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4 август 2010
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- "Морам да им се одмаздам, па макар и жив да не се вратам!!!"

Тврдокорни - Јордан Пиперката



Член од
24 јануари 2011
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We rip out so much of ourselves to be cured of things faster than we should that we go bankrupt by the age of thirty and have less to offer each time we start with someone new.
But to feel nothing so as not to feel anything - what a waste!

- Call Me By Your Name (2017)

Del Boy

You plonker!
Член од
28 септември 2012
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That's my final piece of advice, Wade Porter. You protect your family at all costs. Even if you're forced to kill again. Because if i had to, I'd wipe out the whole planet to get mine back. So long, friend.

Felon (2008)


Член од
12 јуни 2014
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Кааако се викаш?
Исус... Така ме викаат и така се потпишувам.
Кооој то го дал тебе тоа име? И каааде се потпишуваш? Лебати

Тетовирање (1991)


Член од
17 април 2009
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Кааако се викаш?
Исус... Така ме викаат и така се потпишувам.
Кооој то го дал тебе тоа име? И каааде се потпишуваш? Лебати

Тетовирање (1991)
Ова беше (по)легендарно на времето
"Признај пиз** ти материна признај !!!"

Или, мантрата од "Доли Бел"
Ono što je zanimljivo je da ovo zapravo i nije plod mašte scenariste filma, Abdulaha Sidrana, već krilatica koju je osmislio francuski psiholog i farmaceut Emile Coué (Kue). Emil je stvorio i novi smjer u psihoterapiji nazvan "kueizam", a koji se zasniva na autosugestiji i podrazumjeva svakodnevno ponavljanje mantre "Svakoga dana, u svakom pogledu, sve više napredujem!" ujutro nakon buđenja i naveče pred spavanje

Del Boy

You plonker!
Член од
28 септември 2012
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- It seems despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem headmaster. And I'm afraid it's quite extensive.
- How dare you stand where he stood? Tell them how it happened that night! Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him. Tell them!!

Harry Potter and the deathly hallows 2.

Лорд Зуко

I'm the protagonist of your life.
Член од
27 мај 2018
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The Cook: [telling a story to Ross, whose asleep in the passenger seat] I tell ya, I remember a time when I was about... I was little, I don't know... 4, 5 something like that. We had this old dog that had a litter of puppies. And I walked in the bathroom one day and my Mother was standing there, kneeling down... Dog had a litter of about 8, and my Mother was bending over killing each one of these little puppies in the bathtub. I remember I said 'why?'... She said 'Im just killing what I can't take care of' - Then my momma said to me, she looked at me and she said 'I wish I could do that to you'. - Maybe she, maybe she shoulda. - SPUN (2002)

Marion: I love you, Harry. You make me feel like a person. Like I'm me... and I'm beautiful.
Harry Goldfarb: You are beautiful. You're the most beautiful girl in the world. You are my dream.

Dante Hicks: 37! My girlfriend sucked 37 dicks!
Customer with Diapers: In a row?
CLERKS (1994)
Член од
26 јуни 2013
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Сакаш да ми кажеш дека купи само еден тикет?Јас имам горе осум милиони тикети во кутите за чевли,а ти купи само еден ТИКЕТ?-29th Street (1991)



Член од
24 јануари 2011
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"Cool girl. "
Men always use that
as their defining compliment.
"She's a cool girl. "
Cool girl is hot.
Cool girl is game.
Cool girl is fun.
Cool girl never gets angry at her man.
She only smiles in a chagrined,
loving manner...
And then presents her mouth for fucking.
She likes what he likes.
So evidently, he's a vinyl hipster
who loves fetish manga.
If he likes girls gone wild,
she's a mall babe...
Who talks football
and endures buffalo wings at Hooters.
When I met Nick dunne,
I knew he wanted cool girl.
And for him, I'll admit,
I was willing to try.
I wax-stripped my pussy raw.
I drank canned beer
watching Adam sandler movies.
I ate cold pizza
and remained a size two.
I blew him semi-regularly.
I lived in the moment.
I was fucking game.
I can't say I didn't enjoy some of it.
Nick teased out of me
things I didn't know existed.
A lightness, a humor, an ease.
But I made him smarter. Sharper.
I inspired him to rise to my level.
I forged the man of my dreams.
We were happy pretending
to be other people.
We were the happiest couple we knew.
And what's the point of being together
if you're not the happiest?

Gone Girl


Член од
24 јануари 2011
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There are the people who run through the streets, grabbing all they can. People who don't believe in anything but the end of the world. Then there's the other movement... farmers going out to milk their cows... ...soldiers reporting for duty. Those who believe that life will go on somehow... ...or just don't know what else to do. People prepare for the worst... ...but hope for the best. They concentrate on the things that are important to them. All the things beyond fat and flour. Once we thought of the ice age as something that crept up... glaciers slowly spreading... temperatures gradually dropping. But recently a number of intact mammoths have been discovered with stomachs full of undigested grass. The cold must have hit them like a blow from a club. That's how the darkness descends upon the world. But first the shining moments. A shared flinching of the brain's temporal lobe. A profound appreciation of what it means to be alive. But most of all, a shared urge to reach out to one another. To offer warmth... ...understanding... ...acceptance... ...forgiveness... ...love. It's dark now... but they feel each other's breath... and they know all they need to know. They kiss... and they feel each other's tears on their cheeks. And if there had been anybody left to see them, then they would look like normal lovers caressing each other's faces... ...bodies close together... eyes closed... ...oblivious to the world around them. Because that is how life goes on. Like that.

- Perfect Sense


Член од
24 јануари 2011
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Claudia: I don't understand. He meets a girl that can give him a new life and he pushes her away?

Guido: Because he no longer believes in it.

Claudia: Because he doesn't know how to love.

Guido: Because it isn't true that a woman can change a man.

Claudia: Because he doesn't know how to love.

Guido: And above all because I don't feel like telling another pile of lies.

Claudia: Because he doesn't know how to love.


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