Gray Foxx
When Fergie bought in Mickey Owen it baffled me, I could not really understand why, Owen is no longer a top-class striker and also he seems to prefer horse racing to playing football even when he is fit, which is not all that often. In other words he is not a Fergie type of player. However, I just realised why he got him in! This season Fergie fully expects to win the title and do the final bit of perch-knocking-offing and how much dramatic, satisfying and hilarious I am sure he will find it if he can work it so that Owen scores the winning goal in the match that wins the title, an ex-Liverpool hero knocking the once were giants of the English game once and for all off their perch, it is like the climax of a Shakespearean epic or a grand opera (a tragedy for Liverpool fans) and Fergie is the master of puppets.