Хороскоп, хороскопски знаци (општо)

Што сте во хороскоп

  • Вкупно гласачи
Член од
12 јули 2008
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Јас верувам во хороскоп и тоа најмногу во дневниот на весникот вест. Многупати ми има погодено батката:salut:
Toj horoskop e najdobar zasto dava psiholoski soveti i napisan e na visok stil no razbirliv za site. Onie dnevni ili nedelni horoskopi koi se obiduvaat nesto da predviduvaat ne mozat da go zadovolat citatelot, bidejki najcesto nisto ne pogoduvaat.


*Just Fabulous*
Член од
4 јули 2006
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Тука се објаснува а?
Ако некој знае какви се прогнозите за најкатастрофа комбинација што си ја имам овен со подзнак рак:pipi:

Mike Tyson

Never,never,NEVER GIVE UP!
Член од
20 август 2007
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А јас Овен со Лав?:)потрагично е мислам батерфлај:)
Член од
3 јули 2008
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Бик и Јарец? јас сум бик :) а за подзнак да ми кажит некој мојт? :)


Член од
18 јуни 2008
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Bidejki solarniot zodijak e pretstaven kako krug od 360 stepeni na sekoe sozvezdie mu se dadeni po 30 stepeni (zatoa postojat 12 zod.znaci), taka sto spored prirodnoto dvizenje na Sonceto e nevozmozno Zmijonosecot konkretno da se vmetne vo Zodijakot. Toj moze da se tolkuva preku Sideralniot (se bazira na Mesecinata) zodijak koj se bazira na prirodnata postavenost na sozvezdijata a ne preku godisnata revolucija na Sonceto okolu Zemjata.
Toa ne znaci deka zapadnata astrologija ne go tretira vremenskiot period koga Sonceto se naoga vo sozvezdieto na Zmijonosecot. Imeno, licata koi se ragaat vo toj period imaat posebni parapsiholoski talenti, gi interesira ili se okupiraat so tematikata na smrtta i treba svojata neobicna zivotna misija da ja nasocat kon duhovnite sferi na egzistiranjeto.
WHAT THE HELL??? три пати по ред го читам постот твој и не го сваќам....се губам после првите десет збора....


You want ME
Член од
21 февруари 2006
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ќе може да бидете љубезни и да ми напишете дали си одговараат Овенот и Бикот :pipi:.
однапред благодарам :smir: :back:
Член од
2 август 2008
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Член од
12 мај 2008
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A za bik karakteristiki, nemam poim sto podznak. I koj znak bi mi odgovaral. Pozdrav.


Член од
19 септември 2007
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ај ќе ти ставам на англиски бидејќи ме мрзи да ти преведувам
Know ur Boy Friend
If you've ever gone fishing out at sea, on the glimmering darkling patches of
the ocean where the water is black and the bottom of the sea runs deeper
than the height of the tallest mountain, then you'll know exactly what a Pisces
Man is like to catch. Often you have to climb into that diving bell, and take a
powerful torch to locate him. Sometimes he'll emerge only to escape from life
into fiction and fantasy. He'll often prefer to drown in anything, as long as it's
Pisceans are charmingly romantic and awfully attractive because they are such
dreamers: a very different challenge from the passion of Fire signs, the mental
agility and lightness of Air or the solid practicality and sensuality of Earth men.
Piscean men are drawn to very beautiful and very female women. They are
easily besotted by physical beauty. Being in love is a good escape from real
life, whether it's with a beautiful day, a beautiful drink, or beautiful women.
Sexually he is uniquely gifted. He doesn't need words or books, passion and
emotion flow easily and love grows quickly in his deep cave of feelings. But
Piscean men are often too far away in their own fantasy, and if you're not
open with him you'll get left behind on the shore while he's diving back down
into the deepest part of the ocean for the water spirits.

Know ur Gal Friend
Pisces girl is half-way between reality and a dreamworld, far from any logical
or mental plane, in a world of intuition and feelings. She is usually poised,
beautiful and compassionate. Love and caring is genuinely felt, and she is kind
and uniquely sensitive to others around her.
Of course this kind of feminine mystique attracts men easily. There are many
Piscean women who have been badly hurt by rushing headlong into romantic
involvements without a thought because they really do not think. She can be
led astray by the temptation of romance. Her elusive nature is vague and sometimes dithery, and she will always be moving somewhere and never be
sure where it is she should be going.
Love is a touch down, a grounding from reality and she'll easily fall into. In love
she gets carried away by emotion and the prevailing moods of her lover can
channel her through the murkiest waters and the shimmering waves like
driftwood. Yet sometimes the physical intensity of her sexuality will produce
emotional conflicts within herself and she will begin to see the man she
thought she loved as just another shell on her lovely sea-shore. She needs to
belong to one man, and that man must be strong and protective, and mostly
She often falls for weak, nebulous and gifted characters, a lover who makes
love and feels as deeply as she.

How to Date Him
When he is good, he is very very good, and when he is bad, he's difficult to
understand. Don't try. Not normally combative by nature, he can be the
greatest escape artist when a situation turns nasty or too emotionally abrasive
for his comfort zone. Given the chance, he can be as close to perfect as any
mate, but it does take patience to understand this complex and deeply
sensitive man. "Complex" comes in many forms, but in the Pisces realm it
means you may never know him completely. Not that he is suspiciously
deceptive, but there is a side to him that is always going to be his own. The
plus side is that he lives in this outer world part of the time, and the rest of the
time he is all yours - heart and soul. If you are emotionally confident,
independent and balanced, riding along on his wave offers an enchanting
experience. When he is definitely in love, he will promise you the stars, and
probably try very hard to present them to you. If you are smart enough to
know that stars are not for sale, you will be all the wiser. But, what he can
potentially offer you in the way of selfless love and devotion is worth it's weight
in gold. If his dreams are as vivid to you, as they are to him - then the two of
you can be headed for a blissful union. A deep meaningful look and a mysterious knowing smile, coupled with a subtle
lingering fragrance, can do more in one passing moment than a whole day of
obvious flirting. It may or may not be immediately blatant that he is a died -inthe-
wool romantic, but if he isn't, he is a rare and miserable fish. If you want
to get this man's attention, be as sensual and appealing as possible. You can even be a little eccentric, as he seems to be drawn to people who are out of
the ordinary.
His idea of a memorable date is one that flows naturally without having to
contend with too many mundane problems; like parking cars and standing in
line endlessly for tickets. He wants to concentrate on you, so if you really want
to keep him centered and calm, don't plan a busy evening. Simplicity is the key
- where the two of you can share secrets and moments of comforting silence
without undue disruption. If this means your home fits this description, don't
hesitate to bring out the candles, turn on the music and take a ride on that
magical carpet he will weave for you with his vivid imagination. He is not
normally a man who will take advantage of the situation unless the invitation is
clearly a go. If immediate intimacy does not appeal to you, his ability to be
tender and considerate will over- ride any notions of pushing himself on you.
Never be crude, uncaring, and totally insensitive.

How to Date Her
You may think she is easy to read, but don't kid yourself. This fluid woman can
be as s deeply mysterious as the depths of the ocean. On the surface she may
appear tough, but underneath she is gentle, compassionate and ultra-sensitive
creature. She takes her time to feel out the atmosphere before showing much
of her true nature. Sometimes her own needs are as elusive to her as they are
to the people who think they know her. What she needs is a solid individual
who is gentle, caring and emotionally stable. What she often attracts is a needy
person who feeds on her soft heart. Like a human sponge, she often absorbs
other people's pain and intuitively knows how to soothe them. However, if the
emotionally waters become cold and turbulent, she often makes a hasty
retreat. Never far from her grasp are a pair of rose- colored glasses. Anyone
who dares remove them is going to experience an icy stare. If you are looking
for a refreshing dip into the world of romantic and sensual pleasures- where
you can let go of all logic and experience the true fantasy of what love can be,
then this lady can take you there.
You can wear anything you like, and you get to make all the decisions. She
prefers men with a passion about something. If your idea of romance is sipping
a cold beer together in front of the tube, then please don't bother this lady. If
you really want to impress her, be aesthetically aware and romantic in your
approach. Notice the color of her eyes, hand her a flower, give her a poem. If
these kind of things are not natural to your nature, leave her alone. Music is one of her favorites. A sense of humor is an asset, she has one too.
She has no confidence in herself, so support her in her dreams. Adaptable by
nature, she is never a difficult person to please, but being sensitive to her
highly developed romantic nature is a must! To this lady, an evening of
watching the stars can be just as appealing as fine dining; as it is the quality of
the experience that means everything to her. Don't promise her a rose garden,
if you don't mean it. Pisces females love everyone, even if they treated her
badly. She hates to see pain, but can drown in her own. Cheer her up, be a
positive kind of guy, and be romantic. Encourage her to not live in your
shadow, but to have her own life. Intimacy is not a scary realm for her, but she
needs to feel deeply moved before she will dive in comfortably. If you believe
in fairy tales, this woman can make them all come true, but give her a chance
to experience her own feelings before pushing yours on her.

Your Sexual side
Pisceans are sensitive, sensuous, unusually creative lovers in control of their
bodies and able to please their partners as easily as they please themselves.
They can play out their partner's fantasies and mirror their moods. Sex with
Pisces lover is erotic and pure enjoyment. Pisceans can be sexually liberated or
old-fashioned and chaste. They form a kind of spiritual bond with their lover in
union. They have intense sensual fantasies and lovemaking is an expression.
They are sensitive and psychic towards their lovers desires and needs. Pisceans
believe in the possibility of the total love experience and in sex an exchange of
Their sensual appetite is keen, subtle, alternately self-effacing and lushly
demanding. Pisceans put their lovers on a pedestal and they like intrigue,
veiled situations and unpredictable paths. The keywords in understanding
Piscean sexuality is fantasy and esotericism. Pisceans like sex to be playful,
free, bubbly, imaginative, exploratory and rich in moods and variations.
Pisceans in love get carried away and can then indulge in their sexual fantasies.

How to Seduce
Pisces people are the most likely members of the zodiac to trip over the kerb,
knock over a cup of coffee and get their toe stuck up the bath tap all on the
same day.
A Piscean needs a companion, a fellow thinker and philosopher. Talk to your
Pisces about everything from World Peace to what you had for your dinner.
Always look on the bright side of life - their optimistic outlook is one you can
learn from. Think of ways to prove that old-fashioned romance still exists, be
incredibly tender and compassionate, show that you are a wonderful shoulder
to lean on, show that animals and children are important to you and let your
touch be soft and caressing when you are with them.
Pisceans are givers not takers when it comes to matters of the heart. When
they do begin to accept your love, you’ll know you’re on to a good thing. You’ll
notice them returning your affection in similar ways you give it. It's working
when Pisceans live life to the full, they love that element of unpredictability. It
really doesn’t matter where you go or what you do but the more off the wall
and out of the blue, the better!

Devil in You
Some Pisces are often depressed; their outlook on life is rather glum. They
may feel that they have been given a bad deal in life and that others are
always taking unfair advantage of them. Pisces sometimes feel that the world
is a cold and cruel place. The Fishes can be easily discouraged. The Pisces man
or woman may even withdraw from the harshness of reality into a secret shell
of his own where he dreams and idles away a good deal of his time.
Pisces can be lazy. He lets things happen without giving the least bit of
resistance. He drifts along, whether on the high road or on the low. He can be
lacking in willpower.
Some Pisces people seek escape through drugs or alcohol. When temptation
comes along they find it hard to resist. In matters of sex, they can be rather

сето ова беше за риби :helou:
Член од
11 јули 2008
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pls kazete mi nesto poveke za skorpija (podznak bliznaci) i lav (podznak lav)


Смрта е сигурна, животот не е!
Член од
29 мај 2008
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Кај да видам што сум во подзнак


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