Фан Клуб: Барселона

Ернесто ЧЕ Гевара

Hasta La Victoria Siempre
Член од
21 јуни 2010
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Од твитер:
- Udinese attacker Alexis Sanchez already has his tickets to fly to Barcelona so he can travel immediately if he gets the green light. :pipi:


Traumatic Playground
Член од
31 јануари 2007
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That was after winning the Copa del Rey, then nothing more than a little cup. Now Madrid wins it and acts like it won the Intercontinental. But what were we talking about?
Recently a friend went to Spain and attended Mou’s trainings. He also went to see Pep’s. He said they do not train so differently, that what they do is very similar. Mou trains very well. Conceptually, they are very similar. But on the field, at the hour of truth, they have nothing in common. There are many Mourinhos. There is only one Guardiola.
You met with Pep a few years ago when he wanted to be a coach. What did you see in him?

R. One thing he did differently: he came here with a very clear idea. He didn’t come like others asking me to inspire them, directing them down some path as if I were a Messiah. He came and left with his idea. I’m bored with talking to young coaches who come seeking the truth. Pep didn’t come searching for us to tell him what to do. He already knew. It worries me because now they are waiting to fire at him.
Well, I think he has assumed that since the first day.

R. He has an advantage, however—his past, which no one can change. In one’s memory, one takes from the past the things that serve him. If one did not have a past, the present would serve no use. Madrid can sign more and more and will eventually have everyone and win, but the 5-0 clásico at the Camp Nou is for the rest of his life. I try to think and can not come up with a game like that one—that I’ve seen or participated in. He conquered Mourinho for the rest of his life.
In my neighborhood, we call it shitting on your paws. He shat himself. I saw the next game with Higuaín, Adebayor, Benzema and Kaká on the bench and thought: sure, he wins, but he re-shat himself. It’s the biggest cowardice I’ve seen in a long time. And in Madrid, it’s unprecedented. The bull was not killed and the bull fighter ran away and never even got close to the bull again. But it’s very tough what happened. It’s very difficult to recall who ever came out of a clásico that humbled. I can’t recall. It’s very tough, eh, very tough.
Ова ми беа најинтересните одговори на Меноти ( инаку оној што и донесол Светско првенство на Аргентина и воедно бивш тренер на Барселона 1983-1984) :cuc:


Член од
26 февруари 2009
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“He is the best in the world, simple as that. He is a player that when any kid watches him, wants to be him. They wanna watch everything he does; the way he conducts himself and the way he works hard for the team. He is not just a player – technically he is the best in the world – [but] he works hard for the team and that’s what makes him the person and the player that he is. You watch him and it’s like watching an eight or nine year old play. He just goes and enjoys himself. I think he goes into every game thinking that if this is my last game, this is how I’m going to play and every game he plays, he plays like that. He is a special player.”

In an interview on ESPN show”Press Pass” , former Manchester United and Real Madrid player and current Los Angeles Galaxy midfielder David Beckham is all praise for FC Barcelona’s Lionel Messi.



Lionel Andress Messi
Член од
12 април 2008
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Еве ме повторно момци после подолга пауза.
Прво добредојде за новиот член,второ жал ми е што ќе си замине Бојан ама уште подобро што Санчез е речиси наш играч.Цеск Сагата си продолжува,ама уствари се едно исто си се врти ќе дое-нема да дое...такви срања.Мое мислењењ е подобро да не дојде бидејќи ќе нема простор за Тиаго кој е класа играч уште сега.
Поздрав Блауграна.

Ернесто ЧЕ Гевара

Hasta La Victoria Siempre
Член од
21 јуни 2010
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Нашата администрација (El director deportivo, el vicepresidente deportivo y el director de fútbol del FC Barcelona) во моментот се во хотел заедно со агентот на Санчез.

Веројатно и Бојан веќе се спрема за преселбата во Рома

Му кажале дека во Италија има многу риби, па почнал да учи риболов. :)


Traumatic Playground
Член од
31 јануари 2007
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Завршил состанокот во хотелот... во наредните неколку часа треба да очекуваме подетални информации :D
Член од
8 октомври 2007
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Епа ај нека ни е честито, и нека прикаже добри игри...голови...и се разбира..да освои многу трофеи со Барса :)
Член од
14 јануари 2008
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Конечно официјално.

The cost of the transfer is 26 million with variable cost of 11.5 million.

Се исценка Росел ко на пазар да работел... :D
Лапорта ке им даеше 45 милиони на рака уште вториот ден на преговори...

Ернесто ЧЕ Гевара

Hasta La Victoria Siempre
Член од
21 јуни 2010
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Ајде и официјално, добредојде Алексис.
Договорот е 5 годиншен, сумата на трансферот е 26 милиони плус 11,5 милиони за бонуси.
Се најдобро, побрзо прилагодување во клубот, многу голови, асистенции, победи и титули.


Член од
30 септември 2009
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Честито Санчез. Му посакувам се Најдобро.

Ама читам дека ке сме го давале Ориол Ромеу во Челзи, а тоа страшно ме нервира затоа што знам дека Ромеу е еден од најдобрите во Кантерата на Барселона на Деструктивната позиција.
Ке се каеме за тој играч верувајте.

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