знам, и те користам како вреќа за боксирање како податен пример за тие што ја читаат дискусијава. Инаку циркузот да е поголем, работникот што Боинг го брани воопшто не е достапен на инспекторите за настанот, нивната агенција за такви настани е NTSB, нашата е КИНСИВ. Работникот неограничено не е достапен заради „здравствени причини“. Боинг ниту идентитетот не му го кажува, така да 103.2% можете да биде сигурни дека не е бел маж.

Автоматски споено мислење:

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Член од
20 мај 2008
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@wot коментар можеби? :)
Sega gledam, ne stiga notifikacija koga editiras i pingas nekoj, a gledam i so sheki ste dorazgovarale.

Dolga e statijata, moze u skrateni crti da kazes ustvari so se desilo? Mene mi ostana neprovereno, mi bodese toa deka imalo u 2016ta prijavi za nepravilno rabotenje a DEI leaknatite dokumentu za vrabotuvanja u Boeing mislam pokasno zema zalet pa i opsto.

Woke unistija generacii mladina ako me prasuvas mene pa sto tolku problem za nekoj si avion tamu, no ne mozam da kazam deka korporaciite sekogas rabotat pravilno, ne pravat shortcuts i nekoe project managerce ne ukakalo samo za da imam argument na temava protiv eden sheki koga postoi nesposobnost i loso menadziranje i gresele i propagale golemi kompanii uste koga gi tepaa ovie po paradite. Golemite korporacii za mene sekogas ke bidat pogolemoto zlo, oti pa bez niv ni woke nemase da e toa sto e denes a pricinata zosto e ostanuva ista kako od sekogas - profit.

Gender wage gap is real.
Gender is not real.


Lord Inquisitor
Член од
6 мај 2009
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Во Велика Британија веќе нема им се препишуваат на деца блокатори на пубертет (читај: стерилизација) заради ужасните ефекти кои можат да ги предизвикаат.

Се кладам дека сега ќе почнат тужби да плескаат осакатените жртви.


Need moar drugs
Член од
25 јули 2015
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Вака сега, нормален човек со функционален мозок што не испран со пропаганда би резонирал отприлика вака: Ќе се праша, што е овој текст што ми го линкаат ДВА ПАТИ. И ќе го прочита текстот. Притоа ќе види дека текстот кажува дека Боинг БУКВАЛНО ГО КРИЕ РАБОТНИКОТ ШТО ДИЛЕТАТНСКИ ЛОШО ЈА ЗАШТРАФИЛ ВРАТАТА (која отпаднала во лет и чиста среќа е што никој не погинал). Буквално се избришани видео снимките (да имаат обврска да чуваат видео снимки од целото производоство).
Има друга многу поверојатна причина зошто го кријат човекот. Човекот им кажал дека се уште има проблем со вратата што не може да се поправи, а Боинг го игнорирале, истото нешто што се случило со Барнет - им кажал дека има проблем со маските и ништо не се десило според него. Е затоа неќат да се дознае идентитетот на човекот - ако ова им го потврди на медиумите дека им кажал за потенцијален проблем а сепак е оставена вратата, тогаш ќе лапаат џиновски тужби и казни. Човекот сам да направил грешка на вратата им е комплетно небитно за нив, нема поента зошто би го криеле ова. Тие секако се одговорни за проблемот со вратата, ама многу менува тоа дали ЗНАЕЛЕ дека има проблем со вратата или не пред да полета.

Исто така, ДЕИ не значи дека буквално 99% од Боинг вработените се само црнци и ЛГБТ. Многу голема е веројатноста и самиот мајстор што работел на вратата да е белец. Ко што знам, ДЕИ го маркетираат главно за пилотине, а не за луѓе што прават вакви поправки.
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Does Your Mother Know?
Член од
14 август 2006
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Вчера пристигнаа гласини за судбината (во 2024-та) на некои од многубројните woke филмови и серии кои заработувале огромни суми.
Па така за 2024 г. се откажани Cpt. Marvel III, She-Hulk, Eternals II, Ant-man IV и други.


Need moar drugs
Член од
25 јули 2015
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Би ве посоветувал и за ова да си прочитате.
Автоматски споено мислење:

Вчера пристигнаа гласини за судбината (во 2024-та) на некои од многубројните woke филмови и серии кои заработувале огромни суми.
Па така за 2024 г. се откажани Cpt. Marvel III, She-Hulk, Eternals II, Ant-man IV и други.
Дали тие „и други“ немаат ништо woke во нив? Овие филмови пропаѓаат бидејќи многу е преценет суперххеројскиот жанр. Тоа што Авенџерс беше голем хит не значи дека Ајрон Мен и Тор пред нив беа добри филмови, ама за овие никогаш не слушам дека биле лоши поради woke.
Член од
29 јуни 2014
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Би ве посоветувал и за ова да си прочитате.
Автоматски споено мислење:

Дали тие „и други“ немаат ништо woke во нив? Овие филмови пропаѓаат бидејќи многу е преценет суперххеројскиот жанр. Тоа што Авенџерс беше голем хит не значи дека Ајрон Мен и Тор пред нив беа добри филмови, ама за овие никогаш не слушам дека биле лоши поради woke.
филувано името е, од лекови за хемиска кастрација во блокатори на пубертет. Пубертетот не може да продолжи ако го прекинеш. Така да не сери многу.

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