Дежурен Шаман
- Член од
- 2 февруари 2010
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- 7.682
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Не сите се согласуваат со тебе па дури ни Буда. Ај кажи што е натприродно? Свеста? А и пробај да дефинираш што е натприродно и кое е тоа.Е сега вака секоја религија се базира на некое верување во натприродно. Затоа и Џудаизам и Будизам се религии и нема кој не ги признава како такви Е сега прашаање, дали Будистите се Атеисти
Buddhism is not about either believing or not believing in God or gods. Rather, the historical Buddha taught that believing in gods was not useful for those seeking to realize enlightenment. In other words, God is unnecessary in Buddhism. For this reason, Buddhism is more accurately called nontheistic than atheistic.
The Buddha also plainly said that he was not a god, but "awakened."
It's not just belief in gods that are irrelevant to Buddhism. Beliefs play a different role in Buddhism than in many other religions.
Buddhism is a path to "waking up," or being enlightened, to a reality that is not consciously perceived by most of us. In most schools of Buddhism it is understood that enlightenment and nirvana cannot be conceptualized or explained with words. They must be intimately experienced to be understood. Merely "believing in" enlightenment and nirvana is pointless.
In Buddhism, all doctrines are provisional and are judged by their skillfulness. The Sanskrit word for this is upaya, or "skillful means." Any doctrine or practice that enables realization is a upaya. Whether the doctrine is factual or not is not the point.