Фан Клуб: Ливерпул

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30.05.1980 Time when the legend was born...
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16 април 2009
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Уште сеа фали да ги повлече Демпси и Конченски и ке биде мн јако
Член од
2 март 2008
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Да бе... И да се префрлиме да играме на Craven Cottage ...

20 место да бидеме јас пак ќе бидам горд да кажам за кого навивам...
ЛШ е најквалиетно натпреварување секоја чест... Сепак замене нема да биде исто годинава без Ливерпул ... Независно дали фановите на другите клубови ќе ми го јадат, замене постои само Ливерпул и не се ни замарам кој ќе дојде и како бидејќи вака или така ние сме Ливерпул и на некој начин дел од него ... Нема да ги коментирам тука сите шпекулации, кој и да дојде е добредојден, кој и да замине е замене кукавица ... Поздрав фанови


Unsurpassed Сasual Dating - Verified Damsels
Член од
20 септември 2008
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Ја ништо не честитам се додека официјално не се објави на страната на Ливерпул!

Доста ми се нервози од разно-разни гласини околу тоа кој се дошол и отишол кај/од нас.
Член од
5 март 2010
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The 62-year-old former Fulham, Inter Milan and Switzerland manager has agreed terms with the club on a three-year contract and becomes the 18th manager in our history.

He will be unveiled to the world's media this afternoon after overseeing the first day of pre-season training at Melwood.

Hodgson joins us from Fulham, where he guided the Cottagers to the Europa League final in May and was voted Manager of the Year by the League Managers' Association.

He exclusively told Liverpoolfc.tv: "This is the biggest job in club football and I'm honoured to be taking on the role of manager of Britain's most successful football club. I look forward to meeting the players and the supporters and getting down to work at Melwood."




Член од
12 декември 2008
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сега кога е официјално нека е со среќа и повеќе успеси како и титула во премиер лигата
Член од
20 ноември 2009
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Ae со среќа нека ви е новиот тренер и многу титули да освоите со него :)


Unsurpassed Сasual Dating - Verified Damsels
Член од
20 септември 2008
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Нека ни е со срека со новиот менаџер и нека неговото искуство не доведе до една стабилна состојба.
Сега за сега нема да ги пишам моите прогнози во врска околу неговиот престој во клубот. Ке го направам тоа после 1 август кога и до некаде ке се знаат одприлика кои играчи ке дојдат а богами и ке си отидат.

Инаку официјална најава и за новиот спонзор кој ке го замени претпознатливиот Carlsberg од дресовите!

As Liverpool officially begin their partnership with Standard Chartered, we take a look at 11 things you may not know about our new sponsor.

1. The Chartered Bank was originally founded in 1853 and opened its first branches in Mumbai (Bombay), Kolkata and Shanghai five years later. The Standard Bank, meanwhile, was formed in 1863.

2. Standard Chartered was formed in 1969 following the merger of two banks - the Standard Bank of British South Africa and the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China.

3. Standard Chartered's global headquarters are located in London's financial district on Basinghall Avenue.

4. The Bank is listed on the London, Hong Kong and Mumbai stock exchanges and ranks among the top 25 companies in the FTSE-100 by market capitalisation.

5. Standard Chartered now has over 1,700 branches and outlets in more than 70 markets globally. The Bank also has more than 5,600 ATMS located worldwide.

6. The Bank employs in excess of 75,000 staff with 125 different nationalities represented. Nearly half of its staff are female.

7. Standard Chartered is one of only three note issuing banks in Hong Kong, and is the only bank in the Falkland Islands.

8. Last year, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Standard Chartered in Hong Kong, Standard Chartered issued a world-first HKD150 commemorative note to raise money for local charities.

9. Standard Chartered sponsors annual marathons, which take place in Jersey, Nairobi, Bangkok, Singapore, Dubai, Mumbai, Hong Kong, the Falkland Islands and Kuala Lumpur, between October and June.

10. In 2009, a Financial Times report ranked Standard Chartered's brand as 5th among UK brands and 15th among financial services brands globally.

11. This year, Standard Chartered launched its new brand promise 'Here for good', which expresses the Bank's heritage and values, and its commitment to clients, customers, staff and to the communities and markets in which it operates.

Author: James Carroll
Tagged: standard chartered


Unsurpassed Сasual Dating - Verified Damsels
Член од
20 септември 2008
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Еве го и првото интервју.

ПС. Нека се ангажира некој нека го преведи ако не го мрзе.

Hodgson: The first interview
1st Jul 2010 - Latest News
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Liverpoolfc.tv was this morning granted the first interview with new boss Roy Hodgson. Here's what he had to say in full.

How pleased were you to see the comments from both Steven Gerrard and Jamie Carragher this morning endorsing your appointment?

That was really nice and I am looking forward immensely to meeting them. I bumped into Jamie in Port Elizabeth but had no chance to really speak to him and that would have been too soon anyway. I am looking forward to speaking to those two in particular today, but also getting in touch with the other players who are either on holiday or still at the World Cup.

How proud are you to have become only the 18th manager in our history?

I'm extremely proud. The club's tradition in terms of its football and its managers is really second to none and it was an opportunity which was absolutely impossible to turn down. I am both proud and excited at the prospect of working as the Liverpool manager.

The Fulham fans loved you but was the lure of the Liverpool job just too great to turn down?

I don't think there are many jobs that would have tempted me away from Fulham, to be perfectly honest. I had such a good relationship with the Chairman and the Chief Executive, the players were magnificent to work with and everything was as good as it gets, but on the other hand when there was a chance that Liverpool wanted me, and they asked to speak to me, I asked the Chairman for permission. He wasn't too happy to give it but fortunately for me this job came about and I am really happy to be here.

When did you first hear of the club's interest in you and what was your immediate thought about the possibility of one day managing Liverpool?

It was a while ago, certainly before I went to South Africa. The club has had a very diligent process. I was perhaps one of the first people they spoke to but they were determined to go through the full process and make certain that they researched everything. I'm grateful for that because it means they have chosen me having done all their homework, interviewed other candidates and plumped for me. That makes it an even nicer feeling being here today.

Watch Roy's first game live on LFC TV>>

How did you feel when you heard of Liverpool's interest?

It was an enormous feeling of anticipation, expectation and then of course hope that having had the initial discussions that they would decide I was the right man for the job.

You took your first steps into management at a time when Liverpool began to dominate Europe - did you watch the likes of Bob Paisley closely and pick up anything that helped you as a manager?

What we picked up was the Liverpool style. On paper it was a relatively simple style but in actual fact simplicity is the hardest thing to achieve. Working in Sweden, as I was at the time, they were all very impressed with the quality of the passing, the quality of the movement, the way players were always available for each other. Of course the quality of the players they produced at that time, firstly Toshack and Keegan and then Dalglish and Rush, and then the great partnerships at the back with Smith, Thompson, Hansen and Lawrenson; we were brought up on that. When I was at Malmo I brought a group of coaches over and Bob Paisley was great. Graeme Souness was the coach but Bob was still around at Melwood and I remember having a cup of tea with him. He was a really interesting man to meet. You can never turn the clock back and live those times again, but it would be nice if we could fashion an image again which in some way represents what these people pioneered so many years ago.

How much do you know about the traditions and history of the club and was this one of the motivating factors in your decision to come here?

It's very important you have that as a manager. At Liverpool it's highlighted really because the traditions here are so great, but even if you go to a smaller club it's still important that you're aware of what the club has done in the past and what the club means to the people. There's nowhere more keen on what a club means to the people than the city of Liverpool.

You've managed the likes of Inter Milan and the Swiss and Finnish national sides - where does this job rank amongst those roles?

It'd be foolish to compare but it'd also be dishonest to say anything other than it's going to be a highlight of my career. I have worked long and hard to reach the level I have reached.

What are your main priorities on taking charge?

It's important to get started straightaway, working with the players, trying to create an environment which will give us a chance to become better and hopefully improve upon the last season.

How key is it to you to keep the big-name players at Anfield - most notably Fernando Torres and Steven Gerrard?

It's important, of course. I don't think there's anybody here at the club who would welcome losing them. Certainly the fans wouldn't welcome losing them and us as a club I'm sure will do everything we can to make certain they stay with us. I'll be trying to persuade them that this is the place to be. I'll ask them to give me a chance to work with you and give us a chance to improve on last season. They're all disappointed, I'm sure, after last season's results and I'll be doing my level best. It would be foolish to give guarantees that it's going to happen because I can't speak for the players themselves, but I'll be doing my best to keep them.

Do you have any plans to speak to any of your senior players who are at the World Cup or those who have returned home before they report back to training?

I'll see the ones who are here today. There are a couple of meetings this afternoon with senior players, in particular Steven and Jamie, and I'll contact the rest by telephone. I will make certain that before the end of the week I have had a conversation with all of the players to tell them I'm here and am looking forward to welcoming them back when they come.

Is the World Cup a hindrance as you will not have much time to assess your squad as a group ahead of the Europa League qualifier in July?

It is a hindrance, but it's foolish to complain or moan about it because there's nothing you can do about that. The World Cup comes around every four years, they are very important occasions for the players and you've really got to wish them well and hope they enjoy the experience. As a club manager there's no doubt it does disrupt your preparations, in particular for us this season with a game as early as July 29. It's not an ideal scenario but football throws up situations which are less than ideal and we as managers and players have to deal with it.

Have you identified any potential new signings?

We haven't really had a lot of time to talk about that as yet. It was only on Tuesday it was finalised that I would be the new manager. I've had very little time to sit down with the Chairman and Chief Executive and in particular the Chief Scout to see what avenues he's been pursuing. Of course I know players and I've got ideas, but it'd be very wrong for me at the moment to start talking in detail about that. It's a major area of work.

Have you spoken to the board about your transfer budget?

No, not as such. One thing they made clear to me is we have to work within whatever restraints are in place at the club, but they've also made clear that if we were unfortunate to lose somebody then that money would be made available. I'm hoping that won't be the case because I don't want to lose anybody, but we haven't gone much further than that. The Chairman is here today and I'm sure that during the course of the day, when I've spoken to the players, there will be meetings and discussions along those avenues as well.

You've been successful in many countries over Europe - what would it mean to win silverware in England with Liverpool?

It would mean a lot. I've never really played up my Englishness when I've been abroad. I've tried to fit in with the various cultures. I've not been one of those people saying 'We don't do it this way in England', I've always tried to avoid that, but at the same time I don't think I'll ever pretend than I'm anything other than English, so to win something in your own country would be really fantastic. If I can do it here at Liverpool it will be a real crowning glory for me.

Did you talk to any former Liverpool players or staff about the job before taking it? Did Danny Murphy say anything to you before you left?

No. I was with Alan Hansen and Mark Lawrenson with the BBC but we steered well away from the subject and it was never mentioned. I've met Kenny with Christian because he was part of the process of selecting the new manager. Kenny is a person I have known for a long time, but otherwise I haven't canvassed anybody about the job simply because until Tuesday I wasn't told exactly 'We are giving you the job and everything has been agreed'. I have been very wary about speaking to people. Danny Murphy called me during this period saying he'd heard a rumour I was going to Liverpool. It was only a rumour so there was no point in talking about it.

Do you plan to speak to Danny?

What I intend to speak to Danny Murphy about is Fulham and giving my very best to the players. I'll tell him how much I enjoyed working with him and the rest of the players there and thank them for their great efforts on behalf of Fulham Football Club and on me as a manager, which I suppose has promoted me to a position whereby Liverpool came calling. I owe all of those players a great debt of gratitude and I will make that clear to them, but I don't intend to talk to him about Liverpool. I have plenty of people here to talk about Liverpool with.

Kenny Dalglish was key in the selection process and actually interviewed you. How much respect do you have for him and are you looking forward to working with him at Liverpool in the future?

I have a lot of respect for Kenny, as everyone has. He was arguably one of the best players ever to pull on a Liverpool shirt. He's achieved legendary status at the club and will always have a place in the hearts of Liverpool fans. It's very important for Liverpool Football Club that people like Kenny are with us, working with us and helping to promote the club and help it in every way he can. His name is up there with the true greats and deserves to be up there because he was a magnificent player.

The team endured a difficult season last term, losing 19 games and going out of all the cup competitions very early. What are your ambitions for this season?

The ambition initially is to do better. For Liverpool the ambition always has to be to try and achieve a Champions League place and that's what we'll be trying to do as soon as possible. There's no point in setting low goals to make yourself look a bit better if you get beyond that goal. I don't think any of the players or staff wants anything other than a successful Liverpool year and we want to hit the ground running. You can't do more than work for that. There's no point throwing out empty promises. Words are words and actions are actions and we have to show by our actions first of all on the training field and then at Anfield and other stadiums that we're ready and good enough. That's my task, to work with the players and ensure we are good enough.

Do you have a message for the Liverpool supporters?

The message is thank-you for having me here. I'm really looking forward to working with your team and looking forward to getting your support, which I've seen so many times throughout the years. I said recently that this is one of those clubs where your motto 'You'll Never Walk Alone' is really lived by the fans. It's a club where you feel you're not alone. I shall need lots of help and lots of support and I sincerely hope you make sure I never walk alone. That would be my message. Help me to do a good job and I'll do my best to do it.

Watch Roy's first game live on LFC TV>>

Author: Liverpoolfc.tv


Unsurpassed Сasual Dating - Verified Damsels
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20 септември 2008
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Roy Hodgson timeline
1st Jul 2010 - Latest News
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After officially taking over as the new manager of Liverpool Football Club, here's your at-a-glance guide to the illustrious coaching career of Roy Hodgson.

July 1976
28-year-old Roy Hodgson is appointed manager of Swedish club Halmstad.

May 1977
He enjoys instant success, leading the Swedish side to their first ever league title.

May 1979
Secures a second league title before parting company with Halmstad to take up an assistant manager's role with Bristol City.

Jan 1982
Hodgson is appointed manager of Bristol City.

April 1982
Leaves Bristol City after three wins from 20 matches in charge.

July 1983
Returns to Sweden to take charge of Orebro.

June 1985
Resigns as manager to assume the hot-seat at Malmo FF.

May 1986
Wins the first of five consecutive league titles.

July 1990
Opts for a fresh challenge with Neuchatel Xamax in Switzerland.

Jan 1992
Hodgson is unveiled as the coach of the Swiss national team.

Nov 1993
Leads Switzerland to their first World Cup finals since 1966.

July 1994
Treated to a hero's welcome after guiding the Swiss to the last 16 of the finals in the USA.

Aug 1995
Guides Switzerland to Euro '96.

Oct 1995
It is announced that Hodgson will become the new manager of Inter Milan

Nov 1995
Resigns from his post as Swiss national team manager

May 1997
Leads Inter to third place in Serie A as well as the UEFA Cup final where they are beaten on penalties by Schalke.

May 1997
Leaves his role as manager of Inter Milan.

June 1997
Appointed the new manager of Blackburn Rovers.

May 1998
Leads Blackburn to a sixth-place finish and qualification for the UEFA Cup.

July 1998
Signs Kevin Davies for a reported fee of £7.5 million - the striker would prove to be a flop at Ewood Park.

Dec 1998
Sacked as manager of Blackburn Rovers with the club rooted to the foot of the Premier League table.

May 1999
Comes to Inter Milan's aid as caretaker manager in the final month of the 98-99 season.

July 1999
Joins Swiss side Grasshopper as manager.

July 2000
Moves to Denmark to take over at Copenhagen.

May 2001
Leads Copenhagen to the Danish Superliga championship.

June 2001
Returns to Italy to take the helm at Udinese.

Dec 2001
Dismissed as manager after less than six months in the job.

April 2002
Named as coach of the United Arab Emirates.

January 2004
Sacked following a disappointing Gulf Cup campaign.

May 2004
Named as manager of Norwegian outfit, Viking.

August 2005
Agrees a deal to take charge of the Finnish national team.

Nov 2007
Refuses the chance to remain as Finland coach after failing to qualify for Euro 2008.

Dec 2007
Appointed manager of Fulham.

May 2008
Leads Fulham to safety after a Danny Murphy header gives them a 1-0 win at Portsmouth.

May 2009
Guides Fulham to seventh place - their highest ever Premier League finish. The club also qualify for the Europa League.

March 2010
Leads Fulham into the Europa League quarter-finals with a sensational 4-1 second-leg success over Italian giants Juventus.

May 2010
Hodgson is named the LMA Manager of the Year for 2009-10.

May 2010
Fulham suffer a heartbreaking 2-1 extra-time defeat against Atletico Madrid in the Europa League final in Hamburg.

July 1, 2010
Appointed manager of Liverpool Football Club.

Johnny B

Misogynist, racist, anti woke
Член од
15 февруари 2010
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Ај со среќа нека е и да ни донесе титули!!!! Само 1 ден ме нема упм и веднаш нов менаџер.....ај пак ќе ме нема па може и играчи ќе донесат а богами и газди......Добар е Хогсон само да не се обрука како во Блекбурн.......а за играчи не сакам да чујам за Демпси и компанија.....си ги кажав јас желбите.....исто како и superstarpizza и јас нешто покасно ќе проговорам за идната сезона,менаџерот,натпреварите.....
а за интервјуто може покасно ќе го преведам ме мрзи сега и мене....а тоа со новиот сопнзор па нели ќе ни даваа 20 милиони по сезона??? Изгледа парите ќе одат кај американците в џеб или пак за покривање на долговите....нема врска.....сега да се донесат неколку квалитетни засилувања според мене 3 се доста....оние што ги набројав....е сега ќе видиме што мисли Рој

--- надополнето ---

Да бе... И да се префрлиме да играме на Craven Cottage ...

20 место да бидеме јас пак ќе бидам горд да кажам за кого навивам...
ЛШ е најквалиетно натпреварување секоја чест... Сепак замене нема да биде исто годинава без Ливерпул ... Независно дали фановите на другите клубови ќе ми го јадат, замене постои само Ливерпул и не се ни замарам кој ќе дојде и како бидејќи вака или така ние сме Ливерпул и на некој начин дел од него ... Нема да ги коментирам тука сите шпекулации, кој и да дојде е добредојден, кој и да замине е замене кукавица ... Поздрав фанови
Одличен пост.......тоа што го велам цело време....браво синко...така треба .....поздрав!!!!!!!
Член од
2 март 2008
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и веднаш шпекулации за нови играчи
Roy Hodgson is believed to be targeting Brede Hangeland, Danny Murphy, Gilberto Silva & Rafael van der Vaart, once he is appointed as Liverpool's new manager.

само не знам со кои пари ке ги доведе овие играчи :kesa:
Споенативе играчи да се доведат во пакет не би вределе повеќе од 25 мил

Johnny B

Misogynist, racist, anti woke
Член од
15 февруари 2010
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А што ќе ни се????? Хангеланд е старец.....29 години...а јас старци не сакам во екипата....не сакам да се купуваат играчи постари од 26 години...Силва да не зборуваме......Марфи остаре..... само Рафаел е нешто помлад.....ама ќе бараат многу пари за него а не е неопходен...

НИКОЈ ДРУГ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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