Mage lvl 85
358ilvl (equipped) PVP gear (Shoulder + chest 2200 rated) – 6.4k SP; 18% crit; 1982 mastery; 2k ressi
357ilvl (equipped) PVE gear (17k avg dps in 10 man raids)- 5.9k SP ; 22%crit; 2k Mastery ; 15% hit
7.5k Achievement points
Enchanting/Engi 525 Cooking /Fishing 525
Notable Mentions:
2400 rated 2v2 ; 2500 rated 3v3 ; Sandstone Drake Flying mount ; Volcanic Stone Drake Flying mount ; Wrathful Gladiator’s Tabard.
Alt 1
DK lvl 85
348 ilvl (equipped) PVP Gear – 8.5k AP; 1.2k mastery; 800 haste; 5% hit
2.5k Achievement points
Jewelcrafting/Herbalism 525
Notable Mentions:
Can cut 40 strenght;parry;intellect;mastery;agility ; hit;50 spell pene ;60 stam 20 hit 20 mastery +9 jc token
Vicious Gladiator’s Greatsword epic 2h wep.
Alt 2
Hunter lvl 85
264 ilvl (equipped) –lvld trough archeology
3k Achievement points
Enchanting 450/Alchemy 525 Archeology 525
Notable Mentions:
Has the vial of sands recipe (Sandstone drake flying mount) , Fossilized Raptor mount and Ring of the boy emperor (359 ilvl epic ring used on mage).
Alt 3
Rogue lvl 85
338 ilvl (Equipped)
Engi 450/Leatherworking 500
Notable Mentions:
Epic Vicious Main Hand Dagger + Off Hand Dagger
Alt 4
Warlock lvl 85
320 ilvl (equipped
Tailoring 520 / Inscription 525
Notable mentions :
6 Dreamcloths
Alt 5
Paladin lvl 85
Mining/Skining 525
Other alts
Priest lvl 84 ;Mage lvl 80 (furious geared); Paladin lvl 80; Hunter lvl 76; 56 Rogue
Mats : Each char has mats to its respective proffesion in the bank ; Guild Bank full of various proffesion mats up to northrend on DK; Lvl 1 bank alt with various proffesion mats mostly mineables and cloth’s.
20k gold.
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Доколку сте заинтересирани за подетални информации и цена пратете маил на :
Mage lvl 85
358ilvl (equipped) PVP gear (Shoulder + chest 2200 rated) – 6.4k SP; 18% crit; 1982 mastery; 2k ressi
357ilvl (equipped) PVE gear (17k avg dps in 10 man raids)- 5.9k SP ; 22%crit; 2k Mastery ; 15% hit
7.5k Achievement points
Enchanting/Engi 525 Cooking /Fishing 525
Notable Mentions:
2400 rated 2v2 ; 2500 rated 3v3 ; Sandstone Drake Flying mount ; Volcanic Stone Drake Flying mount ; Wrathful Gladiator’s Tabard.
Alt 1
DK lvl 85
348 ilvl (equipped) PVP Gear – 8.5k AP; 1.2k mastery; 800 haste; 5% hit
2.5k Achievement points
Jewelcrafting/Herbalism 525
Notable Mentions:
Can cut 40 strenght;parry;intellect;mastery;agility ; hit;50 spell pene ;60 stam 20 hit 20 mastery +9 jc token
Vicious Gladiator’s Greatsword epic 2h wep.
Alt 2
Hunter lvl 85
264 ilvl (equipped) –lvld trough archeology
3k Achievement points
Enchanting 450/Alchemy 525 Archeology 525
Notable Mentions:
Has the vial of sands recipe (Sandstone drake flying mount) , Fossilized Raptor mount and Ring of the boy emperor (359 ilvl epic ring used on mage).
Alt 3
Rogue lvl 85
338 ilvl (Equipped)
Engi 450/Leatherworking 500
Notable Mentions:
Epic Vicious Main Hand Dagger + Off Hand Dagger
Alt 4
Warlock lvl 85
320 ilvl (equipped
Tailoring 520 / Inscription 525
Notable mentions :
6 Dreamcloths
Alt 5
Paladin lvl 85
Mining/Skining 525
Other alts
Priest lvl 84 ;Mage lvl 80 (furious geared); Paladin lvl 80; Hunter lvl 76; 56 Rogue
Mats : Each char has mats to its respective proffesion in the bank ; Guild Bank full of various proffesion mats up to northrend on DK; Lvl 1 bank alt with various proffesion mats mostly mineables and cloth’s.
20k gold.
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