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добри гаќички има швеѓанкава 

Сигурдсон ќе дојде кај нас веднаш штом Свонси назначи нов менаџер. Тој сака да направи муабет со новиот менаџер и да ја даде причината за непотпишување на договорот, колку да си има чисти сметки човекот...добри гаќички има швеѓанкава![]()
па шо ме цитираш ?Сигурдсон ќе дојде кај нас веднаш штом Свонси назначи нов менаџер. Тој сака да направи муабет со новиот менаџер и да ја даде причината за непотпишување на договорот, колку да си има чисти сметки човекот...
Упс грешка беше цитатотпа шо ме цитираш ?која е поврзаноста , на гаќичките на швеѓанкана со Сигурдсон ?
Иначе момчево ептен е фалено баш би сакал да го видам кај нас ... дали ќе биде уште еден пропаднат трансфер или фала богу од прва сезона ќе блесне ...![]()
Иако Mirror не се баш некој сигурен извор, во горниот текст има директни цитати од самиот играч па сеа сами заклучете.Gylf war: Sigurdsson hints he's ready to snub Swans for Liverpool
Loan star has verbally agreed to join the Welsh side but hasn't signed so could instead follow Brendan Rodgers from the Liberty to Anfield
The Iceman goeth? Sigurdsson says he expects not to stay at Swansea
Gylfi Sigurdsson has offered the strongest hint yet that he is ready to ditch Swansea to seal a move to Liverpool.
The Welsh club agreed a £7million deal with Hoffenheim for the goal-scoring Iceland midfielder after he impressed on a six-month loan spell last season.
But crucially, even though Sigurdsson verbally agreed the transfer, he hasn’t yet put pen to paper.
And now Brendan Rodgers - the man who brought him to the Liberty Stadium - has accepted an offer to be the new boss at Anfield, the deal has been thrown into jeopardy.
Sigurdsson has admitted there is now little chance he will return to south Wales, and instead conceded he would be tempted by the chance to join Liverpool and continue working under Rodgers.
“It’s just unclear at this moment where I will play. After Brendan Rodgers left Swansea for Liverpool, that has changed the situation,” he confessed.
“I expect not to stay at Swansea, as there is uncertainty going on there and it is not clear who is boss.
“My desire is to continue playing in the Premier League.
"I’d like to play on with Swansea, since I was really happy there, but now Liverpool is completely considered.
"Liverpool is a big club that has a glorious history.”
Rodgers has made clear he will not step on Swansea’s toes, and has insisted he will advise Sigurdsson to speak to the Swans' new boss whenever they make an appointment.
But the Liverpool manager also argued that the player has the right to turn his back on the Welsh club and admitted that if that should happen, he would be tempted to make Hoffenheim an offer.
Sigurdsson though, has insisted he hasn’t yet spoken to Rodgers about a move to Anfield - but revealed he rang his former boss to wish him luck.
“No, I haven’t spoken to him about a move," he added, "but I got in touch with him when he was appointed Liverpool manager. I offered him congratulations and thanked him for a great time at Swansea."
Ова му е од денес.duncan jenkins @duncanjenkinsFC
@harts_s @ElmoRed2011 sigurdson is pretty much a certainty mates
Сигурсон , Старич , Афелај! ако се земат според мене ке биде супер овој трансфер период!
ај едно прашање оти не сум баш во тек , тренер земавме а на местото на спортски директор кој е назначен ??