"If Osiris, Christ, and Mahomet were mad, then indeed is madness the key to the door of the Temple.
Yet if they were only called mad for being wise beyond the sane,
then ask you why their doctrines brought with them the crimes of bigotry and the horrors of madness?
And our answer is, that though they loved Truth and wedded Truth, they could not explain Truth ;
and their disciples therefore had to accept the symbols of Truth for Truth, without the possibility of asking “Why?” or else reject Truth altogether.
Thus it came about that the greater the Master the less was he able to explain himself,
and the more obscure his explanations the darker became the minds of his followers.
It was the old story of the light that blinded the darkness.
You can teach a bushman to add one to one, and he may after some teaching grasp the idea of “two”;
but do not try to teach him the differential calculus!"
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