Абе може на Џила ќе му се погоди играта во Јувентус не се знае ништо..не не не шо ќе ни е џила не ни треба тој не е доволно добар за у јуве да беше добар за голем клуб ќе се покажеше у милан треба некој друг напаѓач можеби некој млад како пиати
да да за ујфалуши можеее многу добар играч е замислете олоф мелберг десен бек ујфалуши киелини и уште некој добар лев бек да земеме ќе биде многу добар потег на секо ако го земе ујфалуши али ќе видиме шо ќе се десиујфалуши ако дојде... опаа x) џилардино незнам зошто би дошол... дел пиеро,трезеге,јакинта,паладино... доста шпицови.
Така би било супер..Секоја чест, овој потег ако го направи управата на Јувентус..да да за ујфалуши можеее многу добар играч е замислете олоф мелберг десен бек ујфалуши киелини и уште некој добар лев бек да земеме ќе биде многу добар потег на секо ако го земе ујфалуши али ќе видиме шо ќе се деси
Ако има вистина во ова морам да искоментирам:Pavel Nedved bi u uskoro mogao i sluzbeno objaviti svoje oprastanje od fudbala, prenose italijanski mediji.
"Mislim da je vrijeme da se kaze dosta, jer glava ponekad ne moze raditi odredjene stvari iako tijelo moze. Mislim da je ovo pravi trenutak da odem, sada kada je Juve ponovo u Evropi. Na pocetku sezone nisam vjerovao da je takvo sto moguce, ali iza nas je fantasticna sezona i veliki uspjeh. U svakom slucaju svoju cu konacnu odluku uskoro i objaviti. Sto se reprezentacije tice, jos uvijek razmisljam. Primio sam nekoliko poziva od svojih prijatelja ali jos nisam donio odluku" -izjavio je Nedved i time potvrdio strahovanja bianconera da ce se ipak na kraju ove sezone oprostiti.
Ako se ovo potvrdi, Juve ce morati traziti zamjenu za Nedveda, a mnogi vjeruju pa i sam pavel, da bi to mogao biti mladi Hamsik iz Napolija.
СТВАРНО ЌЕ БИДЕ ШТЕТА АКО СЕ СПОМЕНЕ ЗА ТРАМПА НА ЏОВИНКО!!Односно за отстапување на 50 проценти..Секо, немој да грешиш душа...Juve Fans Revolt Over Proposed Giovinco Sale
Juventus supporters have reacted angrily to reports that the club are preparing to sell 50 per cent of Sebastian Giovinco to Palermo.
Giovinco is widely regarded as one of the most explosive young players currently in circulation, and earlier this week Milan wonderkid Alexandre Pato named the 21-year-old as one of the top four youngsters in world football.
Despite this, reports have been strengthening in Italy over the past few days that Juventus are set to sell half of Giovinco’s contract to Palermo, as part of the deal that will see Amauri arrive in Turin.
This has infuriated Juventus supporters across the globe, who have flooded various websites almost unanimously to vent their spleen.
A poll on the site VecchiaSignora.com revealed that 90.5 per cent of fans were completely against even a loan deal, while just a meagre 1.5 per cent approved of a co-ownership deal.
Juventus fans have been heavily opposed to the club’s director of sport Alessio Secco for quite sometime now, following a string of blunders in the transfer market.
Any decision to release Giovinco to Palermo in a co-ownership deal could push their patience to boiling point.
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Според текстов Бириндели денес го игра својот последен меч за Јуве. Се надевам дека ќе видам некакво видео.Juventus stopper Alessandro Birindelli will play his final home game for Juventus on Sunday and he looks back at a successful 11 year career.
Birindelli joined Juventus from Empoli in 1997 and he got off to a flying start with the Bianconeri by scoring a free kick a-la-Del Piero against Kosice in the Champions League, a game Juve went on to win 5-0. Birindelli became a favourite in Juventus’ backline and he was a regular in Marcello Lippi’s star studded side.
“This is my last month as a Juventus player,” Birindelli told Juventus Channel.
“I arrived in Turin aged 22, had been married for 10 days and for me it was a whole new beginning. I grew up here, learned values like professionalism and love for the team colours.
“I became a man and matured. After such a long time there are not just football links with a club, but true friendships both on and off the field.
“The greatest sporting disappointment was losing the Champions League Final to Milan in Manchester, but on a personal level the most painful bitterness was seeing Juve demoted to Serie B. In one moment I saw all the sacrifices of the season disappear.
“We know how we fought to win those two Scudetti and the opposition know it too. In fact, we proved that this year by beating them at San Siro.”
Birindelli is still unsure of what to do next but he would like to return to Tuscany more than anything else.
“I don’t know what my destiny will be now," he added. "I always said I’d like to return to Empoli, the club that launched me on the football stage.”
“There is also the chance that two of players can win the top scorer’s title and thus we will be looking to do this.