Diablo 3


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Член од
14 февруари 2007
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визардот кај е еден од потешките само баланс на скиловите му направиле, ништо појак не е...
Се фокусирале најмногу на хидрите, ама би требало уште некои промени да има.
Член од
4 февруари 2009
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Продавам поволен D3 acc, ако има некој заинтересиран, нека пише..


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Член од
14 февруари 2007
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Воведен е нов Paragon (Leveling) System

Од кога ќе го достигнете 60 левел, почнувате да левелирате по Paragon System кој оди до левел 100!
Но за да стигнете од Level 1 до Level 2 во Paragon, ќе ви биде потребно исто колку што ви било потребно за да
стигнете од Level 59 до Level 60.
Со секој нареден левел добивате по 3% magic and gold find и опција да си појачате Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity...

Од сега, со секој освоен Nephalem Valor добивате и плус 15% Paragon experience bonus.

Исто и Maximum % Magic Find ќе биде 300%.

Член од
2 април 2006
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Воведен е нов Paragon (Leveling) System

Од кога ќе го достигнете 60 левел, почнувате да левелирате по Paragon System кој оди до левел 100!
Но за да стигнете од Level 1 до Level 2 во Paragon, ќе ви биде потребно исто колку што ви било потребно за да
стигнете од Level 59 до Level 60.
Со секој нареден левел добивате по 3% magic and gold find и опција да си појачате Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity...

Од сега, со секој освоен Nephalem Valor добивате и плус 15% Paragon experience bonus.

Исто и Maximum % Magic Find ќе биде 300%.

Кога ќе ја свртиш 100%...титни ми.
Член од
27 април 2011
Поени од реакции
Воведен е нов Paragon (Leveling) System

Од кога ќе го достигнете 60 левел, почнувате да левелирате по Paragon System кој оди до левел 100!
Но за да стигнете од Level 1 до Level 2 во Paragon, ќе ви биде потребно исто колку што ви било потребно за да
стигнете од Level 59 до Level 60.
Со секој нареден левел добивате по 3% magic and gold find и опција да си појачате Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity...

Од сега, со секој освоен Nephalem Valor добивате и плус 15% Paragon experience bonus.

Исто и Maximum % Magic Find ќе биде 300%.

Меххххх -_- ...нека го укинат веќе целиот проект и нека го направат одпочеток . Или во најмала рака без Jay Wilson.


Wanna play a game?
Член од
14 февруари 2007
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На куп скоро сите новини кои ќе ги донесе пачот 1.0.4:

System Changes

  • Magic Find is no longer averaged between players in a group.
  • Monster health no longer scales differently in each difficulty (flat 75%).
  • Increased health of normal monsters by 5-10%.
  • Lowered health of elite + champion monsters by 10-25%.
  • Lots of monster affixes being adjusted or removed.
  • Weapon damage of iLvl 61 & 62s being improved.
  • Two-handed weapons getting buffed.
  • Enrage timers and “heal to full” mechanic removed from non-boss monsters.
  • 25% reduced repair cost on high-end items.
Auction House Changes

  • You can now cancel Auctions at any time as long as there is not a big on the item.
  • The 100k minimum has changed to 1m minimum on the RMAH, essentially allowing gold to be sold for $0.25/1m gold.
  • You can now search for 6 stats instead of just 3.
  • You can now input 5 digits in search fields instead of only 3.
  • Gem stats are no longer counted in item searches.
  • Armor, DPS, Buyout, and Time Left columns are now sortable columns in the Search tab.
  • Expired / canceled autions now list their price in the Completed tab, along with tooltips for said items.
  • You can no search for stats on Legendary items.
  • Fixed a few bugs and added more affixes to items slots that were missing it before.
Legendary Changes

  • Lots of legendary items are getting buffed (higher iLvL & stats).
  • A lot of them are also getting special affixes added (see below).
  • Old (current) legendaries will not be changed to the new versions.
  • Legendaries from previous Diablo games are changed to hold true to their roots.
  • New effects added onto some legendaries to make them stand out visually. (Video)
Paragon System

  • Characters will unlock “Paragon levels” upon reaching level 60.
  • There are a total of 100 levels and the grind should be similar to reaching level 99 in Diablo 2.
  • You gain Paragon experience by killing monsters, allowing +xp gear to be beneficial even though you’re in Inferno.
  • Nephalem Valor buffs also give a 15% bonus to experience per stack.
  • Each Paragon level will reward you with Dexterity/Strength/Intelligence + 3% Magic Find & 3% Gold Find.
  • Magic Find and Gold Find are now capped at 300% pre-Nephalem Valor.
  • Reaching Paragon level 100 will allow you to be at max Magic Find and Gold Find, no longer needing it on gear.
Class Changes

  • Bash and Cleave being brought up to the “power level” of Frenzy.
  • Bash’s Fury generation is buffed from 6 to 8.
  • Cleave should be the clear choice when it comes to AoE fights.
  • Buffing Fury spender’s damage so they are more useful / Fury is worth using.
Demon Hunter
  • Hatred generators being brought up to the “power level” of Hungering Arrow.
  • Hatred spenders being buffed to make the resource cost worth it.
  • Rain of Vengeance is getting a huge damage buff.
  • Sentry has had it’s damage doubled to make it a viable option.
  • Exploding Palm damage increased plus it gets a visual effect to easily tell which monsters are effected.
  • Seven-Sided Strike received a huge buff to it’s damage.
  • Wave of Light was also buffed quite a bit (almost double).
  • Blizzard is looking to change One With Everything eventually, but it will remain for now.
  • Monks can now dual-wield two-handed weapons, along with supporting animations.
Witch Doctor
  • Pets are getting a huge buff to health, allowing you Witch Doctors to finally bring them into Inferno!
  • Pets are basically getting their own version of the Wizard’s “Force Armor”.
  • Splingers and Zombie Bears are untouched this patch.
  • Passive Manage regeneration buffed from 20 Mana per second to 45 Mana per second.
  • Vision Quest was changed a bit:
    • Increases Mana regeneration by 30% for 5 seconds after dealing damage with Firebomb, Corpse Spiders, Poison Dart, or Plague of Toads.
  • Hydras are getting buffed in their own way (each should be used for a specific situation):
    • Arcane Hydra: Best at AoE
    • Lightning Hydra: Good against targets that move a lot
    • Venom Hydra: Good against targets that stand still
    • Frost Hydra: Good for snaring
    • Mammoth Hydra: Best in hallways
  • Energy Twister proc coefficient reduced from 0.25 to 0.125 so it can play nicely with the new legendary procs.
  • Lesser used Signature skill runes are being buffed.
  • Meteor and Arcane Torrent are also getting buffs.
Legendary Affixes

  • Pig Sticker – Squeal!
  • Blood-Magic Blade – Blood oozes from you.
  • Wizardspike – 20% chance to hurl a frozen orb when attacking.
  • The Gidbinn – Chance to summon a Fetish when attacking.
  • Last Breath – Slain enemies rest in pieces.
  • Skycutter – Chance to summon angelic assistance when attacking.
  • Sever – Slain enemies rest in pieces.
  • Azurewrath – This weapon will forcefully repel undead enemies.
  • Scourge – 20% chance to explode with demonic fury when attacking.
  • Maximus – Chance to summon a Demonic Slave when attacking.
  • Genzaniku – Chance to summon a ghostly Fallen Champion when attacking.
  • The Butcher’s Sickle – 20% chance to drag enemies to you when attacking.
  • The Burning Axe of Sankis – Chance to fight through the pain when enemies hit you.
  • Sky Splitter -10% chance to Smite enemies when you hit them.
  • Butcher’s Carver – The Butcher still inhabits his carver.
  • Fire Brand – 25% chance to cast a fireball when attacking.
  • Odyn Son – 20% chance to Chain Lightning enemies when you hit them.
  • Earthshatter – 20% chance to cause the ground to shudder when attacking.
  • Boneshatter – Slain enemies rest in pieces.
  • Cataclysm – 25% chance to sunder the ground your enemies walk on when you attack.
  • Schaefers’s Hammer – 25% chance to be protected by Lightning when you are hit.
  • Vigilance – Chance to cast Inner Sanctuary when you are hit.
  • The Raven’s Wing – Ravens flock to your side.
  • Cluckeye – 25% chance to cluck when attacking.
  • Demon Machine – 35% chance to shoot explosive bolts when attacking.
  • Buriza-Do Kyanon – 40% chance for ranged projectiles to pierce enemies.
  • Pus Spitter – 25% chance to lob an acid blob when attacking.
  • Hellrack – Chance to root enemies to the ground when you hit them.
  • Calamity – 20% chance to target enemies with Marked for Death when you hit them.
  • Fjord Cutter – 20% chance to be surrounded by a Chilling Aura when attacking.
  • The Paddle – Slap!
  • Flying Dragon – Chance to double your attack speed when attacking.
  • Maloth’s Focus – Enemies occasionally flee at the sight of this staff.
  • The Tormentor – Chance to charm enemies when you hit them.
  • Slorak’s Madness – This wand finds your death humorous.
  • Wall of Bone – 20% chance to be protected by a shield of bones when you are hit.
  • Lidless Wall – You have a chance to be shielded when hit by enemies.
  • Andariel’s Visage – 20% chance to cast a Poison Nova when you are hit.
  • Fire Walkers – Burn the ground you walk on.
  • Goldskin – Chance for enemies to drop gold when you hit them.
  • Pox Faulds – These pants occasionally make you stink.
  • Death Watch Mantle – 15% chance to explode with knives when hit by enemies.
  • The Grin Reaper – Chance to summon horrific Mimics when attacking.
  • Storm Crow – 20% chance to cast a fiery ball when attacking.
  • Thunder God’s Vigor – 25% chance to cause Shock Pulse to erupt from your enemies when you hit them.
  • Moonlight Ward – 25% chance to be surrounded by balls of Arcane Power when attacking.
  • Puzzle Ring – This ring sometimes calls forth a Treasure Goblin when you are hit.
  • Bul-Kathos’s Wedding Band – You drain life from enemies around you.
  • Band of Hollow Whispers – This ring occasionally haunts nearby enemies.
  • Bul-Kathos’s Warrior Blood – You occasionally Whirlwind furiously.
  • Shenlong’s Relentless Assault – Chance to hurl a ball of pure energy when attacking.
  • Manajuma’s Gory Fetch – You are surrounded by a deadly Poison Cloud.
  • Litany of the Undaunted – This ring sometimes summons a Skeleton when you attack.
  • Demon’s Flight – Chance to reflect projectiles when you are hit by enemies.
  • The Murlocket – Call forth a creature from the depths.


Член од
1 август 2006
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa monk with two double hands PABAUUU


Член од
1 октомври 2008
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мн промени, и со пачов пак, на акт 4 еден corrupted angel на инф да помине кроз тебе одма си мртов, ни dodged не ти вика ни ништо..


Член од
20 февруари 2012
Поени од реакции
мн промени, и со пачов пак, на акт 4 еден corrupted angel на инф да помине кроз тебе одма си мртов, ни dodged не ти вика ни ништо..
Собери повеќе ressistance to all elements + armor и ќе му се смееш у фаца. :)


Член од
1 октомври 2008
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Собери повеќе ressistance to all elements + armor и ќе му се смееш у фаца. :)
со дх?апла шанси нема, со визард уште помалце, левел 60 сум а 15к дмг и 1500 армор, и 18к ХП.ништо не тепам.


Член од
20 февруари 2012
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со дх?апла шанси нема, со визард уште помалце, левел 60 сум а 15к дмг и 1500 армор, и 18к ХП.ништо не тепам.
Слаби се тие статови што ми ги кажуваш, поработи малку на опремата, купи нови ајтеми од аукција или фармај акт 2/3. И со 18k health само ќе се фрустрираш, ќе добиваш one-shot многу често, пробај да стигнеш околу 30к health. 15к damage е исто малку за ranged class, треба мобовите да умрат пред да стигнат до тебе, или во најмала рака да ги исцедиш здраво па после да ги кајташ и дотепаш. Со повеќе resistance to all и armor ќе бидеш во ситуација да можеш да издржиш повеќе ударци и да не умираш инстантно од arcane enchanted, plague, desecrator итн.

Со други зборови дигни defense статови и damage и нема да имаш проблеми. 2-3 нови ајтеми со вистинските статови можат да ти направат огромна разлика во акт 3/4. Верувај, сите сме го поминале тој дел. :)


Член од
1 октомври 2008
Поени од реакции
Слаби се тие статови што ми ги кажуваш, поработи малку на опремата, купи нови ајтеми од аукција или фармај акт 2/3. И со 18k health само ќе се фрустрираш, ќе добиваш one-shot многу често, пробај да стигнеш околу 30к health. 15к damage е исто малку за ranged class, треба мобовите да умрат пред да стигнат до тебе, или во најмала рака да ги исцедиш здраво па после да ги кајташ и дотепаш. Со повеќе resistance to all и armor ќе бидеш во ситуација да можеш да издржиш повеќе ударци и да не умираш инстантно од arcane enchanted, plague, desecrator итн.

Со други зборови дигни defense статови и damage и нема да имаш проблеми. 2-3 нови ајтеми со вистинските статови можат да ти направат огромна разлика во акт 3/4. Верувај, сите сме го поминале тој дел. :)

проблем ми се само тие corrupted angel/subjugator, кога ќе влезе у мене тоа corrupted angeloт, само од нив умирам на инферно..

сеа сменет ми е хелмоти имам rare со дупло повеќе декстерити/виталити/strength.
Член од
26 октомври 2011
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Јас со барб цел акт 3 го поминувам без никаков проблем :cool:

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