Apple iPhone 5

Дали ќе направите промена со појавувањето на новиот Iphone 5 ?

  • Вкупно гласачи
  • Гласањето е завршено на .


Член од
18 јуни 2008
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Едните викаат дека разликата од стариот и новиот ајфон е некој инч, појака камера и оперативен систем. Другите викаат дека разликата од Ѕ2 и Ѕ3 е поголем екран, појак процесор кој не го користи целосниот потенцијал и некои други џиџи-миџи. И така се вртат во круг. :D
Smart Stay
Direct Call
Pop Up Play
Buddy Share
Smart Alert


Член од
12 април 2008
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Што се мене тиче, С3 е многу голем за мој вкус, тешко е да се користи со една рака.Ајфонов може да има идеален баланс во рака, али hands on во Петок, па ќе видиме.
Член од
5 октомври 2011
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iPhone 5 catches up to flagship droids in first Geekbench scores

17 September, 2012 | Comments (50) | Post your comment
Tags: Apple, iOS, Touch UI

There was plenty of speculation what kind of CPU powered the new iPhone 5 and in the end it turned out to be a custom Apple design. So, how well did the Cupertino-based company did? According to an unverified Geekbench results, A6more than meets the 2x performance increase Apple promised.
The results are nothing short of amazing - the Apple A6 chipset has two custom cores rated at 1GHz with 1GB of RAM and it easily stands up to quad-core Cortex-A9 and dual-core Krait designs running at 1.5GHz.
The iPhone 5 has more than double the CPU performance of the 4S, beating it in every category that Geekbench tests. The RAM has gotten faster too. Even the A5X in the new iPad can't compete (understandable as A5X only improves GPU performance over the A5).
As for high-end Androids, Exynos 4 Quad and Tegra 3 based phones like the Samsung Galaxy S III and the HTC One X manage to outperform the iPhone 5 if they are running Android Jelly Bean. Under Ice Cream Sandwich, the performance of the One X drops down to the levels of the iPhone.
The HTC One S and its two Krait cores manage to match the iPhone 5 under Ice Cream Sandwich, so it should come out slightly ahead.
Just for fun, here's a dual-core Pentium 4 541 (Prescott architecture) downclocked to 2.4GHz matching the performance of the iPhone 5. This CPU came out in Q3 of 2004.
If these benchmark results do turn out to be from the iPhone 5 (results can be faked, so take it with a grain of salt) then Apple must have worked some serious magic. The Apple A6 chipset makes even Krait cores look slow (again, it's 1GHz vs. 1.5GHz).
Член од
5 октомври 2011
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Apple: More than 2 Million iPhone 5 Units Pre-Ordered in 24 Hours; New Orders Now Arriving in October

By Todd Haselton on September 17, 2012 in iPhone

Apple began accepting pre-orders for the iPhone 5 early on Friday morning and, now, it released a stunning pre-order sales figure. The company announced Monday that pre-orders for the iPhone 5 topped two million units in 24 hours, twice the previous record that was obtained by iPhone 4S pre-orders. “Demand for iPhone 5 exceeds the initial supply and while the majority of pre-orders will be delivered to customers on September 21, many are scheduled to be delivered in October,” Apple said in a statement.
Apple’s senior vice president of worldwide marketing, Philip Schiller, said the iPhone 5 “shattered records.” ”iPhone 5 pre-orders have shattered the previous record held by iPhone 4S and the customer response to iPhone 5 has been phenomenal,” Schiller said. “iPhone 5 is the best iPhone yet, the most beautiful product we’ve ever made, and we hope customers love it as much as we do.” The device will be available in 356 Apple Store locations beginning on Friday, Sept. 21 at 8 a.m. local time, if you weren’t able to pre-order a device.
We imagine the lines will be longer than ever, so you may want to start getting that camping gear ready.


Член од
9 мај 2011
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Што и да е, Iphone да е. Со видеово само се потврдува вистината за повекето Iphone фанови. Па насмејте се малку. :LOL:



Player hater
Член од
15 јануари 2009
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Apple: More than 2 Million iPhone 5 Units Pre-Ordered in 24 Hours; New Orders Now Arriving in October

By Todd Haselton on September 17, 2012 in iPhone

Apple began accepting pre-orders for the iPhone 5 early on Friday morning and, now, it released a stunning pre-order sales figure. The company announced Monday that pre-orders for the iPhone 5 topped two million units in 24 hours, twice the previous record that was obtained by iPhone 4S pre-orders. “Demand for iPhone 5 exceeds the initial supply and while the majority of pre-orders will be delivered to customers on September 21, many are scheduled to be delivered in October,” Apple said in a statement.
Apple’s senior vice president of worldwide marketing, Philip Schiller, said the iPhone 5 “shattered records.” ”iPhone 5 pre-orders have shattered the previous record held by iPhone 4S and the customer response to iPhone 5 has been phenomenal,” Schiller said. “iPhone 5 is the best iPhone yet, the most beautiful product we’ve ever made, and we hope customers love it as much as we do.” The device will be available in 356 Apple Store locations beginning on Friday, Sept. 21 at 8 a.m. local time, if you weren’t able to pre-order a device.
We imagine the lines will be longer than ever, so you may want to start getting that camping gear ready.
Тоа е, барем се порадуваа Шљамсунг некое време дека се најпродавани.
Член од
29 декември 2011
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Тоа е, барем се порадуваа Шљамсунг некое време дека се најпродавани.
Ти бе дечко како да имаш акции во Apple. Па зарем не е очекувано дека ќе се продаде екстремно добро телефонот. Па види какви глупаци гледаат 4S и се палат на петката. Епл има страшно многу следбеници, тоа ретко кој може да го достигне и тука нема споредба. И на крај краева што ако се распродал за 24 часа, односно за неколку часа. И Гугл Нексус 7 го распродаде одма, па никому ништо.
И тој iPhone 5 што ќе го купиш внатре има делови од според тебе наречениот Шљамсунг. Како што е Епл гигант, така е и Самсунг гигант бе човеку. Сите муабети се вртат на некое безвезно тролање само колку да се нападне, еден асален муабет не видов со аргументи. Дај да ја затвориме темава, нема никаква поента вака.
Член од
5 октомври 2011
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Ретко ќе се подржиме за ставовите меѓу Apple i Samsung . Но сепека секогаш ќе постои нешто што нема да користиме на нашите smartphones а сепак сме платиле пари за тоа .

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