Moviespotting 2015

Колку филмови сметате дека може да изгледате во 2015?

  • Вкупно гласачи
Член од
10 октомври 2011
Поени од реакции
1. My Sassy Girl (2008) - 7/10
2. Corpse Bride (2005) - 9/10
3. Deadfall (2012) - 4/10
4. Shame (2011) - 3/10
5. The Giver (2014) - 6/10
6. Пред дождот (1994) - 10/10
7. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) - 5/10
8. Gone Girl (2014) - 7/10
9. Spy Game (2001) - 6/10
10. Ne le dis à personne (2006) - 8.5/10
11. Les Profs (2013) - 6/10
12. OSS 117: Le Caire, nid d'espions (2006) - 7/10
13. Le Samouraï (1967) - 8/10
14. Сенки (2007) - 6/10
15. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) - 8/10
16. Birdman (2014) - 9/10
17. Snowpiercer (2013) - 8/10
18. Horrible bosses 2 (2014) - 4/10
19. Frozen (2013) - 9/10

20. Nightcrawler (2014) - 8/10
21. The Wedding Ringer (2015) - 8/10
22. The Inbetweeners 2 (2014) - 3/10
23. Earth Girls are Easy (1988) - 3/10
24. Blended (2014) - 6/10
25. 2 days in Paris (2007) - 7/10
26. Big Hero 6 (2014) - 10/10
27. The Interview (2014) - 1/10
28. La Grande Vadrouille (1966) - 8/10
29. Astérix: Le domaine des dieux (2014) - 7/10
30. The Book Thief (2013) - 5/10
31. A million ways to die in the west (2014) - 3/10
32. John Wick (2014) - 7/10
33. 22 Bullets (2010) - 5.5/10
34. The Imitation game (2014) - 8.5/10
35. 500 days of Summer (2009) - 8/10
36. Les Profs (2013) ReWatch
37. Foxcatcher (2014) - 4/10
38. American Sniper (2014) - 6/10
39. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (2014) - 4/10
40. 22 Jump Street (2014) - 3/10
41. Kingsman: The Secret service (2015) - 5/10
42. Feast (2014) - 8/10 (краткометражен)
43. Le Trou (1960) - 9/10
44. Sex Tape (2014) - 2/10
45. Mr. Nobody (2009) - 9/10
46. The Bounty Hunter (2010) - 4/10
47. The Great Gatsby (2013) - 6.5/10
48. Shakespeare in love (1998) - 8/10
49. Anonymous (2011) - 5.5/10
50. Star Trek (2009) - 9/10 (ќе добиеше 10ка да беше бар уште пола саат подолг)
51. Penguins of Madagascar (2014) - 6/10
52. Gran Torino (2008) - 7/10
53. Good Will Hunting (1997) - 10/10
54. Days of Thunder (1990) - 3/10
55. Home (2015) - 6.5/10
56. Bićemo prvaci sveta (2015) - 6/10
57. L'enfant (2005) - 7/10
58. Paddington (2014) - 7/10
59. Dumb and Dumber To (2014) - 6/10
60. Papillon (1973) - 8/10
61. A Beautiful Mind (2001) - 10/10 (феноменален филм, Р. Кроу :cuc:)
62. Focus (2015) - 4.5/10 (очекував нешто подобро)
63. Van Wilder: Freshman Year (2009) - 5/10 (Америчка пита филм со тук таму некоја смешка)
64. The Wind Rises (2013) - 8/10 (Одлична анимирана приказна од Јапонија. Препорачувам)
65. American Hustle (2013) - 6/10 (Ништо посебно со оглед каква фама имаше околу него)
66. This is Where I Leave You (2014) - 2/10 (Овој>Луси за промашување за 2014)
67. Escape from New York (1981) - 5/10 (Ништо посебно)
68. North by Northwest (1959) - 9/10 (Хичкок рулс)
69. The Deal (2008) - 4/10 (Рилекс ко пред спиење)
70. Pacific Rim (2013) - 8/10 (Адреналин до даска- браво за Гијермо:aplauz:)
71. Blue Jasmine (2013) - 7/10 (Интересен, типичен Вуди Аленов филм, Кејт Бланшет одлична)
72. Transcendence (2014) - 5/10 (Луси meets Eagle Eye, просек)
73. Star Trek: Into Darkness (2013) - 8/10 (За нијанса послаб од кецот, ама ми го направи ќефот)
74. Rashomon (1950) - 9/10 (Прв пат го гледам, може нема многу ликови и сценографски не е уау, али приказната е подобра од 95% од денешниве лимонатки)
75. L'homme qu'on aimait trop (2014) - 5.5/10 (Просечна француска драма)
76. White god (2014) - 7/10 (Многу добар - рецензија -> овде)
77. Furious 7 (2015) - 7/10 (Ништо посебно, брзи коли, бам-бам, жална последната сцена кога ги вртат сликите. Без Вокер и до 20 да тераат, не ги гледам)
78. Taken 3 (2015) - 4/10 (Мнооогу, мнооогу лош. Далеку од кецот, па и од 2ката)
79. Hot Tub Time Machine 2 (2015) - 2/10 (Залудно потрошено време, само еднаш се насмеав)
80. Vegas Vacation (1997) - 4/10 (Прилично лоша комедија)
81. Wild (2014) - 7/10 (Добра Витерспун, убав филм)
82. Медена ноќ (2015) - 10/10 (Следи рецензија --> there)

83. Blood Diamond (2006) - 7.5/10
(Лео стандарден, добра приказна, добар филм)
84. Hard to Kill (1990) - 4/10 (просечна Стивен Сигал пуцаљка)
85. Stripes (1981) - 4/10 (Го симнав зашто барав комедии, ама слаб е)
86. Пред дождот (1994) - 10/10 (Пукај бе, братучед, пукај! и по втор пат одличен)
87. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) - 7/10 (Ни приближно колку што го фалат)
88. Shattered (2007) - 5.5/10 (Солидно трилерче со Броснан)
89. Baby's Day out (1994) - 6/10 (Baby Boo најјак лик иако на моменти филмот досаден ми се виде)
90. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) - 8.5/10 (Веројатно една од појјаките акции од 2000 наваму)
91. Relatos Salvajes a.k.a. Wild Tales (2014) - 8/10 (Аргентинците стандардно добри филмови вадат, омнибус од 6 реални ситуации, најинтересна приказна ми беше со пајак службата)
92. The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005) - 6/10 (Изненадувачки солиден)
93. The Nut Job (2014) - 4/10 (Добра анимација, слаба приказна)
94. Sin City (2005) - 7.5/10 (Добра пуцаљка и добар визуелно)
95. The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared (2013) - 7/10 (Интересно шведско филмче)
96. Cidade de Deus (2002) - 8.5/10 (Ооодличен!)
97. U.S. Marshals (1998) - 5/10 (Солидна акција)
98. Assassins (1995) - 5.5/10 (Такоџе)
99. Loft (2008) - 7/10 (Добар фламанскиов)
100. Прашина (2001) - 7/10 (Добра приказна, интересен начин на испреплетување на времето, ми се свиѓа)
101. Jeux d'enfants a.k.a. Love me if you dare (2003) - 8/10 (Убаво спакуван, визуелно убав, приказна интересна, Маријон Котијар :love:)
102. Тајната книга (2006) - 5/10 (Колку и да сакав да биде подобар, не заслужува повеќе од 5ка. Добра замисла, лоша реализација)
Член од
17 октомври 2011
Поени од реакции
1. Finding Mrs. Claus (2012) - 5
2. Christmas Carol: The Movie (2001) - 5
3. Love Actually (2003) - 10
4. X-Men (2000) - 7
5. X2: X-Men United (2003) - 7
6. X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) - 6
7. I Origins (2014) - 9
8. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) - 5
9. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014) - 8
10. Whiplash (2014) - 9
11. The Imitation Game (2014) - 10
12. The Theory of Everything (2014) - 7
13. Big Hero 6 (2014) - 7
14. X-Men: First Class (2011) - 8
15. The Boxtrolls (2014) - 5
16. The Wolverine (2013) - 3
17. X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) - 9
18. Into the Woods (2014) - 4

19. Watchmen (2009) - 7
20. Street Angel (1928) - 7
21. The Docks of New York (1928) - 5
22. The Book Thief (2013) - 6
23. Selma (2014) - 4
24. American Sniper (2014) - 6
25. Quest for Camelot (1998) - 6
000. Feast (2014) - 9
(нема да ги бројам кратките анимирани)
26. Sex Tape (2014) - 2

МАРТ 2015

000. The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore (2011) - 9
000. Paperman (2012) - 10 (R)
27. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1 (2014) - 5
000. Presto (2008) - 8 (R)
000. Tin Toy (1988) - 6 (R)
000. Mike’s New Car (2001) - 10 (R)
000. Jack-Jack Attack (2004) - 10 (R)
000. One Man Band (2005) - 9 (R)
000. BURN·E (2008) - 6 (R)
000. Partly Cloudy (2009) - 10 (R)
000. La luna (2011) - 9 (R)
28. Far from Heaven (2002) - 7
29. Under the Skin (2013) - 6
000. The Lost Thing (2010) - 9
30. Contact (1997) - 10
000. Mr Hublot (2013) - 5 (R)
31. Pride & Prejudice (2005) - 9
32. American Beauty (1999) - 9
33. Field of Dreams (1989) - 6
34. Sense and Sensibility (1995) - 7
35. Se7en (1995) - 9
36. Magnolia (1999) - 5
37. Cinderella Man (2005) - 7
38. The Sixth Sense (1999) - 10 (R)
39. Interstellar (2014) - 8 (R)
40. Cloverfield (2008) - 9
41. Forrest Gump (1994) - 10

АПРИЛ 2015

42. My Beautiful Country (2013) - 8
43. Spirited Away (2001) - 9
44. Fargo (1996) - 9

И толку. Мај еве го при крај е, а јас ни еден филм немам изгледано. :'(


Lleyton Hewitt
Член од
5 февруари 2009
Поени од реакции
1. Scary Movie 3 (2003)
2. Miami Vice (2005)
3. Taken (2008)
4. A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014)
5. The City of Angels (1998)
6. The Crazy Gang
7. American Sniper (2014)
8. Annabelle (2014)
9. Mud (2012)
10. The Other Woman (2014)
11. Fifty Shades of Grey (2015)
12. Taken 3 (2014)
13. The Best Offer (2013)
14. Black Hawk Down (2001)
15. Munich (2005)
16. The Departed (2006)
17. Wild (2014)
18. Inception (2010)
19. Arbitrage (2012)
20. Body of Lies (2008)
21. Escape from Alcatraz (1979)
22. A Time to Kill (1996)
23. Don Jon (2013)
24. The Book Thief (2013)
25. Trading Places (1983)
26. Legends of the Fall (1994)
27. The Company Men (2010)
28. The Legend of Zorro (2005)
29. The Wedding Ringer (2015)
30. Law Abiding Citizen (2009)
31. Focus (2015)
32. Resident Evil: Extinction (2007)
33. Prisoners (2013)
34. Changeling (2008)
35. El Cuerpo (2012)
Aj кога почнав на секои 5 филма да ја дополнувам листата, да продолжам така.. :D

36. Whiplash (2014)
37. The Imitation Game (2014)
38. The Drop (2014)
39. The Sixth Sense (1999)
40. La Cara Oculta (2011)



Член од
20 октомври 2012
Поени од реакции
January - April (001-155)


156. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) [10/10] ♥

157. For Your Eyes Only (1981) [4/10]
158. Welcome to Me (2014) [7/10]
159. Octopussy (1983) [6/10] (R)
160. Never Say Never Again (1983) [8/10]
161. It Follows (2014) [8/10]
162. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) [10/10] (R) ♥
162. Furious 7 (2015) [8/10]
163. A View to a Kill (1985) [6/10]
164. Chappie (2015) [8/10] ♥
165. Ex Machina (2015) [10/10] ♥
166. The Living Daylights (1987) [8/10]
167. Licence to Kill (1989) [9/10] ♥
168. Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck (2015) [10/10]
169. GoldenEye (1995) [9/10] (R)
170. Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) [7/10] (R)
171. The World Is Not Enough (1999) [9/10]
172. Die Another Day (2002) [4/10]
173. Life of Brian (1979) [10/10] ♥
174. Kung Fury (2015) [8/10] ♥
175. Pitch Perfect 2 (2015) [5/10]
176. Casino Royale (2006) [9/10] ♥
177. Quantum of Solace (2008) [6/10]
178. Skyfall (2012) [9/10]
179. Everything or Nothing: The Untold Story of 007 (2012) [8/10]
180. The Meaning of Life (1983) [9/10]
181. Shaun of the Dead (2004) [9/10] ♥

Мислев дека нема да стигнам да изгледам олку филмови месецов... напротив, покрај некои нови филмови, го завршив Бондатонот, ги догледав Монти Пајтон филмовите, ја започнав The Cornetto трилогијата...

June bring it on! :pipi:


♆ wicked one ♆
Член од
28 август 2014
Поени од реакции


39. Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) 5
40. Ex Machina (2015) 6.5
41. Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014) 5.5
42. The World's Fastest Indian (2005) [R] 8


Знам, знам, слабо месецов, повеќе на серии се насочив.

Последно уредено:


Член од
29 јануари 2006
Поени од реакции
1. Lucy - 6/10
2. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 7/10
3. Balkan Is Not Dead - 7/10
4. Mirage - 8/10
5. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - 8/10
6. The Theory of Everything - 8/10
7. Taken - 7/10
8. Taken 2 - 7/10
9. I Origins - 9/10
10. The Christmas Shoes - 8/10
11. A Christmas Story - 8/10
12. A Christmas Story 2 - 4/10
13. The Imitation Game - 8/10
14. Oldboy - 7/10
15. Fury - 8/10
16. Another Earth - 7/10
17. Whiplash - 10/10
18. Ida - 8/10
19. A Pure Formality - 10/10
20. The Boxtrolls - 8/10
21. Inglorious Basterds - 9/10
22. Foxcatcher - 6/10
23. The Judge - 7/10
24. Still Alice - 8/10
25. Madame Tutli-Putli - 7/10
26. Alma - 10/10
27. Birdman - 7/10
28. Two Days, One Night - 7/10
29. ParaNorman - 8/10
30. The Lion King - 9/10
31. The Lion King: Simba's Pride - 4/10
32. The Lion King 1½ - 8/10
33. Magnolia - 9/10
34. Mama - 6/10
35. Leavithan - 8/10
36. The Tale of The Princess Kaguya - 8/10
37. Strangers on a Train - 9/10
38. Hotel Transylvania - 9/10
39. Winter Sleep - 7/10
40. Mr. Brooks - 5/10
41. Citizen Kane - 8/10
42. Field of Dreams - 6/10
43. Children of Men - 7/10
44. As Good as It Gets - 7/10
45. Big Hero 6 - 9/10
46. The Best Offer - 9/10
47. The Tenant - 8/10
48. Serpico - 8/10
49. Big Eyes - 8/10
50. There Will Be Blood - 9/10
51. The Godfather I - 10/10
52. The Godfather II - 10/10
53. The Godfather III - 9/10
54. Feast - 8/10
55. Selma - 7/10
56. Savior - 8/10
57. Me, Myself & Irene - 7/10
58. Analyze This - 9/10
59. Analyze That - 6/10
60. 12 Angry Men - 10/10
61. Ghostbusters - 7/10
62. Orphan - 8/10
63. House at the End of the Street - 7/10
64. Chloe - 5/10
65. Wild Tales - 8/10
66. Primal Fear - 10/10
67. The Shining - 8/10
68. Interstellar - 10/10
69. Room 237 - 6/10
70. Top Five - 6/10
71. American History X - 10/10
72. Ghostbusters II - 6/10
73. Fracture - 6/10
74. Enemy - 7/10
75. Mommy - 7/10
76. The English Patient - 8/10
77. Sinister - 5/10
78. The Runaway - 6/10
79. The Deer Hunter - 6/10
80. The Factory - 7/10

81. The Saint of Fort Washington - 7/10
82. No Country for old Men - 9/10
83. Rebecca - 8/10
84. L.A. Confidential - 7/10
85. The Dinner Game - 8/10
86. Léon: The Professional - 10/10
87. Skhizein - 8/10
88. Sophie's Choice - 7/10
89. Under the Skin - 6/10
90. The Skin I Live In - 7/10
91. Dub Play - 8/10
92. Disney Ramallah - 7/10
93. We are Friends - 9/10
94. The Cave - 6/10
95. More Than Two Hours - 9/10
96. By accident - 7/10
97. Sweet Cocoon - 7/10
98. Runaway - 8/10
99. The Deal - 3/10
100. Uncle (Вујче) - 7/10
101. Live Soldier Live - 7/10
102. Animal Park - 7/10
103. As You Like It - 8/10
104. Nothing Left Unsaid - 7/10
105. Hakie - Haki - 7/10
106. Two Times - 9/10
107. Losing Colors - 8/10
108. The Phone Call - 10/10
109. Me and my Moulton - 7/10
110. The Dam Keeper - 9/10


Член од
4 март 2007
Поени од реакции
1. Lord of the rings: The Two Towers - 10
2. Prestige - 9
3. Gone Girl - 7
4. Boyhood - 10
5. Пред Дождот - 10
6. I Origins - 7
7. The Holy Mountain - 10
8. Whiplash - 7
9. The Best Offer - 10
10. She's Out of my League - 6
11. The Lives of Others - 10
12. The Best Offer - 10
13. The Lives of Others - 10
14. Leviathan - 9
15. Ida - 6
16. Force Majeure - 7
17. John Wick - 8
18. Nightcrawler - 6
19. My Neighbor Totoro - 9
20. Persona - 10
21. Birdman - 10
22. Wish I Was Here - 6
23. Predestination - 5
24. Birdman - 10
25. Never Let Me Go - 5
26. The Seventh Seal - 10
27. Celtic Pride - 6
28. Birdman - 10
29. Jodorowsky's Dune - 9
30. Fight Club - 10
31. The Theory of Everything - 6
32. Sliding Doors - 7
33. Her - 9
34. Cinema Paradiso - 10
35. Edge of Tomorrow - 6
36. Spirited Away - 8
37. Don't Look Now - 10
38. In the Mood for Love - 8
39. Rushmore - 6
40. Whatever Works - 9
41. Short Cuts - 10
42. Blazing Saddles - 5
43. Wings of Desire - 10
44. El Cuerpo - 8
45. La Cara Oculta - 7
46. Being John Malkovich - 5
47. El Orfanato - 8
48. The Shop Around the Corner - 9
49. Stalker - 10
50. Spiderman - 6
51. King Kong - 7
52. Mad Max: Fury Road - 9
53. Equilibrium - 9
54. Shaun the Sheep Movie - 8
55. Kingsman the Secret Service - 6
56. That Obscure Object of Desire - 9
57. Antichrist - 10
58. Double Indemnity - 9
59. Oblivion - 5
60. La Famille Belier - 7
61. Збогум на 20 век - 10
62. 20,000 Days on Earth - 8
63. The Salt of the Earth - 9
64. Strangers on a Train - 7
65. Harold and Maude - 5
66. The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie - 9
67. The Conversation - 10
68. Witness for the Prosecution - 10
69. Touch of Evil - 8
70. In a Lonely Place - 9


Be a bee
Член од
9 јуни 2006
Поени од реакции


Член од
20 мај 2008
Поени од реакции
Challenge Status 130/200

January: 45

1. Interstellar (2014) - 5
2. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014) - 4
3. Prometheus (2012) (R) - 4
4. Fury (2014) - 2
5. The Judge (2014) - 2
6. Men, Women & Children (2014) - 3
7. Laggies (2014) - 1
8. Force Majeure (2014) - 3
9. As Above, So Below (2014) - 2
10. Before I Go to Sleep (2014) - 3
11. The Drop (2014) - 1
12. Whiplash (2014) - 5
13. Jumanji (1995) (R) - 4
14. Whiplash (2014) (R) - 5
15. Marvel One-Shot: The Consultatnt (2011) (short) - 3
16. Marvel One-Shot: A Funny Thing... (2011) (short) - 3
17. Marvel One-Shot: Item 47 (2012) (short) - 4
18. Marvel One-Shot: Agent Carter (2013) (short) - 2
19. Marvel One-Shot: All Hail the King (2014) (short) - 2
20. Alien (1979) (R) - 5
21. Aliens (1986) (R) - 5
22. You Only Live Twice (1967) - 4
23. John Wick (2014) - 4
24. Alien 3 (1992) (R) - 3
25. Alien Resurrection (1997) (R) - 3
26. The Congress (2013) - 4
27. Melancholia (2011) (R) - 5
28. Dracula Untold (2014) - 2
29. Leviathan (2014) - 4
30. The Fountain (2006) (R) - 5
31. Timecrimes (2007) - 4
32. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969) - 3
33. 9 Songs (2004) - 2
34. The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Her (2013) - 3
35. The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Him (2013) - 3
36. Sphere (1998) (R) - 2
37. Horrible Bosses 2 (2014) - 3
38. Nightcrawler (2014) - 5
39. Jimi: All is by My Side (2013) - 2
40. Get on Up (2014) - 3
41. The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas (2008) - 3
42. Jessabele (2014) - 1
43. Sex, Lies and Videotape (1989) - 3
44. The Little Death (2014) - 1
45. Wetlands (2013) - 1

February: 30

46. What We Do in the Shadows (2014) - 2
47. How to Steal a Million (1966) - 4
48. Leon: The Professional (1994) (R) - 5
49. Double Indemnity (1944) - 5
50. Diamonds Are Forever (1971) - 3
51. Birdman (2014) - 5
52. Big Hero Six (2014) - 5
53. Dumb and Dumber To (2014) - 1
54. Come and See (1985) - 5
55. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (2014) - 2
56. Hector and the Search for Happiness (2014) - 3
57. The Voices (2014) - 1
58. The Theory of Everything (2014) - 4
59. Coffee and Cigarettes (2003) - 4
60. The Lives of Others (2006) - 5
61. The Humbling (2014) - 2
62. Horrible Bosses 2 (2014) (R) - 3
63. Big Hero 6 (2014) (R) - 5
64. He Took His Skin off For Me (short) (2014) - 3
65. Secretary (2002) - 2
66. The Devils (1971) - 5
67. The Holy Mountain (1973) - 4
68. Foxcatcher (2014) - 2
69. The Night of the Hunter (1955) - 5
70. Love Actually (2003) - 4
71. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014) - 3
72. Sunset Boulevard (1950) - 5
73. Serena (2014) - 2
74. Feast (2014) (Short) - 5
75. Live and Let Die (1973) - 3


76. Penguins of Madagascar (2014) - 3
77. The Imitation Game (2014) - 4
78. Top Five (2014) - 3
79. Jodorowsky's Dune (2013) - 4
80. Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014) - 2
81. Night at the Museum: The Secret of the Tomb (2014) - 2
82. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014) (R) - 3
83. Wild (2014) - 4
84. Song One (2014) - 2
85. Interstellar (2014) (R) - 5
86. Wild Tales (2014) - 4
87. The Men With the Golden Gun (1974) - 2
88. The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) - 4
89. Jurrasic Park (1993) (R) - 5
90. The Lost World: Jurrasic Park (1997) - 4
91. Jurrasic Park III (2001) - 3
92. Batman Beyond: The Return of the Joker (2000) - 3
93. Interstellar (2014) (R) - 5 (treti put)
94. Gattaca (1997) - 4
95. Batman Begins (2005) (R) - 5
96. The Dark Knight (2008) (R) - 5
97. Batman (1989) (R) - 4
98. Batman Returns (1992) (R) - 3
99. Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (2010) - 3
100. TMNT (2007) - 1


101. The Gambler (2014) - 4
102. The Dark Knight Rises (2012) (R) - 5
103. A Most Violent Year (2014) - 3
104. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) - 4
105. Cake (2014) - 2
106. Watchmen (2008) (R) - 5
107. Blackhat (2015) - 2
108. Hot Tube Time Machine 2 (2015) - 1
109. Fifty Shades of Grey (2014) - 1
110. Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979) - 4
111. Mortdecai (2015) - 3
112. Inherent Vice (2015) - 3
113. Into the Woods (2014) - 2
114. Irrevirsable (2002) - 5
115. Antichrist (2009) - 5
116. Melancholia (2011) - 5
117. Housesitter (1992) - 2
118. Moonraker (1979) - 4
119. For Your Eyes Only (1981) - 2


120. The Wedding Ringer (2015) - 1
121. Jupiter Ascending (2015) - 1
122. American Sniper (2014) - 3
123. The Avengers (2012) (R) - 4
124. Maggie (2015) - 3
125. Focus (2015) - 2
126. A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014) - 4
127. Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck (2015) - 5
128. Ex Machina (2015) - 4
129. Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015) - 4
130. The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water (2015) - 2

131 Dub Play (short) - 4
132. Disney Ramallah (short) - 3
133. We are Friends (short) - 3
134. The Cave (short) - 1
135. More Than Two Hours (short) - 5
136. By accident (short) - 3
137. Sweet Cocoon (short) - 4
138. Losing Colors (short) - 2
139. The Phone Call (short) - 5
140. White Earth (short) - 3

da iskopiram vokerka dur sum tuka
maka mi e sto gi ispustiv dokumentarcite

141. Home (2014) - 4
142. Chappie (2015) - 1
143. The Reconstruction of William Zero (2015) - 3
144. Shaun of the Sheep Movie (2015) - 3 @џимеј @grande-juve me hajpnavte samo
145. Next Floor (2008) (short) - 4 @MyloXyloto mi se dopadna



Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
Член од
16 февруари 2012
Поени од реакции
Член од
26 јануари 2009
Поени од реакции
Скромно овој месец. :P

1. Kids (1995) 6
2. Lucy (2014) 3
3. I Origins (2014) 8
4. Side Effects (2013) 8
5. Mulholland Drive (2001) 8
6. The Judge (2014) 6
7. The Skin I Live In (2011) 8
8. The Bag Man (2014) 6
9. Edge Of Tomorrow (2014) 9
10. Foxcatcher (2014) 6
11. Frozen (2013) 5
12. The Hobbit Battle Of The Five Armies (2014) 8
13. The Imitation Game (2014) 8
14. Whiplash (2014) 7
15. The Drop (2014) 6
16. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) 7
17. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) 9
18. Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes (2011) 9
19. Oblivion (2013) 7
20. Birdman (2014) 5
21. Before I Go To Sleep (2014) 8
22. Borgman (2013) 5
23. Cruel Intentions (1999) 5
24. Brooklyns Finest (2009) 6
25. Another Earth (2011) 6
26. What Doesn't Kill You (2008) 7
27. The Uninvited Guest (El Habitante Incierto) (2004) 8
28. Never Let Me Go (2010) 4
29. Seven Pounds (2008) 8
30. Timecrimes aka Los Cronocrímenes (2007) 6
31. Shame (2011) 6
32. In Hell (2003) 5
33. Dracula Untold (2014) 5
34. Vozvrashchenie [The Return] (2003) 5
35. American Sniper (2014) 6
36. Before The Devil Knows You're Dead (2007) 9
37. Training Day (2001) 7
38. Stone (2010) 5
39. Skyfall (2012) 6
40. The Pledge (2001) 6
41. The Theory Of Everything (2014) 7
42. Paris, je t'aime (2006) 3
43. Kill The Messenger (2014) 8
44. Kingdom Of Heaven (2005) 9
45. Knight Moves (1992) 9
46. Internal Affairs (1990) 9
47. Interstellar (2014) 9
48. Crash (2004) 7
49. Extraterrestrial (2014) 1
50. Raging Bull (1980) 7
51. Fifty Shades of Gray (2015) 4
52. Abre Los Ojos aka Open Your Eyes (1997) 7
53. Speed (1994) 7
54. Relatos salvajes aka Wild Talles (2014) 7
55. The Fugitive (1993) 8
56. The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996) 8
57. Gattaca (1997) 7
58. The Aviator (2004) 8
59. The Gambler (2014) 7
60. The Fighter (2010) 7
61. Veronica Guerin (2003) 6
62. Lawless (2012) 7

63. Notes On A Scandal (2006) 5
64. The Edge (1997) 7
65. The Brave One (2007) 6
66. The Loft (2014) 7
67. Take Shalter (2011) 6
68. The Boy Next Door (2014) 6
69. Ex Machina (2015) 7
Член од
23 јуни 2008
Поени од реакции
статус: 130/300

1. Lay the Favorite (2012) - 2/10
2. Viva la France (2013) - 4/10
3. Skyfall (2012) - 7/10 (R)
4. Love is Strange (2014) - 8/10
5. The Blue Room (2014) - 7/10
6. Whiplash (2014) - 9/10
7. St. Vincent (2014) - 7/10
8. Still Alice (2014) - 7/10
9. Foxcatcher (2014) - 8/10
10. The Imitation Game (2014) - 8/10
11. Ernest & Celestine (2012) - 7/10
12. Land Ho! (2014) - 7/10
13. I Origins (2014) - 8/10
14. Into the Woods (2014) - 6/10
15. The Trip to Italy (2014) - 7/10
16. The Boxtrolls (2014) - 6/10
17. The Book of Life (2014) - 7/10
18. The Dark Valley (2014) - 8/10
19. Killers (2014) - 2/10
20. Obvious Child (2014) - 8/10
21. Tangerines (2013) - 7/10
22. The One I Love (2014) - 5/10
23. American Sniper (2014) - 7/10
24. Hector and the Search for Happiness (2014) - 6/10
25. Eraserhead (1977) - 7/10
26. The Elephant Man (1980) - 9/10
27. Wendy and Lucy (2008) - 7/10
28. The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Her (2013) - 6/10
29. The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Him (2013) - 7/10
30. The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Them (2013) - 6/10
31. John Wick (2014) - 7/10
32. Before Night Falls (2000) - 7/10
33. Leviathan (2014) - 8/10 (R)
34. Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007) - 8/10
35. '71 (2014) - 8/10
36. The Keeper of Lost Causes (2013) - 7/10
37. Enter the Void (2009) - 9/10
38. Life Itself (2014) - 8/10
39. The Spectacular Now (2013) - 7/10
40. Little White Lies (2010) - 7/10
41. Pirate Radio (2009) - 6/10
42. Potiche (2010) - 6/10
43. (1963) - 9/10
44. Low Down (2014) - 6/10
45. Wetlands (2013) - 5/10
46. Funny Games (1997) - 8/10
47. Unbroken (2014) - 5/10
48. Coffee and Cigarettes (2003) - 8/10
49. Cake (2014) - 5/10
50. Code Unknown (2000) - 7/10
51. Kill the Messenger (2014) - 5/10
52. Our Children (2012) - 7/10
53. The Riot Club (2014) - 6/10
54. Trash (2014) - 6/10
55. Selma (2014) - 7/10
56. Rosewater (2014) - 7/10
57. Skopje Remixed (2012) - 8/10
58. A Most Violent Year (2014) - 8/10
59. The Man Who Wasn't There (2001) - 8/10
60. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay I (2014) - 5/10
61. A Field in England (2013) - 7/10
62. Inherent Vice (2014) - 7/10
63. Big Hero 6 (2014) - 8/10
64. Feast (2014) - 8/10 (short)
65. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1999) - 7/10
66. Wild Tales (2014) - 8/10
67. Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) - 5/10
68. The Squid and the Whale (2005) - 8/10
69. Boogie Nights (1999) - 8/10
70. Citizenfour (2014) - 8/10
71. Dead Man (1995) - 7/10
72. Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014) - 7/10
73. Berlin Calling (2008) - 8/10
74. High Fidelity (2000) - 8/10
75. Copenhagen (2014) - 7/10
76. Secrets & Lies (1996) - 9/10
77. Broken English (1996) - 5/10
78. Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014) - 6/10
79. Big Eyes (2014) - 8/10
80. Kinsey (2004) - 8/10
81. Top Five (2014) - 6/10
82. Paddington (2014) - 7/10
83. Wild (2014) - 8/10
84. Mommy (2014) - 9/10
85. Abre los Ojos (1997) - 7/10
86. Wild Strawberries (1957) - 9/10
87. Samba (2014) - 6/10
88. Another Year (2010) - 8/10
89. The Sweet Hereafter (1997) - 8/10
90. Gods and Monsters (1998) - 7/10
91. Taken 3 (2014) - 5/10
92. Master of His Own Body (1957) - 8/10
93. Shine (1996) - 7/10
94. Annie (2014) - 3/10
95. The Full Monty (1997) - 8/10
96. Maria Full of Grace (2004) - 8/10
97. Nicije dete (2014) - 6/10
98. Hermosa Juventud (2014) - 5/10
99. A Simple Plan (1998) - 8/10
100. A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014) - 7/10
101. 10.000km aka Long Distance (2014) - 7/10
102. The Wall (2012) - 7/10
103. The Water Diviner (2014) - 6/10
104. You Can Count on Me (2000) - 8/10
105. Le Trou (1960) - 8/10
106. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) - 8/10
Скопје филм фестивал
107. Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem (2014) - 9/10
108. Takvi su pravila (2014) - 8/10
109. What We Do in the Shadows (2014) - 7/10
110. Pasolini (2014) - 6/10
111. Goodnight Mommy (2014) - 6/10
112. Timbuktu (2014) - 8/10
113. The Look of Silence (2014) - 9/10
114. White God (2014) - 8/10
115. The Tribe (Plemya) (2014) - 8/10
116. Breathe (2014) - 5/10
117. Saint Laurent (2014) - 7/10
118. Wonder Boys (2000) - 8/10
119. It Follows (2014) - 7/10
120. Songs From the Second Floor (2000) - 9/10
121. Ex Machina (2015) - 8/10
122. You, the Living (2007) - 8/10
123. Spring (2014) - 5/10
124. Submarino (2010) - 9/10
125. Mad Max (1979) - 7/10
126. Chappie (2015) - 5/10
127. Marshland (La Isla Minima) (2014) - 7/10
128. The Rocket (2013) - 8/10
129. Next Floor (2008) - 9/10 (short)
130. Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck (2015) - 10/10
Член од
15 јануари 2011
Поени од реакции

53. Winter's Tale [7/10]
54. The Forger [6/10]
55. The Mask of Zorro [7/10]
56. The Legend of Zorro [6.5/10]
57. Kingsman: The Secret Service [7/10]
58. Seventh Son [6/10]
59. Mad Max: Fury Road [8/10]
60. Jupiter Ascending [6/10]
61. Project Almanac [6.5/10]
62. Twelve Monkeys [8/10]
63. American Sniper [7/10]


Lleyton Hewitt
Член од
5 февруари 2009
Поени од реакции
1. Scary Movie 3 (2003)
2. Miami Vice (2005)
3. Taken (2008)
4. A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014)
5. The City of Angels (1998)
6. The Crazy Gang
7. American Sniper (2014)
8. Annabelle (2014)
9. Mud (2012)
10. The Other Woman (2014)
11. Fifty Shades of Grey (2015)
12. Taken 3 (2014)
13. The Best Offer (2013)
14. Black Hawk Down (2001)
15. Munich (2005)
16. The Departed (2006)
17. Wild (2014)
18. Inception (2010)
19. Arbitrage (2012)
20. Body of Lies (2008)
21. Escape from Alcatraz (1979)
22. A Time to Kill (1996)
23. Don Jon (2013)
24. The Book Thief (2013)
25. Trading Places (1983)
26. Legends of the Fall (1994)
27. The Company Men (2010)
28. The Legend of Zorro (2005)
29. The Wedding Ringer (2015)
30. Law Abiding Citizen (2009)
31. Focus (2015)
32. Resident Evil: Extinction (2007)
33. Prisoners (2013)
34. Changeling (2008)
35. El Cuerpo (2012)
36. Whiplash (2014)
37. The Imitation Game (2014)
38. The Drop (2014)
39. The Sixth Sense (1999)
40. La Cara Oculta (2011)
Малце на класици што ги иам испуштено или не ги памтам оти сум бил детенце кога сум ги гледал. :D

41. Fight Club (1999)
42. The Pianist (2002)
43. Saving Private Ryan (1998)
44. American Beauty (1999)
45. Good Will Hunting (1997)



Од оцена 8 и нагоре, силно препорачувам;
7 и 7,5 солидно, добро филмче;
6 и 6,5 ок, ама ништо посебно;
5,5 и надоле, варијации на лошо;
(R) - реприза
101.Interstellar- 8(R)
102.Sunrise- 10
103.California Split- 7
104.Raw Deal- 7
105.The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari- 9
106.Xi you(Journey To The West)- 8
107.Stop Making Sense- 10
108.Mommy- 8,5
109.Cool Hand Luke- 10(R)
110.Days of Heaven- 8
111.Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles- 9
112.Throne of Blood- 8,5
113.Leave Her to Heaven- 8
114.It's Such a Beautiful Day- 9,5
115.A Woman Under the Influence- 9,5
116.The Decalogue- 10
117.Harold and Maude- 10(R)
118.Cinderella- 6
119.Three Colors: Blue- 9(R)
120.Мирно Лето- 10(R)
121.Antichrist- 7
122.Rashomon- 9,5(R)
123.The Treasure of the Sierra Madre- 9,5(R)
124.'71- 7
125.Three Colors: White- 8(R)
126.Three Colors: Red- 9,5(R)
127.American Beauty- 10(R)
128.Born to Kill- 6,5
129.Killers- 5
130.A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night- 7,5
131.Love Actually- 4
132.Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid- 6,5
133.Clouds of Sils Maria- 8
134.Balto- 9(R)
135.Peter Pan- 7(R)
136.Wrinkles- 9,5
137.I Walk Alone- 7
138.Key Largo- 8(R)
139.Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem- 8
140.Victoria- 7,5
141.Goodnight Mommy- 5,5
142.It Follows- 6,5
143.Timbuktu- 7
144.Taxi- 8
145.Under Electric Clouds- 5
146.White God- 8,5
147.Casablanca- 100(R) (јак римејк)
148.Bacall on Bogart- 8
149.Still Alice- 7,5
150.F for Fake- 8
151.Tokyo Drifter- 6
152.Alice in Wonderland- 8
153.Force of Evil- 8
154.Singin' in the Rain- 10 (R)
155.A Grand Day Out- 7,5
156.The Wrong Trousers- 9
157.A Close Shave- 8
158.Shaun the Sheep Movie- 9,5
159.A Matter of Loaf and Death- 7
160.The Curse of the Were-Rabbit- 8
161.The Princess and the Frog- 7
162.Три во Едно- 8
163.Perfect Blue- 8
164.Пред Дождот- 9,5 (R)
165.Тетовирање- 9,5 (R)
166.Who Am I- 5
167.Caught- 7,5
168.Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind- 8,5
169.Mad Max: Fury Road- 9
170.24 Hour Party People- 7
171.Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior- 8 (R)
172.Chappie- 5
173.Kingsman: The Secret Service- 7,5
174.Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome- 6
175.Ex Machina- 8
176.The Tribe- 7,5 (фала на препорака @MyloXyloto, добар)
177.Медена Ноќ- 8,5 (супер по сите стандарди)
178.The Duke of Burgundy- 6,5 (стилски убав и малку поинаков, ама и по некоја маана... и 2 зенски сто плават неплимелни лаботи, така да нема опасност од кружење околу мебел)
179.North by Northwest- 9 (R)
180.Notorious- 10 (R) (Грант и Бергман со едни од нивните најдобри изведби, топ 5 од Хичкок)
181.Shadow of a Doubt- 9 (R) (Омилениот на Хичкок)
182.Vertigo-10 (R) (мојот омилен од Хичкок)
183.Welcome to Me- 6,5
184.Strangers on a Train- 10 (R) (во потрага по совршено убиство... исто во топ 5 од Хичкок)
186.Relative Values- 7 (лесна симпатична комедија)
187.Wild Orchids- 7 (почнуваме со третиот онлајн курс за филмови: Marriage and the Movies: A History... Грета Гарбо :love:)
188.Made for Each Other- 7,5
189.While We're Young- 8 (закон филмче, се пресмеав, до сеа 4 од 4 со Noah Baumbach)
190.Jurassic World-6 (ја нема харизмата/магијата на оргиналот, али гледлив и за опуштање е ок)

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