1. Metroflex Gym Powerbuilding Basics- Josh Bryant, Brian Dobson
2. Secrets of Russian Sports Fitness and Training- Dr. Michael Yessis
3. Encyclopedia of Muscle and Strength- Jim Stoppani
4. Raising the Bar- Dave Tate
5. The Ketogenic Diet- Lyle McDonald
6. John Kuc Speaks on Powerlifting- John Kuc
7. Education of a Bodybuilder- Arnie
8. Underground Steroid Handbook- Dan Duchaine
9. The Steroid Bible- Steve Gallaway
10. Body Opus- Dan Duchaine
11. The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding- Arnie
12. How to Dram Comics the Marvel Way- Stan Lee, John Buscema
13. Complete Steroid Handbook 2004- Hardcore?? - не го пишува името на авторот туку само овој псевдоним
14. Anabolics- William Llewellyn
15. Layman's Guide to Steroids- Mick Hart
16. Beginner Blast Off- Jason Ferrugia
17. The Secrets to Gaining Muscle Mass Fast- Anthony Ellis
18. High Powered Nutrition- Jason Ferrugia
19. Ironman- Keith Scott
20. Shake It Up- John Alvino
21. The Exercise Bible- Jason Ferrugia
22. Home Gym Warrior- Jason Ferrugia
23. Secrets of Super Strength- Jim Wendler
24. The Truth about Supplements- Jason Ferrugia
25. Arkham Asylum- Grant Morrison
26. Mere Christianity- C.S. Lewis
27. Сведокот- Џош Мекдауел
28. Светот на Софија- Јустејн Гордер
29. За мојата малечка- Тони Парсонс
30. Големиот Гетсби- Ф. Скот Фицџералд
31. Изгубениот симбол- Ден Браун
32. Goerner the Mighty- Edgar Mueller
33. Chalk and Sweat- Brooks Kubik
34. Driven from Within- Michael Jordan, Mark Vancil
35. I Can't Accept Not Trying- Michael Jordan, Mark Vancil
36. On Writing- Stephen King
37. It's Not About the Bike- Lance Armstrong
38. You Cannot be Serious- John McEnroe
39. Штамата на Енхалон- Ненад Јолдески
40. Депонија- Славко Јаневски
41. Life of PI- Yann Martel
42. The Thirteenth Tale- Diane Setterfield
43. The Shack- Wm. Paul Young, Wayne Jacobsen, Brad Cummings
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