PAK-FA наскоро..

Zoran MKD

Мијак на квадрат.
Член од
11 септември 2010
Поени од реакции
Teroijate vo metarski radari !
Metrashot faka stelt no ne dava tochna lokacija.
Cm radari i mm radari tochno lociraat no ne go detektiraat toe kvakata.
Ima teorija za X- Band podrachje deka detektira do 20 km / zaot arusit ekoga pravea S- Band im se smeeja a sega i erikson svoite letachki radari go pravi vo S-band.


Lord Inquisitor
Член од
6 мај 2009
Поени од реакции
Русија ќе представи нов лесен стелт, веројатно во класа на Ф-35.

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian aircraft makers say they will present a prospective new fighter jet at a Moscow air show that opens next week.

The new warplane hidden under tarpaulin was photographed being towed to a parking spot across an airfield in Zhukovsky, outside Moscow, where the MAKS-2021 International Aviation and Space Salon opens Tuesday. Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to visit the show’s opening.

Hidden under tarpaulin, a prospective Russian fighter jet is being towed to a parking spot before its presentation at the Moscow international air show in Zhukovsky outside Moscow, Russia, Thursday, July 15, 2021. Russian aircraft makers say they will present a prospective new fighter jet at a Moscow air show that opens next week. The new warplane hidden under tarpaulin was photographed being towed to a parking spot across the airfield in Zhukovsky outside Moscow. That's where MAKS-2021 International Aviation and Space Salon opens on Tuesday. Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to visit the show’s opening. (AP Photo/Ivan Novikov-Dvinsky)

Шпекулација за изгледот:
Член од
29 јуни 2014
Поени од реакции
вака од сликава делува многу налик на ф-35

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