Терористички напади во светот


Бигус Дикус
Член од
26 јануари 2007
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Најдобро да се забранат глупи луѓе генерално, но така четвртини од луѓето на светов би биле опфатени (и барем едно четири петтини од членовите на форумов).
Togas ti automatski dobijas ban na kvadrat i toa od scriptata ne od moderatorot!


Член од
4 август 2010
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Да не ти текнува и за некоја друга држава со ретардирана стратегија политика за имигранти? :coffee:
(на која се заборави веднаш штом завршија изборите)
@Ставрогин ти текнува која е таа држава? :unsure:


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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@Ставрогин ти текнува која е таа држава? :unsure:
Зафатен е...
[DOUBLEPOST=1509632853][/DOUBLEPOST]Тужбата од ФБИ кон Саипов:

According to the comlaint, Saipov was inspired to carry out the Truck attack by ISIS videos he had watched on his cellular phone. Approximately one year ago, Saipov began planning an attack in the United States, and approximately two months ago, Saipov decided to use a truck in order to inflict maximum damage against civilians. In particular, Saipov was motivated to commit the attack after viewing a video in which Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - who based on my training and experience I understand to be the leader of ISIS-questioned what Muslims in the United States and elsewhere were doing to respond to the killing of Muslims in Iraq.
[DOUBLEPOST=1509633097][/DOUBLEPOST]One of Saipov’s cellphones contained approximately 90 videos of ISIS propaganda. Videos ranged from depictions of ISIS fighters killing a prisoner by running the prisoner over with a tank, a video of ISIS fighters shooting a prisoner in the face, a video of a beheading and a video that appears to show how to construct an improvised explosive device. The phone also contained nearly 4,000 images classified as ISIS propaganda, including photos of al-Baghdadi and grisly images of dead prisoners.

Another phone’s search history included queries for ‘Halloween in NYC’ as well as a search for truck rentals.

In what was perhaps the most alarming detail, Saipov said his original plan was to continue on to the Brooklyn Bridge. However, that plan was thwarted when he crashed into a school bus carrying children from nearby Stuyvesant High School. After arriving at Bellevue hospital, Saipov reportedly appeared proud of the attack, and allegedly had asked to hang an ISIS flag in his hospital room. He said he had planned the attack on Halloween to maximize the number of casualties.

Член од
13 јули 2006
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[DOUBLEPOST=1509632853][/DOUBLEPOST]Тужбата од ФБИ кон Саипов:

According to the comlaint, Saipov was inspired to carry out the Truck attack by ISIS videos he had watched on his cellular phone. Approximately one year ago, Saipov began planning an attack in the United States, and approximately two months ago, Saipov decided to use a truck in order to inflict maximum damage against civilians. In particular, Saipov was motivated to commit the attack after viewing a video in which Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - who based on my training and experience I understand to be the leader of ISIS-questioned what Muslims in the United States and elsewhere were doing to respond to the killing of Muslims in Iraq.
[DOUBLEPOST=1509633097][/DOUBLEPOST]One of Saipov’s cellphones contained approximately 90 videos of ISIS propaganda. Videos ranged from depictions of ISIS fighters killing a prisoner by running the prisoner over with a tank, a video of ISIS fighters shooting a prisoner in the face, a video of a beheading and a video that appears to show how to construct an improvised explosive device. The phone also contained nearly 4,000 images classified as ISIS propaganda, including photos of al-Baghdadi and grisly images of dead prisoners.

Another phone’s search history included queries for ‘Halloween in NYC’ as well as a search for truck rentals.

In what was perhaps the most alarming detail, Saipov said his original plan was to continue on to the Brooklyn Bridge. However, that plan was thwarted when he crashed into a school bus carrying children from nearby Stuyvesant High School. After arriving at Bellevue hospital, Saipov reportedly appeared proud of the attack, and allegedly had asked to hang an ISIS flag in his hospital room. He said he had planned the attack on Halloween to maximize the number of casualties.

Нема што цар си за овие работи, треба да си го смениш името во некое со царско потекло, како на пример некое со античко македонско потекло од Птолемаидите, КЛЕОПАТОР ...
Член од
29 јуни 2014
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Зафатен е...
[DOUBLEPOST=1509632853][/DOUBLEPOST]Тужбата од ФБИ кон Саипов:

According to the comlaint, Saipov was inspired to carry out the Truck attack by ISIS videos he had watched on his cellular phone. Approximately one year ago, Saipov began planning an attack in the United States, and approximately two months ago, Saipov decided to use a truck in order to inflict maximum damage against civilians. In particular, Saipov was motivated to commit the attack after viewing a video in which Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - who based on my training and experience I understand to be the leader of ISIS-questioned what Muslims in the United States and elsewhere were doing to respond to the killing of Muslims in Iraq.
[DOUBLEPOST=1509633097][/DOUBLEPOST]One of Saipov’s cellphones contained approximately 90 videos of ISIS propaganda. Videos ranged from depictions of ISIS fighters killing a prisoner by running the prisoner over with a tank, a video of ISIS fighters shooting a prisoner in the face, a video of a beheading and a video that appears to show how to construct an improvised explosive device. The phone also contained nearly 4,000 images classified as ISIS propaganda, including photos of al-Baghdadi and grisly images of dead prisoners.

Another phone’s search history included queries for ‘Halloween in NYC’ as well as a search for truck rentals.

In what was perhaps the most alarming detail, Saipov said his original plan was to continue on to the Brooklyn Bridge. However, that plan was thwarted when he crashed into a school bus carrying children from nearby Stuyvesant High School. After arriving at Bellevue hospital, Saipov reportedly appeared proud of the attack, and allegedly had asked to hang an ISIS flag in his hospital room. He said he had planned the attack on Halloween to maximize the number of casualties.

Да имаа сите пиштоли ќе се одбранеа од терористов...


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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superste momci,samo produzetetaka[DOUBLEPOST=1509722729][/DOUBLEPOST]Eве едно интересно гледиште на целосниот прекин за информирање поповод терористичкиот напад во Лас Вегас:
Why Has The Las Vegas Massacre Disappeared From The News Cycle?

It is without a doubt, our news cycle – in the age of 24/7 constant-connectedness – moves at a breakneck pace. With so much information and news reaching us, it’s easy to become overburdened and burned out on the world around us and the things taking place. It is true, too, that the mainstream media dictates what stays center in the mind of the public and what is allowed to fade away and be forgotten. It is of the utmost importance we remain aware – however exhaustive it may be – of stories that just don’t add up.

Enter the Las Vegas shooting; the worst mass-shooting in U.S. history...
On October 1, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock opened fire on a country music festival from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel, which overlooked the festival venue. Paddock’s onslaught left 58 dead and 546 injured.

A full month later, and we are still without any answers. Even more worryingly, the Vegas shooting has disappeared from any cable news channel. Even online, discussion over the shooting has all but vanished, save from the more conspiratorial corners of the web.

Here are the facts:
The official timeline of the Vegas shooting has changed three times. A week before the attack, Paddock wired $100,000 to an account in the Philippines. Paddock also took cruises to ports in the Middle East. Paddock’s laptop was also missing its hard drive when recovered in his hotel room.

Despite a month of being told otherwise, it’s now been revealed that police did discharge fire in Paddock’s hotel room upon entrybut why, if Paddock had already killed himself before police breached the room?

Jesus Campos is the security guard who first reportedly found Paddock as he started his killing spree, and was shot in the leg in the process. However, he not only disappeared after scheduling several television interviews, but it’s now been revealed Campos reportedly left the country just days after the Vegas shooting.

Why did authorities let Campos leave the country in the middle of an investigation? How did Campos travel unhindered with a gunshot wound in his leg?
Not only that, but Campos was said to have been last heard from when he went to a walk-in health clinic… but a spokesperson for UMC Quick Care – the facility Campos supposedly went to – said they had “heard nothing” about Campos visiting them.

On top of all of that, Campos only re-emerged to do a fluff, softball interview on Ellen. DeGeneres guides Campos along the interview, essentially framing and explaining the timeline of events so Campos didn’t have to. At times, the interview even seems scripted. Don’t take my word for that, I implore you to watch and see if you agree:
Plainly, things aren’t adding up with the Vegas shooting. Paddock was in an area with extremely heavy surveillance, yet no stills or video of him have been released to the public. No potential motive has been released. Really, no answers to any of the questions that arose in result of the story not adding up have been addressed… instead, the Vegas massacre has vanished from cable news channels and the public mind.

Another note to add, in just the span of a month, 4 survivors of the Vegas shooting have died. Notably, both Kymberley Suchomel and Danny Contreras both publicly claimed there were multiple gunmen the night of the mass shooting. Dennis and Lorraine Carver died after their Mercedes smashed into a metal gate and exploded into flames. Per CNN:

The couple’s youngest daughter, 16-year-old Madison Carver, told the Las Vegas Review-Journal that she heard the crash from her bedroom. When she ran outside and down the street to find out what had happened, she recognized her family’s vehicle in flames.
By the time their daughter heard the crash (which only happened about a half mile from the Carver’s home) and ran down the road to see what had happened, the car was engulfed in flames… Much like everything else pertaining to the Vegas shooting, the story just doesn’t make sense.

Here we are, a month later – with exactly what we had immediately in the aftermath of the shooting: nothing. No answers, no coverage, no questions… nothing.

All of us should be asking many questions – if only to ourselves – about why the narrative behind Vegas isn’t adding up…
Compare the massacre in Vegas to the terrorist attack that happened yesterday in New York. Within hours, we knew the name of the terrorist, had a picture of him, had his history as a refugee in the U.S. under a “diversity visa”, and had a note declaring allegiance to ISIS. We have timelines and what the terrorist was doing in the hours, days before the attack

…yet in the case of Stephen Paddock, nothing.

We owe it to the victims to not let this simply fade away. We owe it to their memory to ask why the narrative behind the shooting stinks. We owe it to their legacy to question and demand answers from our public representatives when discussion and coverage is being obviously stone-walled. Nary a peep has come from any legacy media concerning Vegas in the past month, and that alone should make you question what’s really going on. You don’t have to delve into conspiracy theories or hack-witted ideas of a hoax. Merely ask yourself…

Where did the investigative coverage on the Vegas shooting go? Why did the story drop out of the news cycle with so many unanswered questions?
The worst mass-shooting in America yet and seemingly everyone has shrugged their shoulders, thrown up their hands, and declared indifference until the next one.
Член од
29 јуни 2014
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Член од
10 октомври 2009
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да биле сите наоружани до заби ко што дава предлок Ванлок еден човек еден пиштол ќе го скинеа одма.
Треба веднаш да се донеси закон во Америка сите луѓе да шетаат вооружени. По можност автоматско оружје.
Штета што горенаведениот член не ја знае разликата меѓу носење оружје и поседување на истото.
Но затоа знае да напише десетина страни тотално промашувајќи ја суштината.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Еј, што е ова лигавење на пар интелектуално предизвикани - или дискусија за терористички напади во светот? :)[DOUBLEPOST=1509924483][/DOUBLEPOST]https://www.thedailybeast.com/devin-patrick-kelley-idd-as-sutherland-springs-church-killer
Update (5:45 pm ET): The shooter who killed at least 25 people at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas today has been identified by the Daily Beast as 26-year-old Devin Patrick Kelley. Kelly was a resident of New Braunfels, a suburb of San Antonio, according to public records, and was married. San Antonio police reportedly raided Kelley's home on Sunday evening.

The gunman was killed after a chase with police, but it's unclear if he was shot by law enforcement, or if he shot himself.


еврофоб и хомоскептик
Член од
16 септември 2008
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Треба веднаш да се донеси закон во Америка сите луѓе да шетаат вооружени. По можност автоматско оружје.
Штета што горенаведениот член не ја знае разликата меѓу носење оружје и поседување на истото.
Но затоа знае да напише десетина страни тотално промашувајќи ја суштината.
Интересна работа е тоа што при ваков тип на масовни убиства жртвите секогаш се натрупани во некој ќош.
Значи влегува убиецот, застрелува еден, настанува паника, застрелува уште еден, луѓето почнуваат да бегаат и да се кријат, и најголемиот дел од нив бегаат на најдалечниот дел од просторијата - ќошот. Ова само му ја олеснува работата на убиецот.
Психолозите кои се занимавале со овие случаи велат дека ова е резултат на екстремниот индивидуализам и негрижата за другите околу тебе,
т.е. "јас да си го спасам гзот, па другите што ги вртам". Резултатот на тоа е 0% шанса за да преживееш.
Се се врти околу стравот од смртта, секој сака подолго да живее па макар и неколку секунди.
Ако би имало барем двајца од таа група кои би тргнале накај напаѓачот, шансата за да преживееш е 50%.
Или ќе те убие, или ќе го совладаш.

А ако си наоружан, шансата е многу поголема.
Ако повеќе луѓе се наоружани, ќе го направат убиецот швајцарско сирење.
Со други зборови - нема да има вакви напади.

Полицијата не може да биде насекаде, и ако мислиш дека полицијата ќе те заштити што и да се случи и од било кого, тогаш си дебил.

И пак се сведува на истиот муабет: Дали сакаш да си независен, или сакаш да си бројлер.

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