Фан Клуб: Арсенал

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28 ноември 2009
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The plane from Baku flew through the night with no trophy on board and landed at 8am. Unai Emery went home to Cockfosters, slept for three hours, then returned to London Colney, where the players started arriving from midday, called in one by one. His first season at Arsenal was over. It had been “very good” he insists – repeatedly, in fact – only to collapse into a limp finish. Three defeats in seven days – against Crystal Palace, Wolves and Leicester – then a draw with Brighton cost them a Champions League place; that loss in Azerbaijan denied them the Europa League. Now the analysis began, preparations for the next stage.

Every player came, except Mesut Özil. Emery told them his plans and heard theirs: £130m was spent on signings, eight players in, 10 out, excitement building. But mistakes were made, he admits – from recruitment to the departure of all four potential captains – and within six months he was gone. Something had broken, the situation “unsustainable”, and he was sacked. He had overseen the best start in Arsenal’s history and their worst run in 30 years. As it disintegrated, he knew those games he watched alone and exposed on the touchline, toxicity all around, would be his last.

On 29 November it was official, his departure as unlamented as it was inevitable. Emery, under lockdown in Valencia, would almost rather leave it there. As he recalls his origins at little Lorca and discusses his desire to work again, there is a glimpse of the old enthusiasm, absent in the autumn. And he keeps returning to the “positives” at Arsenal. But that goes with an inescapable sense of injustice at how he has been portrayed, dismissed as a disaster, a figure of fun. And it is hard not to linger on what went wrong.

Starting with Baku. Below the surface were problems, but Emery believes things might have been different had they won and made the Champions League; had they reacted right. That final, those conversations and plans, should have been a start but listening to Emery it feels more like the end. In October 2018, fans had chanted: “We’ve got our Arsenal back.” By November 2019, they had changed their tune, to: “We want Emery out!” And: “You’re getting sacked in the morning.”

“The first season we did a lot well,” Emery says. “I thought: ‘This is my team.’ People said: ‘Unai, we can see your personality in this side.’ There was spirit, games with intensity, energy – Tottenham, Manchester United, Chelsea – and we reached Arsenal’s first [European] final in 13 years, playing very well against Napoli and Valencia. Finishing third was in reach but we lost four decisive points against Crystal Palace and Brighton.”

Unai Emery walks away from the Europa League trophy after Arsenal’s defeat by Chelsea in the final in Baku last season. Photograph: Alex Grimm/Getty Images
Emery calls those results “incomprehensible” but tries to make sense of them. A recurring theme emerges. “[At first] things went magnificently; there was a good spirit in the dressing room,” he begins. “[Aaron] Ramsey’s injury, when he was at his best, had a big influence: he conveyed positivity, so much energy. And playing a lot of important games in April without him, we needed 100% implicación from every player.”

Implicación. If there is a word repeated often over the hour’s conversation, it is that. In English it is commitment and it was missing.

“[Initially] he wanted to stay,” Emery says of Ramsey. “He needed to negotiate a new contract and they didn’t reach an agreement. The club had doubts about renewing for a certain sum. Ramsey wanted to feel valued. It was a financial matter; I can’t get involved. And I still didn’t know him well when I arrived. He’s important but I can’t say what they should pay him.

“I believed Xhaka could be captain. And the players voted for him, he was respected in the dressing room.” But why vote? Why not own that decision yourself? “My strategy was 50% me, 50% them. I like to have players’ input, their opinion. There were people with the character to be captain, but you need time and backing. Without the support of certain people or the fans, it’s harder. If Xhaka had Koscielny and Nacho, or Ramsey, he could have eased into it. Emotionally, certain results and attitudes inside didn’t help the team have the commitment and togetherness of before.”

If so, Emery kept his counsel, and he seems to hold back now. He always will, he says – even if that means shouldering the blame. “A coach has to have the strength to take responsibility, to be [in the firing line]. I protect the players and the club protects the manager. I’m a club man, that’s what they signed. With Arsène Wenger it was different: he did everything. Now there’s Raul [Sanllehi] and Edu, and I have to trust them to do their job. My job’s the football. The club have people who handle other stuff, although that impacts on the pitch. Some of that hurt us.”

Maybe him most of all. Emery was exposed. When results turned, he was an easy target. A comedy one, even. Language made it harder to build a relationship with fans or a public persona that might have insulated him. His English became a stick to beat him with, grounds for dismissal. “I had a decent level, although I needed to improve. When results are bad it’s not the same. You lack the linguistic depth to explain. And take ‘good ebening’: OK, it’s ‘good evening’, but when I said ‘good ebening’ and won it was fun; when we were losing it was a disgrace.”

And results were bad. Awful, in fact. It unravelled fast. Emery changed players, formations and ideas but could not change the trajectory or regain control. He watched it fall apart, knowing he would be the one to fall. “It’s difficult,” he says, hands drawing swirls, so much going on. “The energy slips, things drift; everything does, everyone does. Some support you but you feel the atmosphere, relationships [shift]. And that transmits to the pitch. Losing leads against Palace and Wolves reflected our emotional state: we weren’t right. It wasn’t working. I told the players: ‘I don’t see the team I want.’ That commitment and unity wasn’t there any more. That’s when I see I’m on my own. The club left me alone, and there was no solution.”

Jorge Valdano once said there are two types of coaches: strong and weak. And once players realise theirs is the latter, he is screwed.

“Indeed,” Emery says. “At every club, I’ve been protected: Lorca, Almería, Valencia, PSG. At Sevilla I had Monchi. At PSG Nasser al-Khelaifi protected me in the dressing room and publicly. At Arsenal they weren’t able to, maybe because they came from Wenger, who did everything. They’d say: ‘We’re with you’ but in front of fans and the dressing room they couldn’t protect me. Truth is, I felt alone. And the results dictated I had to go.

“But, look, I was happy at Arsenal and I remember the good things. The first year was magnificent, I gave opportunities to young players: Bukayo [Saka] played eight minutes and never touched the ball but that was a first step for a 17-year-old who’s going to be great. Bernd Leno has grown. [Joe] Willock, Reiss Nelson, [Eddie] Nketiah, [Gabriel] Martinelli. Mattéo Guendouzi did very well, Lucas [Torreira]. It’s rewarding seeing them grow. And [Pierre-Emerick] Aubameyang got 31 goals and was top scorer, [Alexandre] Lacazette scored 19 and gave 13 assists.

“All that was missing was Aubameyang scoring that penalty against Tottenham: two extra points for Champions League qualification. Or beating Brighton and Palace. We couldn’t finish the job and then there were mistakes. I’m self-critical; at certain moments I couldn’t get results. I enjoyed the Emirates. I still follow Arsenal. They’re making changes. [Mikel] Arteta was the right choice … I spoke to him around Christmas. I want the best for him and for Arsenal.”

Emery is keen to work again: “The desire and energy is there. I’m watching football, learning. And if there’s a good project in England, if someone wants me and is prepared to get behind me, I’m available… In England that identification with your team brings the game alive. It’s deeper there, like a church. I was born in San Sebastián and my team is Real Sociedad. That feeling is in my heart and that’s what you find in England. It’s marvellous, the loveliest thing there is.”
Ние тука него ти кај, заедно ве снема со Венга од клубов.
Член од
23 ноември 2011
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Го читав пред некој саат, интересни работи кажа Емери, да ја чуеме малку и неговата страна. И покрај се, дури и да го задржевме Ремзи, да го потпишевме Заха, пак сум на ставот дека Емери не беше човекот за Арсенал.
Член од
27 септември 2010
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Тешко се заборава силувањето од сите можни противници во наша половина, со по 25+ примени шутеви. Он е единствен кривец за тоа, без разлика што успеваше и да победи со такви статистики.

Sent from my JSN-L21 using Tapatalk
Член од
27 септември 2010
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Потпис на нов договор, прашање на време :)
Нека му е со среќа на Лаказет. Нека ослободи место за Нкетиа, но под услов Обамејанг да продолжи договор барем за уште 2 сезони.
Член од
13 август 2009
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Jas mislam deka dvata kje gi prodajme i kje ostanime so mladici napred. Martineli i Nkieath.


Highbury–the Home of Football
Член од
6 март 2010
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У последно време набив кондиција, нема да има проблем ако треба да им помогнам на Арсенал у тешките денови по продажбата на Лака и Оба. (y)
Член од
28 ноември 2009
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Kia fc strikes again...
Последно уредено:
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21 октомври 2014
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Quote me on this.

Ќе се посерувате сите на Кутињо ако дојде.
Автоматски споено мислење:

Волку играч не сум сакал да дојде во тимов од Санчез :D
Член од
13 август 2009
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Coutinho e igraciste. Isto kako i Sanchez. Jas da sum ko Alexis kjw si se vratam kaj nas. Najubajot fudbal go izigra na Emirates.
Член од
28 ноември 2009
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Немам ништо против ако стварно Артета го сака, ама летово ако имаме пари за скап трансфер, треба да се приотизира централен среден ред, пример Томас Парти, ако носеме вакви ѕвезди како Кутињо тешко дека ќе се вратиме во топ 4, треба да се цел помлади и поамбициозни играчи, еве пример Џек Грилиш, Каи Хаверц и сличен профил на играчи...
Член од
13 август 2009
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Coutinho ima 27 godini, na primer Partey ima 26. Taka da, vo Coutinho vervajte ima mnogu fudbal, samo da go cuvame od povredi.

Jack Grealish mi e omilen ushte od ko otpadna Villa tamu pred 3 do 4 sezoni. Mi ostaj vpecatok, oti ne noseshe zashtita na nozete, kako Toti na starost. :)

Grealish kje bidi igraciste, ama mislam deka treba da ostani ushte edna sezona vo Villa.
Член од
28 ноември 2009
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Coutinho ima 27 godini, na primer Partey ima 26. Taka da, vo Coutinho vervajte ima mnogu fudbal, samo da go cuvame od povredi.
Голема разлика има од тоа што едниот е најдобар играч на А.Мадрид, тип играч што ни е потребен со години во среден ред, другиот пропаднат трансфер во Барса, ете ни во Баерн не фати место, плус ќе кошта изгор скапо, не ми е верно дека имаме пари за ваков трансфер, мислам дека никој нејќе да го гледа Озил повеќе во прва постава ама Кутињо не е решение на долгорочен план.

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