Beautiful animals.
But it's God deserves the credit.
They don't have time to bother with success or getting rich.
They don't have fantasies of glory.
They don't borrow money to buy things.
That decrease in value while they own it. See, they're beautiful because they just are. They do what they do.
A lion don't try to be a tiger.
Rabbit don't try to do an impression of a monkey.
They don't try to be what they're not,
Unlike us, us human beings.
The cheetah, the tiger, the snake, the monkey, The baboon, the muskrat, the bobcat...
The pig that's fat,
The hippo, the rhino, the dodo,
The honey badger,
The slithy toad.
Each one, each perfect in their own original forms.
Then man came in--
Who created him and for what purpose?
Still a mystery.
Why is he here?
It's a mystery.
We know he's trespassing. Doesn't know his own place.
Of course he doesn't know his own place. He don't have one.
Man, the bear-hunter,
the fur-trapper,
The deer-chaser.
Man, the bear-hunter, the deer-trapper, the, the...
Man, the bear-hunter,
The f--fur trapper.
Man, the--the--the deer-chaser--
The dolphin-snagger.
Lowest form of existence. Lowest form of existence.
He's a rabble rouser, He's a stir-upper, agitator,
Goes around sticking his nose where it don't belong.
The zoo, the aquarium,
They are--they are prisons for the animals.
These animals cannot learn anything from mankind.
Man doesn't have a thing to teach them.
I abhor looking at human beings.
Disgust me so much
With their atom bombs and blow-dryers and automobiles.
They build hospitals as shrines to the diseases they create.
Human beings
alone with their secrets, masked and anonymous.
No one truly knows them.
If I see a crack in the sidewalk,
It's more beautiful to me than any human being.
A crack in the mud at the bottom of a sun-dried dead lake, I count that more beautiful than any human being.
You know what I mean?
I know what you mean.
Yeah, because we live in fear,
Because we know we're going to die.
Animals don't know they're going to die.
They got no fear. They live content In the moment.
Knowledge of death.
I'll tell you something else-- Ancient cultures, civilizations,
Used to sacrifice animals,
Like cattle and rabbits and goats and such
Instead of human beings.
Now, today, we do it the other way around.
We sacrifice the human being,
Like the Incas,
Like the Aztecs,
like the big corporations.