Среќо ти да останеш на форумов е најбитно Со Ireal да си постирате линкови од Нови Светски Поредак и ЗБОГ ОВО СУ УБИЛИ САДАМ И ГАДАФИЈА!
Togas ti automatski dobijas ban na kvadrat i toa od scriptata ne od moderatorot!^^
Најдобро да се забранат глупи луѓе генерално, но така четвртини од луѓето на светов би биле опфатени (и барем едно четири петтини од членовите на форумов).
@Ставрогин ти текнува која е таа држава?Да не ти текнува и за некоја друга држава со ретардиранастратегијаполитика за имигранти?
(на која се заборави веднаш штом завршија изборите)
Зафатен е...@Ставрогин ти текнува која е таа држава?
Нема што цар си за овие работи, треба да си го смениш името во некое со царско потекло, како на пример некое со античко македонско потекло од Птолемаидите, КЛЕОПАТОР ...
Зафатен е...
[DOUBLEPOST=1509632853][/DOUBLEPOST]Тужбата од ФБИ кон Саипов:
According to the comlaint, Saipov was inspired to carry out the Truck attack by ISIS videos he had watched on his cellular phone. Approximately one year ago, Saipov began planning an attack in the United States, and approximately two months ago, Saipov decided to use a truck in order to inflict maximum damage against civilians. In particular, Saipov was motivated to commit the attack after viewing a video in which Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - who based on my training and experience I understand to be the leader of ISIS-questioned what Muslims in the United States and elsewhere were doing to respond to the killing of Muslims in Iraq.[DOUBLEPOST=1509633097][/DOUBLEPOST]One of Saipov’s cellphones contained approximately 90 videos of ISIS propaganda. Videos ranged from depictions of ISIS fighters killing a prisoner by running the prisoner over with a tank, a video of ISIS fighters shooting a prisoner in the face, a video of a beheading and a video that appears to show how to construct an improvised explosive device. The phone also contained nearly 4,000 images classified as ISIS propaganda, including photos of al-Baghdadi and grisly images of dead prisoners.
Another phone’s search history included queries for ‘Halloween in NYC’ as well as a search for truck rentals.
In what was perhaps the most alarming detail, Saipov said his original plan was to continue on to the Brooklyn Bridge. However, that plan was thwarted when he crashed into a school bus carrying children from nearby Stuyvesant High School. After arriving at Bellevue hospital, Saipov reportedly appeared proud of the attack, and allegedly had asked to hang an ISIS flag in his hospital room. He said he had planned the attack on Halloween to maximize the number of casualties.
Да имаа сите пиштоли ќе се одбранеа од терористов...
Зафатен е...
[DOUBLEPOST=1509632853][/DOUBLEPOST]Тужбата од ФБИ кон Саипов:
According to the comlaint, Saipov was inspired to carry out the Truck attack by ISIS videos he had watched on his cellular phone. Approximately one year ago, Saipov began planning an attack in the United States, and approximately two months ago, Saipov decided to use a truck in order to inflict maximum damage against civilians. In particular, Saipov was motivated to commit the attack after viewing a video in which Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - who based on my training and experience I understand to be the leader of ISIS-questioned what Muslims in the United States and elsewhere were doing to respond to the killing of Muslims in Iraq.[DOUBLEPOST=1509633097][/DOUBLEPOST]One of Saipov’s cellphones contained approximately 90 videos of ISIS propaganda. Videos ranged from depictions of ISIS fighters killing a prisoner by running the prisoner over with a tank, a video of ISIS fighters shooting a prisoner in the face, a video of a beheading and a video that appears to show how to construct an improvised explosive device. The phone also contained nearly 4,000 images classified as ISIS propaganda, including photos of al-Baghdadi and grisly images of dead prisoners.
Another phone’s search history included queries for ‘Halloween in NYC’ as well as a search for truck rentals.
In what was perhaps the most alarming detail, Saipov said his original plan was to continue on to the Brooklyn Bridge. However, that plan was thwarted when he crashed into a school bus carrying children from nearby Stuyvesant High School. After arriving at Bellevue hospital, Saipov reportedly appeared proud of the attack, and allegedly had asked to hang an ISIS flag in his hospital room. He said he had planned the attack on Halloween to maximize the number of casualties.
муџахедин бил или локален патриот што само тенк му фали во колекцијата?https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/nov/05/baptist-church-shooting-south-texas-sutherland-springs
Multiple deaths in shooting at Baptist church in south Texas
Бил пратен од deep-state структурите.муџахедин бил или локален патриот што само тенк му фали во колекцијата?
да биле сите наоружани до заби ко што дава предлок Ванлок еден човек еден пиштол ќе го скинеа одма.Бил пратен од deep-state структурите.
Треба веднаш да се донеси закон во Америка сите луѓе да шетаат вооружени. По можност автоматско оружје.да биле сите наоружани до заби ко што дава предлок Ванлок еден човек еден пиштол ќе го скинеа одма.
Интересна работа е тоа што при ваков тип на масовни убиства жртвите секогаш се натрупани во некој ќош.Треба веднаш да се донеси закон во Америка сите луѓе да шетаат вооружени. По можност автоматско оружје.
Штета што горенаведениот член не ја знае разликата меѓу носење оружје и поседување на истото.
Но затоа знае да напише десетина страни тотално промашувајќи ја суштината.