znam, ali clenot pogore pisa deka Rugani sakal bez otkupna klauzula, da se vrati u klubot i mu pomognal radi platite bla bla bla.. ja vikam neka ispoti gazot pa neka se vrati neka igra
De Sciglio will 99% leave Juventus. He's open to loan solutions. Just need to find a right team. Rugani & De Sciglio's exits are no enough to sign Chiesa. We need Costa's exit. [Momblano]
On other hand there is this report from a Firenze journalist :
As far as I know, the problem is more between Chiesa and Juventus and not between the two clubs. That's why I believe that in the end the deal will be done. [@giannattasius]
Meeting in progress in FIGC, in these minutes a decision is being taken on Juventus-Napoli, a match valid for the third day of Serie A that should have been staged this evening at the Allianz Stadium.
Napoli did not leave last night after the fiduciary isolation for 14 days arranged by the ASL: we are moving towards the postponement of the match, but the councilors are discussing it in these minutes.
Ама не ние сме мафија
Автоматски споено мислење:
// @Repubblica // Napoli would be ready for the legal battle if the League were to decide for a 0-3 at table in tonight's match against Juventus. Neapolitans WILL NOT go to Turin to challenge the Bianconeri
A plane called Boeing737 is moving from Napoli to an unknown destination as per @NonSoloJuve.
/ @DiMarzio // Chiesa affair is always alive in the background: De Sciglio to Lyon could in fact be the definitive push right piece, to unlock the arrival of Chiesa to Juventus.
Автоматски споено мислење:
There are still no total agreements between the Juventus and Fiorentina for Chiesa but its close. It remains to be seen whether the Bianconeri will give up some redundancies or not. Talks on between both parties but something is missing. @SkySport
// @marcoconterio // Decisive hours for Chiesa to Juventus (which today is affected by Milik). At the moment Douglas and Bernardeschi towards the permanence while at the exit there is De Sciglio who has two loan proposals abroad.
Corriere Fiorentino: Juventus have an agreement with Fiorentina for Chiesa (€10m loan deal with a buy-option at €50m), Juve only have to decide when to close the deal.
// Everything sorted between Juventus and Fiorentina for Federico Chiesa. Agreements reached last Wednesday or Thursday. €60M which will be paid in installments. Fiorentina is willing to wait until the last call from Turin
Автоматски споено мислење:
DOUGLAS COSTA will return to Bayern from Juventus. [kicker] @Uli Hoeneß ?
Штета за дУглас, експлозивен играч, брзина, дриблинг, али премногу стаклени нозе имаше. Ај во Баерн нека си ја врати старата форма, па од идната година пак да го гледаме кај нас...
Со душа го чекам дебито на Киеза, одамна сакав да го видам детево во црнобелиот дрес
Juventus will sign Chiesa on a 2-year loan deal with option to buy (obligation to buy under certain conditions), Federico will sign a 5-year contract worth €4.5m/yr.
Од лошо има потенцијал во последните денови да се опрај трансфер периодов.
Ругани, Де Шиљо, Коста аут
Киеза пред трансфер и ако навистина го донесат Алонсо или Палмиери тогаш топ.
Автоматски споено мислење:
Juventus will sign Chiesa on a 2-year loan deal for €10m, (€2m for the first year & €8m for the second year) with obligation to buy at €40m. (Sky)
// Chiesa to Juve on a two years loan, only one thing is missing: That Chiesa renews his contract with Fiorentina, But he refused. He is afraid that Juve will not exercise the option to buy so he demands that Fiorentina guarantee him the same salary as Juventus. @DiMarzio
// Tomorrow morning Federico Chiesa will be the guest of honor at J Medical, expected for visits and signatures.
Chiesa to Juve 2m eruos loan for the first year, 8m euros for the second & obligation to buy after 2 years if 3 conditions are met: Juve in the UCL, Chiesa plays over 60% of the games, He scores 10 goals & 10 assists. But first he must renew with Fiorentina. [Di Marzio]
Federico Chiesa is 'one step away' from joining Juventus.
€2m loan first year + €8m loan second year + €40m obligation to buy [if some conditions will occur].
Chiesa has to find an agreement to extend his contract with Fiorentina before joining Juve
Оваа страница користи колачиња за персонализирање на содржината. Со продолжување на користењето, се согласувате со нашата политика за користење колачиња.